UBot Studio 3.3 Beta Release x63

Hey — we have fixed the following bugs in the UBot Studio 3.3 – Beta Release Version x63. Thanks being involved in the private beta and look forward to your continued feedback. We are hoping this to be the final beta release before we roll-out the UBot Studio 3.3 Release Candidate 1 on the public update system.

fixed: create compilation system (not yet implemented into system)

fixed: edit will fail on the wrong type of parameter

fixed: ctrl-v pastes over blank space command

fixed: run sub parameter window has a blank space

fixed: error when loading bots

Please note that the old bug threads are now void and have been closed. If you find that a problem is still there, please report it again as a new thread.

Download Instructions: Please download the new file from the same link as it was given to you initially. The URL for download is http://ubot.me/beta-3.3/ and the access credentials are the same as before.

You are advised to delete the old beta version from your hard-disk and use the Beta Release Version x63 for testing.

Have You tried “UBot Studio 3.3 – Beta Release Version x62” yet?

After some bug-fixing and adding new features to the first beta release, we released UBot Studio 3.3 – Beta Release Version x62 with the following updates –

– Added Drag Position Adorners.

– Else command has been added (for if blocks)

– Highlight Works.

– Fixed bug in bot loading routine.

– Fixed some structural issues.

– Fixed textarea drag from browser capability.

– Scrape commands show up.

– Qualifier place holders get replaced.

– Fixed multiple “drag node here” on old bots.

– Upgraded debugging features.

– Fixed threading issue with error reporting.

– Fixed parameter window for run sub and run script.

– Fixed some script window issues.

– The scripts window has been tightened up.

– Bypass Captcha Chosen command has been added.

Try out UBot Studio 3.3 Beta x62 and let us know what you think. Discussion Thread on UBot Studio Forums.

Finally! UBot Studio 3.3 Beta is here!

After weeks of development, UBot 3.3 is finally ready. This version completely changes the workflow of UBot Studio in a way that makes it many times faster and more efficient.

Here are some videos that provide a quick overview of the new version

Video 1
Video 2

A few things I forgot to mention in the video:

  • parameters now have labels
  • the script window is animated smoothly
  • if you are dragging something to the edge of the window, it will scroll automatically
  • send keys chosen field now does capital letters correctly
  • a ton of other little changes here and there

If you signed up to receive this limited beta release, then I will contact you shortly with instructions on how to download it.

3.15 – The New Update System

We appreciate everyone’s patience with the updates to UBot. We’ve now implemented a more intelligent system, and once you update to this latest version, all subsequent versions will use the new system. A few things to point out here:

First of all, you will now have the choice of whether or not you want to update. There is a possibility of mandatory update, for instance if there are major security concerns, but 99% of the time, the updates will be entirely voluntary.

When you see an update prompt, it will now give you a message about what is in the new update. This gives you the opportunity to look through exactly what features have changed, to let you make a more qualified decision.

There are now 3 types of updates: STABLE, BETA, and MANDATORY. As I stated previously, the mandatory updates will be used sparingly, and only when there is a major security concern or a fundamental system change. A beta release will be made any time we add or change a feature. While we always test things before releasing them, there are many contexts in which UBot is used and sometimes bugs can slip through the cracks. Beta releases will give our power users a chance to try new features and find bugs while casual users can simply wait for the stable releases. A stable release is, as it sounds, a release that has been tested and (hopefully) has no bugs in any new or changed features.

We hope that this change will take some of the edge off of the frequent releases, while still allowing us to provide an ever-evolving platform for growing the power of UBot. Let us know your opinion!

3.14 – timeouts on wait commands

this one was added purely at the requests of a number of users. from now on, when you use a wait finish or wait for command, you’ll have a timeout option, which will allow you to force the script to continue if the command hangs for too long. you will specify the timeout in seconds.
