[Whitehat] Build your own ATM with UBot Studio 5
Scraping is often overlooked, but just take a second to imagine the amazing things it lets you do. Instead of searching for information, your script goes out and finds it for you. It will do it faster and more accurately than any human, and it will never get tired. It will come back with a list of all the keywords, prices, contact info, headlines, URLs, posts, and whatever other data you might need, and it will have them sorted and arranged and laid out for you like a pile of $1 bills.
So in UBot Studio 5, we’re adding some powerful new features to make scraping easier and quicker for everyone.
We’ve used artificial intelligence to make scraping as easy as filling out forms. Just right click the element you want and instantly UBot Studio will create a command to find all the similar elements and put the results into a list. You’ll also be able to scrape individual element attributes and send the results to a variable with the click of a button. Stacked elements won’t be a problem, either, because you’ll be able to easily scrape up the chain of parents, so that for example, if there’s a link and the link has a span inside of it, you can scrape either the span element, or the link element.
The reasons to scrape pages are as wide-ranging as there ways to do business online, but the simplest idea?
The right information in the right hands is valuable, but the internet has nearly limitless information. These new changes make finding the right information even easier. So find the “money data” and build a way to scrape it with UBot Studio. Do that, and you’ve basically built yourself an ATM.
– Seth