[Whitehat] Build your own ATM with UBot Studio 5

When I asked some of you whether or not you used UBot Studio to scrape websites, of course the answer was “that’s the main point, isn’t it?”Scraping represents half of what people need to automate. Because in really simple terms, there are only two ways to interact with the web browser: You can put data into it, or you can pull data from it. 

Scraping is often overlooked, but just take a second to imagine the amazing things it lets you do. Instead of searching for information, your script goes out and finds it for you. It will do it faster and more accurately than any human, and it will never get tired. It will come back with a list of all the keywords, prices, contact info, headlines, URLs, posts, and whatever other data you might need, and it will have them sorted and arranged and laid out for you like a pile of $1 bills.

So in UBot Studio 5, we’re adding some powerful new features to make scraping easier and quicker for everyone. 

We’ve used artificial intelligence to make scraping as easy as filling out forms. Just right click the element you want and instantly UBot Studio will create a command to find all the similar elements and put the results into a list. You’ll also be able to scrape individual element attributes and send the results to a variable with the click of a button. Stacked elements won’t be a problem, either, because you’ll be able to easily scrape up the chain of parents, so that for example, if there’s a link and the link has a span inside of it, you can scrape either the span element, or the link element.

The reasons to scrape pages are as wide-ranging as there ways to do business online, but the simplest idea?

The right information in the right hands is valuable, but the internet has nearly limitless information. These new changes make finding the right information even easier. So find the “money data” and build a way to scrape it with UBot Studio. Do that, and you’ve basically built yourself an ATM.


– Seth

UBot Studio 5: Watch This.

UBot Studio 5 is almost out. I’ve saved the announcements for what I think are some of the coolest features for last. Here’s one:

While we love the ability to drag-and-drop elements inside your browser into the script window, automatically creating an a “click” command, or a “type text” command, and something like over 100,000 bots have been built like that, we know sometimes it would be easier to just click the links, type the text, and have the bot built automatically for you.

Watch this: 

“The Good ol’ Days”

Some people say it was better back in the old days. “People had manners!” “Summers weren’t so hot!” “UBot had sockets!”

Thanks to popular demand, we’ve brought back this advanced feature from UBot Studio 3.5 for UBot Studio 5.

Here’s why: After asking just a few users how sockets would help them, I got this answer:“I can scrape 1000 results from Google, Yahoo and Bing in about 20 seconds …And I never seem to get cut off.”

Using the socket container command is like opening a new browser window, except there’s no visual representation–it’s pure text. It’s like connecting directly to The Matrix. There’s a way to do this in UBot Studio inside of a hidden browser window, but that often uses extra resources. While using sockets isn’t for everyone, and is definitely an advanced tool, you should consider them for some applications because

1. Sockets are lightweight. 
2. They are extremely fast.
3. You can scale them up a lot. 

You can multithread more easily, complete more tasks at once, and generally build more powerful tools that are as effective as anything a programmer could create. It’s not exactly the same feature from UBot Studio 3.5–we’ve made it more stable. But be warned — it takes a bit more programming knowledge. You’ll want to use this one with caution.

Hope you enjoy.

With UBot Studio 5, Fight Back Against Big Data

On the internet, there’s 500,000,000,000 GB of data. When you distill down the data you need, chances are that it won’t fit into a CSV.

But somewhere in that data is the secret of the universe, and also, every dollar you’ll ever make online. See, databases are boring in the same way that sports statistics are boring. But what they represent is amazing. Facebook and Google became internet giants by dissecting, digesting, and dominating incomprehensible amounts of data.

To truly take advantage of how much incredible free information there is, and even to manage your own data, you’re going to need to be smart and use every tool available to your advantage. To compare customers, the products they bought, and purchase dates, or websites you own and keywords you’re trying to rank for, or competitor URLs, pricing, and scan dates, you’re going to have to go beyond the Excel spreadsheet. For instant data connectivity, for updates that you can see immediately on a server, for running comparisons of tables together, and for uncovering the secrets inside all that data, you’re going to have to become a data guru.

And for that, a SQL database is like a magic wand.

When you wave it in the right pattern, gold comes out.

We got several requests for additional SQL server interactivity beyond the MySQL that’s already in UBot Studio, so we’ll be adding SQL Server and SQLite to UBot Studio 5.

Hope you enjoy.

– Seth





UBot Studio 5: So Easy You Can Use It In Your Sleep

A while ago I had a poll on our forum. I asked what features our users would like to see added to UBot Studio. Not only did a built-in scheduling system win handily, but people were VERY excited about it – of all the features, “the most important is the scheduler” and “Every bot user likes a scheduling system in their bot,” said to longtime customers.

We thought this might happen, because one of the keys to automation is being able to use what you build anytime–weekly, daily, 3am, whatever works best. Of course, while it’s nice to be able for your scripts to run anytime, we also thought it would be great if anyone who uses your programs can schedule bots as well. So in the new UBot Studio 5, you’ll be able to schedule your programs — or commands within those programs — to run any time, or to recur, AND if you simply turn on the scheduling feature before compiling a script, anyone you send it to will also be able to use it on their own, customized schedule.



Monthly View

Weekly View

Scheduling your bots to run will now be as simple as choosing a time on a built-in calendar!

We’ve been working hard to make sure that UBot Studio 5 is the most advanced, and easiest to use automation software on the market – and we’ve been hearing positive things about what we’re adding. We’ve still got several features left to reveal. You’re going to love them!




– Seth