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Black Automation

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Black Automation

  1. Exclusive? Is that why the discount code is for BHW? Because it's an Exclusive discount for use here at UBS? To funny..
  2. You looking for a complied bot.. Or source? Reason im asking is you may need payed plugins to compile your own exe.
  3. Seems ive found a Bug.. When i use the Socket Recorder & pick to convert it to ubot code, then convert the PostData to how i want it & click the OK button.. It does generate the code to ubot just fine, but it gives me a popup that says "Select a target software to generate code for!" Not a big issue, just figured id let you know. Using Windows 10.
  4. Is the site using flash cookies? try: shell("cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q \"%APPDATA%\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\\"")
  5. Hey Aymen, How does the socket recorder grab the info? Is it browser based? Asking because i would like to route traffic from an app to SCG's Socket Recorder. So if its listens on a port, could you provide this info via PM or on the thread, thanks.
  6. I take it this does not use instagram itself, but one of the web based sites?
  7. Would be nice to have a place to visit where we can download all the things shared for ubotlocker. I know somewhere in these 54 pages, lies some php/html files that will allow us to edit the look of the license system. But it's a real pain to look over 54 pages for these. I've mentioned this before, meter said it was a good idea to move them to the OP, but he never did it... If anyone have the links to the downloads/forum thread please share
  8. they also have a dll inside the plugins folder that can be called via python to play sounds. Someone created a post about it here on the forum once.
  9. Guys, it's his hosting. Check out the OP for this thread. He must be using shared hosting, hence all the image timeouts.
  10. Whats the difference, We paid for a NONE Branded software, yet they still keep their brand in it. Its false advertising & against the law. This has always been an issue with ubotstudio. You would think they would fix this, but instead they continue to sell it as unbranded, and create newer versions of the software that also include their brand. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE the software. But dislike the fact that they ignorantly include their branded name, when they made us pay extra money for a none branded license. http://i.imgur.com/bez3lBc.png
  11. Thats cute huh.. You got a Dev license, meaning you paid to keep ubot's name off of your bots, yet they still expoze that its built with ubot. Sad.
  12. A ubot complied bot protected with meters license system, or a None ubot exe using the license system?
  13. Check your sales image.. Your ram specifications, 2Go / 2GB? Just figured id let you know, this might not matter here.. but on other forum/sites having errors like this will cause lack of sales.
  14. Guys, someone should look into https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/digital-goods Call and talk to them, and let the community know what they have to say.
  15. You will lose just about every Digital Product PP Dispute/. All the buyer needs to do is tell Paypal it's a digital product, and you will lose. It sucks, but you must read PP's terms of service. it's clearly stated that digital products are not covered by sellers protection.
  16. Sent you a PM regarding Franks suggestion. Make sure you check PM before you buy the license.
  17. So basically your trying to: connect to gmailcheck if "Toronto Real Estate Sold" is in the subject lineif it exist load email & scrape attributedelete emailand continue to check rest of emails? Try this buddy.. connect to mail server("IMAP With SSL", "myaccount@gmail.com", "mypassword", "imap.gmail.com", 993) { create table from emails(&emails) set(#pos, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&emails)) { set(#emailbody, $email body html(4), "Global") load html(#emailbody) if($exists(<innertext="Toronto Real Estate Sold">)) { then
  18. Nothing I can think of off hand Dan, And no rush at all. Just think it would help out. We all know your busy working on things, so no rush.
  19. examples for customers would be great. Don't expect full working bots, but some basic examples would be great when you guys get a chance.
  20. Just grabbed my copy. HWid info sent. Cant wait to play with this guys!
  21. This as well.. navigate("https://i.aol.com/reg/signup", "Wait") wait(5) type text(<username field>, "Username_Test1", "Standard") change attribute(<username field>, "value", $nothing)
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