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Everything posted by winincome

  1. this works for me in ubot 4 define CreateCategory(#postingCategory) { LoginToSite() navigate("http://{#site}/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category", "Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", #waitForElementWaitTime) wait for element(<name="submit">, "", "Appear") change attribute(<id="tag-name">, "value", #postingCategory) set(#sluggedSiteKeyword, $change text casing($replace(#postingCategory, " ", "-"), "Lower Case"), "Global") change attribute(<id="tag-slug">, "value", #sluggedSiteKeyword) click(<name="submit">, "Left Click", "
  2. it's one of the things I hate most. The bot bank is hopeless for my needs which are essentially to include various functions. I am almost always in code view and bot bank requires I write in egyptian pretty much so I never use it and just copy and paste in functions that I keep in a onenote noteboook. But it makes version control and avoiding duplication a bit of a mare.
  3. think I've stumbled over the same issue. seems to be that if you run whilst in code view it clears checkboxes (unless you have the checked attribute. But in node view it keeps whatever the state was. Can anyone confirm that they get the same behaviour? version 4.1.2 btw
  4. I use set(#metadesc, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<meta name=\"description\" *>">, "content"), "Global") for meta description and presumably similar would work for any other meta stuff like keywords hope that helps Chris
  5. if you have two erros one at the top and one low done in you code this may not work so if things are puzzling consider the fact you may have more than one error.
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