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Everything posted by Anonym

  1. Is it just me who can't get UI HTML panels to work anymore?
  2. Excellent support behind the scenes from the author of this plugin, Aymen! As it turned out I used the wrong version of the plugin, 1.2. It used to work under earlier versions. I was under the definite impression that I was using the last version, which turned out to be wrong. My bad! It was really strange though that there was one behavior inside UBS and another as a compiled bot. No matter what it seem to work now. I have just tested it once, but sofar it looks good. Again, thanks to Aymen who clearly is a state of the art plugin developer, for his willingness to help!
  3. Great! ...or the first version of the plugin will probably do too.
  4. I am getting a REALLY strange error with this plugin. When I do the FTP upload within UBS everything works as it should, but when I run the same login details from a compiled bot I get an error (see attachment). There is simply no chance that there is something wrong with the login details since it's the same in both cases. Anyone else with a similar experience? Aymen, could I possible get my hands on an older version? This used to work before.
  5. That's just great! Exactly what I need.
  6. Can it create PDF files of the browser part of the bot (meaning text, graphics etc)? THAT would be cool!
  7. Ubot *is* easier, but similar to that it might be easier (which I don't know ) to play the harmonica compared to playing the saxophone, it still requires you to have an ear for music. You are trying to do things on the intermediate level, but you haven't given yourself the chance to pass the beginner level. And yes, it *is* easier, but as that word communicates it is in comparison with something else, e.g. C#, Java, Visual Basic, C++ and even Z80 assembler. Yet, it requires an understanding to what it is really all about, an ear for music, eh, I mean programming. No offense, but what you woul
  8. The "virus warning" has nothing to do with his bot, it's quite common that our bots is identified as virus without any reason. It's nothing to worry about.
  9. Any idea why I can't load the attached file using "XML To Table"? tmp-2.xml
  10. I'd like to suggest having the ability to convert an XML string (not file) to a table and vice versa. I am aware of that it can be temporarily stored in a file just to thereafter convert the XML file to a table, but it's a bit unnecessary. I'd also like to see more of functions in this plugin, e.g. $tableToXML( table ).
  11. Wow! That banner will get at least 50% CTR. Impressive!
  12. It is a lot easier to find a solution if you provide a context in where your problem occurs. (I used to dislike regexps too, then I saw the light. Regexp is God's gift to humanity, the liberator of a lot of problems, the best thing when compared to sliced bread. I still learn a lot, but even on the nub level like where I am, it is simply put FANTASTIC!)
  13. You want a generic solution for a mail specific problem? It can't be done if this varies with different senders, well unless you know in advance how everyone of them looks like.
  14. AFAICS this is not possible without the image recognition. The image that I saw after registering there and started to do what you did, was this: http://dragonsurf.biz/img/surfbar/76gf79hbn9hb8hs87gshu_7yhvbd6gdre.gif I guess the site looks for the (x, y) coordinates of your click and there were, as far as I could see, no element that was down to parts of that image.
  15. Yes, it is if you release it with the source code, but right now I am so ****** at the whole concept that I prefer someone else to do it. I'd rather support someone like Aymen that has invested his time into his quality plugins (that is, this is an optimal use of already released plugin keys ).
  16. Really? How much would that cost me? Any chance of getting a CSV converter in there as well? XML <-> CSV and Json <-> CSV ?
  17. I am looking for a Json parser and I was considering to write one myself using the plugin interface until I realized that my own development would cost me money (the plugin API fee). What I am interested in is Json to/from XML and Json to/from CSV. Anyone who has one such parser for sale? It have to be lightning fast as the amount of data will be massive.
  18. Maybe the liking is part of the paid membership!?
  19. Dang. Same with me as for Aymen. For some very odd reason I can't like it. I don't use my account anymore and it must have been 2-3 years ago since I was last logged in. Sorry UBotBuddy! Well, at least I tried.
  20. a cookie issue? I haven't looked at it yet, but try clearing the cookies between every send.
  21. Ok, I can understand that to some extent, but if you don't provide enough information then you will not get any responses. No need to ask the questions at all if you don't provide enough information to at least understand what you are trying to achieve.
  22. David, you seriously need to think of how you present the challenges you face if you really want our help. It's the same here which, still, is an open question. I somewhat get the impression that you are trying to run before you can walk. Please go through the tutorials first and then ask your questions AND provide enough information so that we can actually understand what you are trying to achieve.
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