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Everything posted by Anonym

  1. Anyone who knows the differences between Ubot Studio Enterprise Edition and Ubot Studio Developer Edition, besides the price difference? I am specifically thinking of the cryptocurrency features in Enterprise Edition.
  2. Is there by any chance any update that works with UBS 6.2.7 and thereafter?
  3. Contact support and ask to get access to an earlier version.
  4. The new debugger is a disaster. Variables must be explicitly declared using the "New variable..." which works from time to time. Variables can't just be declby just initiate them. Plugins installed under the version that was before 6.3.1 does STILL NOT work in 6.3.3. Codepage bug still remains (which makes saving and reading ZIP files (and .ubot files) not work if Region is not set to United States. Intermittent errors here and there. Luckily System Restore saved me too.
  5. In a browser you can call using so called "callto" links, callto is used by Skype. For some reason navigate does not support this. It must be considered a bug since browsers, FF, Chrome and Edge (those are the ones I have tested) all can interpret a "callto" link in the proper way, it lauches Skype with the number in the "callto" link. These browsers can also handle "tel" (which is used instead of "callto"). "Callto" is associated with Skype and "tel" with any calling application. FF, Chrome and Edge can handle these links, but the navigate command in UBS mess up these links by prefixing th
  6. I agree, I don't worry that much, it was just a bit strange. I have been using Ubot Studio since V3.5 and nothing serious has ever happened before. Now the UbotStudio.com server gave a message similar to that there was no connection to the database server, which was different from before, so you are probably right. Some sort of upgrade, move, migration etc.
  7. I have during the last few days had problems in executing UBS Dev due to license server being inaccessible, then now I tried to report it to support and then I got another error there. The same goes if I try to report a bug in the tracker. Are they still in business and the last guy who left the building toggled the off-switch shut down the servers?
  8. Yep, the windows call is simple. Now I "just" need to get the UBotPlugin interfaces right. I have purchased your plugin instead and saved myself some work. I hope that it still works with UBS 5. (I can't use UBS 6 due to this: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22502-is-60-good-now/?do=findComment&comment=137919 ) Pls let me know when it's done.
  9. Seems like a good plugin. No idea if it searches for files, but are you saying that you could add it with wildcard search too? I mean, a function that returns a list of files that matches a certain wildcard and/or Ubot variables. Is that the idea?
  10. I don't have the Elite Ubot plugin. I guess I will have to get a Windows IDE and dust off my old programming skills to create a plugin that does this for me. I will release it here if I ever get there. More ppl should have use for this. (I did create a plugin a few years ago, just junk, but just to test it)
  11. Ehum... This is kinda embarrassing... I need to find lists of files that matches wildcards. In my case I always know the prefix of the file and the extension, but the rest might differ. For instance: tesla--medium--01.jpg tesla--medium--02.jpg tesla--medium--07.jpg tesla--medium--09.jpg tesla--medium--00.jpg tesla--medium--22.jpg ford--medium--00.jpg ford--big--05.jpg ford--thumb--06.jpg ford--big--09.jpg ford--medium--10.jpg ford--big--13.jpg so in one case I would want to find all tesla--medium*.jpg files in the other case I would want to find ford--big--*.jpg Previously I have
  12. Yes, this worked. Thank you very much!
  13. Could scrape attribute but with a regular expression do the trick? I have NO clue on what to do with that.
  14. I have this: In a variable #tmp there is a height in cm, this is fetched from a CSV file. I want to scrape the corresponding value (value="XX") from the page so that I can do a change attribute to that value. This is how it looks on the website <option value="2">4' 1" - 124 cm</option> <option value="3">4' 2" - 127 cm</option> <option value="4">4' 3" - 130 cm</option> <option value="5">4' 4" - 132 cm</option> <option value="6">4' 5" - 135 cm</option> <option value="7">4' 6" - 137 cm</option> <option value="8">4' 7
  15. Nope! At east not for international use with Windows10 Pro. I get this error: <snip> 2019-03-24 02:55:22: System.ArgumentException: 1 is not a supported code page. Parameter name: codepage at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Int32 codepage) at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipConstants.ConvertToArray(String str) at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipConstants.ConvertToArray(Int32 flags, String str) at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipOutputStream.PutNextEntry(ZipEntry entry) at UBotCore.UScript.Bot.(Stream , String ) at UBotDev.MainWindow.DoSaveFile(String filename, Boolean autosave) 2019-03-
  16. ta-da! It turned out to be a combo og the Antivirus and that UBS didn't unzip the downloaded zip file in %appdata%/Ubot Studio/Browser . I whitelisted the %appdata%/Ubot Studio/Browser directory and the installation directory and also unzipped the downloaded zip file manually and then it worked. [EDIT] Hmmm.... It starts up, but I can't open bot files. Strange behavior too.
  17. Wow! Thank you! I will! Thank you very much!
  18. I have upgraded my HW to a 8 core system with 64 GB RAM (and plenty of disk), Win10 Pro (which also means that .Net is implicitly downloaded) and I thought that it would be a breeze to just install Ubot Studio on my new HW, but it turned out to be impossible. Installation goes well, but when I start UBS and it's supposed to download all components it stops at the very end of the progress bar and it never asks for my user credentials. It's not the network connection, I have a 250/250 Mbps fiber connection. UBS support can't do anything to help me. Anyone who has experienced this before and ha
  19. Hmmm... I will try that! Thank you!
  20. If it is any time, perhaps you should check the available disk space. I don't use Windows 10 and I probably won't the nearest 5 years or so (until Win7 support is gone), but I have read all over that Windows10 is causing a lot of problems with different programs. A memory leak perhaps!? I read somewhere that Frank had come up with an idea on how to release memory in a certain case (hmmm... loading a empty HTML page (?) - search for it here in the forums) If this is during startup: 1) Disable all your plugins and trace it by enabling one at a time 2) If that still doesn't work, uninstal
  21. Just a simple question which I hope have a simple answer: How do I create new lines in a textarea? I am using one to write a log. I have tried: * $new line * \n * \r\n * * {ENTER} (do these still exist as characters in UBS?) No luck so far. Thanks!
  22. Long time since this got updated. Aymen, is there any chance that you will add "$file size" to this plugin? I am just wondering, if not I will just have to do my own plugin that deals with it. Thanks.
  23. I am super-exited after reading that email. Whoa! One question though... It mentions cookies, does that include flash cookies too?
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