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Standard vs Pro version

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Hello everyone , i will buy Ubot licence soon , but need some information regarding diference in Standard and Pro version . i have seen the comparison page .


-Image recognition - for what kind of bots is it used ? do i need it for lets say facebook like bot or something similar ?


-Sockets/Image, CSS, Javascript Disabling : if someone can explain this feature please


-Multi-Threaded Browsing : does it mean with standard version all bots created will have only 1 thread ?


If there is anything else i didnt mention and its important feel free to write it here .



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standard only has 1 thread. and can not multi thread at all.

1 running process before moving onto the next.


as for socket its more being able to disable the display of the browser so you can hind what you are doing in the browser completely.


javascript disabled, means no javascript on the page you are visiting will work, so it disables it. makes it easier to work on some sites, and also makes the pages load faster sometimes if not needed.


also able to disable css on a page (styling and even tab areas, so you see everything at once. also loads faster in browser


image recognition yes allows you to take a snap shot of an area you want to perform an action on, or wait for. Helps for troublesome pages that use encryption like gmail, craigslist, ebay, etc.. a lot of your major sites seem to be moving this direction.

Code view... MUCH MUCH easier to quickly copy and paste a great deal of code at one time, and helps you learn and implement things faster in your code for ubot.



and if you can really go for gusto..


Fully Customizable UI able to create your own interface GUI, from html and really make your bot unique looking


Custom Skinning able to change tab, foreground, background, etc colors.


Custom Splash Pages able to set a start page the bot opens to in the browser when first opened


UBot Branding Removal all about branding so that you can remove it and not have a powered by you and ubot in the top right corner.

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I can suggest to you go with the PRO version! That is awesome! And if you are planing to sell bots, and don't want to show how you made it, or want to customize the UI, go for DEV.

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