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About Shacky

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    Windows 8
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  1. Hi, Im a old uBot client. With the latest version of uBot (Stealth) I have a lot of problem with slow uBot IDE or random robot crash when are compiled. Now Im trying the latest version after stealth and works well. I want to know if any version after Stealth runs good, or do you have any favourite bot version. This software really rocks, but I see a lot of bugs, and developers didn't fix it. Thanks
  2. Hi k1lv9h, I can do it, but the web page make it very slow. I wish can do it in the way I want. Thanks
  3. Hi k1lv9h, No the filled form send the values using POST. When I manually reload the confirmation page, the values of the form came form confirmation, but when I do it with Javascript, I don't get any information in the form. I searched for another way to reload page with javascript, but haven't find anything. Any help will be appreciate, Thanks
  4. I have the same problem, when a uBot script make a lot of loops (300) it crash.
  5. Hi everyone, Im making a bot with uBot that works in this way: 1) Login in the page. 2) Fill a form, and send it. And wait for the confirmation page. 3) On confirmation page I need to reload the page an re-send the posted form. (This is when I get my problem). uBot don't have any command to reload the page. I use javascript command, (location.reload();) The command reload the page, but the BIG PROBLEM is that command don't re-send the vars posted in the form. If I manually click reload on uBot, It's works perfect!! Any ideas in how to get this working? Thanks
  6. I did it in this way: set(#time, $find regular expression(#clock, "(?<=- ).*?(?= PM| AM)"), "Global") set(#hour, $substring(#time, 0, 1), "Global") set(#min, $substring(#time, 2, 2), "Global") set(#seg, $substring(#time, 5, 2), "Global") Thanks all for your help!
  7. Thanks for everyone helps! Gracias willywonka! Another question, from this: 5:09:03 How I can get Minutes in one var, and seconds in another var? PS. I should learn Regex!
  8. Hi everyone, Im not very good at Regex, and need a help solving my problem. I had scraped this value in one var: Sabado, 25 de Agosto de 2012 - 5:11:03 PM I want to use a REGEX to extract the time from that variable. I want to get: 5:11:03 How I can get it? PS. That value is hours:minutes:seconds. Thanks
  9. Hi, Im really loss about how to scrape values, (There is a lot of options intext,outer text, and more). Where I can find a tutorial for this? I need your help scraping this one: From here To see the value I want to scrape, please check the file attached. I want to select the Asset (for example USD/JPY) and get the Target price. How I can scrape this values for the above data? I think Regex is the way to go, but I can find more documentation about scraping with uBot. Thanks for your help.
  10. This idea is very good! I think all Tony do is report everything back to a Web server with a custom command, in this way the Web server know in every moment whats going on the Windows machine. When Tony wants to know anything about the bot, only need to make a query with the job ID and print the Array. To run, stop, and restart bot process I think he can use a custom .net code, always waiting for a parameters on the web server (For this task, Im not very sure)! But for sure, I will be happy if Tony make another video explaining it a little more, Thanks for this kind of post!
  11. Hi Everyone, Im programming full time on uBot for five days in a row. My problem right now is: - When I started the bot, and have a low quantity of lines of code, the uBot work Fast! Now I have around 300 lines of code, and when I try to change from "Code View" to "Node view" the uBot take a lot of time (30 seconds). This is normal? - Now, than I have 300 lines of code, the uBot works very SLOW. This is normal? - The other problem, is that I like to program with nodes, and change a few things on Code View. The BIG PROBLEM is that the uBot make randoms changes in my code when I change t
  12. I can suggest to you go with the PRO version! That is awesome! And if you are planing to sell bots, and don't want to show how you made it, or want to customize the UI, go for DEV.
  13. Please add me to the group joan.telo
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