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Best day/time to start/bump a WSO thread?

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Title says it all.  I'm wondering if anyone has any insight to the best day and/or time to either start a new thread or bump an existing WSO thread.  I remember seeing someone on wf say that tuesdays were good to start, but I don't believe shit those people say.  I have much more faith in the ubot community for actual facts.


So, any ideas on this?  What days have you found to be best?  I have tried noticing patterns on how many people are viewing the wso section of wf like if more people are there on weekends or on weekdays.  Or if it's better if it's morning in california or evening there.  Or maybe not on US time at all?  It seems like there is a peak during regular indian hours, but who knows....  

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Tough one. I would check announcements for major launches and avoid those days. Otherwise it is a gamble. Most people seem to bump in the early afternoon so if you aim for around 5-6 PM PST you might have a better chance of not getting bumped off the page.  I like Sundays. Just my personal experience. More feedback on this would be helpful for sure.

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Bumping is usually not worth it anymore.  It was a good thing 2 years ago.

One could get organic traffic to the WSO from people browsing WaFo.


Nowadays, affiliate traffic is all that matters - and with 2-3 new WSOs or more per day... chances to get organic sales are very very slim.


Better invest the bumping money in prizes for affs or such.

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Bumping is usually not worth it anymore.  It was a good thing 2 years ago.

One could get organic traffic to the WSO from people browsing WaFo.


Nowadays, affiliate traffic is all that matters - and with 2-3 new WSOs or more per day... chances to get organic sales are very very slim.


Better invest the bumping money in prizes for affs or such.

VB droppin' in to offer some more great advice :)  Yeah, I revisited our last discussion on this recently because I want to make WSO's a regular part of my business.  I was also looking through the warriorplus setup and it's shit.  You can't even sort offers based on price or expected payout (only avg. sale which requires past sales from affiliate to have already happened). 


So how the hell do you get affiliates interested in your product if you don't already have a list of affiliates?  I would love to offer prizes to them, but I have no idea how to contact them or let them know about prizes.  With clickbank it's pretty easy.  You include a jv/affiliate page on your site and mention it in the description of your offer.  It seems like warrior plus needs to step up their game.  Or am I just missing something?

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There is a page on W+ called a JV page or something, but it drills down to the bare-essentials.


WaFo affs do NOT read JV pages like CB affs and other people.

They just look at stats, commission sharing and number of sales.


There is no way you can get many WaFo (W+) affs overnight.  You need to start small, with a product or two launched as WSO where you don't expect to make too much money, but just get some exposure to your name there and have some history as a WSO seller.


Next, you need to get into the WSO sellers 'circles', mingle with them on Skype, etc... Takes time.


Before launch, make sure to contact as many potential affs/JVs as you can and ask for their promo help.

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On second thought, here is the thing.

  • I really have a strong presence in those areas,
  • I am very good at copywriting and graphics (more as a hobby though) and
  • I know where and how to pre-sell a new WSO to affs/JVs.

I also have a few tricks up my sleeve that would help sales greatly.


If you would need an equity partner, let me know, I might just do that.  I know you are a good developer too - if you commit to also be the support guy, I might just get into this, too.
The main reason I don't sell bots to the public is that I hate support tickets, lol...


Let me know if you'd be interested... 
(no offense if you aren't)



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I actually built a bot to track the # of people in the WSO forum to find out that exact thing. I looped it every 5 minutes and all it did was copy the number using REGEX in (xxxx Viewing) next to the WSO forum and dumped each number into an Excel spreadsheet so I could graph it. I ran it for a week.


I honestly think it depends on a few things (economy, pre-launch, time of year), but I found that Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10am - 2pm PST were the most popular in terms of visitors in the WSO forum at that time (according to the visitor count). This was last year, so several things could have changed since then, but I would assume that's an accurate result.


Hope that helps, but remember, the more WSO launches on any given day will force you're WSO to get pushed down faster. I wouldn't recommend bumping either unless your product can make back the outrageous $40 fee within 2 sales. My $7 bot would need 6 sales just to cover the cost of a single bump...no thank you. I haven't bumped mine since November(?) and I still get a few sales a week from the WSO. I get more sales from the dedicated website and a bigger profit, too, so FWSO. The best thing about a WSO are quick sales and getting the word out fast, plus getting affiliates.


Also, lots of viewers on this forum, too. http://www.forumspecialoffers.com/forum.php

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Bumping is usually not worth it anymore. It was a good thing 2 years ago.

One could get organic traffic to the WSO from people browsing WaFo.


Nowadays, affiliate traffic is all that matters - and with 2-3 new WSOs or more per day... chances to get organic sales are very very slim.


Better invest the bumping money in prizes for affs or such.

I'm sorry this is just a ridiculous statement. I've had a WSO up for more than a year. Every bump usually sells between 10-15 copies before its off the 2nd page. Usually spends 2 days on the 1st two pages. So for a $20 WSO after bump cost of $40 that's usually between $160-$260 profit every bump. I've done this about 3 times a week for a year. Not to mention the 1st 6 months were double those numbers. WSO's are huge money when you have a good product. This is just 1 example. I have multiple products all of which bumping has been very profitable.
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I'd also like to add that WSO sales aren't about time of a day. Assuming you have a good product which most people do not. The biggest mistake people make is trying to sell a low quality product. So lets assume your product is great.


1 - Now you have 2 choices. You can write intelligent copy aimed at the professional smart crowd. Or you can write "Be a millionaire in 3 days" type of copy. The latter usually sells better but you need to start racking up good reviews quick or you'll burn fast. Type 1 copy is better for more expensive products and subscription based stuff.


2 - Have a quality presentation. Most people look at WSO style sales letters and think "People really fall for this?" The answer is THEY DO! Don't get in your head that you're above the over the top sales letter. Your copy will look small in comparison. Also if you try to get away with the built in fonts your thread will look un-professional and weak.


3 - Stand Out! Position your product in a way that seems different. This is tougher to do if you're trying to sell a rehashed product like a blog commenter or something but with creative thinking you can find a specific voice in the niche that makes your thread different.


Just my 2 cents.

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I'm sorry this is just a ridiculous statement. I've had a WSO up for more than a year. Every bump usually sells between 10-15 copies before its off the 2nd page. Usually spends 2 days on the 1st two pages. So for a $20 WSO after bump cost of $40 that's usually between $160-$260 profit every bump. I've done this about 3 times a week for a year. Not to mention the 1st 6 months were double those numbers. WSO's are huge money when you have a good product. This is just 1 example. I have multiple products all of which bumping has been very profitable.


I'm glad you've had a different experience.  I happen to have a very good product, with excellent copy and stellar feedback as a WSO.


Yet, after I 'took the cream' off the top of the forum (mostly even w/o affiliates, but indeed organically + promo to my own list) the next bumps simply didn't bring in new visitors who would become buyers at the same rates.


So I figured it was much better to just encourage affs/JVs with other means rather than spend my hard earned money foolishly with WaFo.


Better pay JVs a larger piece of sales (from the sales itself), than pay for the unknown from my own pocket, upfront.


That is MY experience though - and I see nothing ridiculous here?..


Again, I'm happy for you to have had a different one.



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I'm glad you've had a different experience.  I happen to have a very good product, with excellent copy and stellar feedback as a WSO.


Yet, after I 'took the cream' off the top of the forum (mostly even w/o affiliates, but indeed organically + promo to my own list) the next bumps simply didn't bring in new visitors who would become buyers at the same rates.


So I figured it was much better to just encourage affs/JVs with other means rather than spend my hard earned money foolishly with WaFo.


Better pay JVs a larger piece of sales (from the sales itself), than pay for the unknown from my own pocket, upfront.


That is MY experience though - and I see nothing ridiculous here?..


Again, I'm happy for you to have had a different one.




Sorry I was probably a bit harsh by saying the statement was "Ridiculous". Everyone has their own experiences. I just hear a lot how WSO's are dead and people don't make money off them anymore and I feel that people get the wrong idea. I remember when I was starting out with them I thought I had no chance because of all the doom and gloom of failed WSO's. I think if a person has the "right" product they can make great money.

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Best time is around 10:15EST on saturday. Worst time, around 5:00est anyday. From other campaigns, I get the most sales saturday and sunday mornings. When I bumped a thread once or twice around 5pm est, my thread would get buried within about an hour from other bumped threads.


But, your experiences could be completely different.



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Best time is around 10:15EST on saturday. Worst time, around 5:00est anyday. From other campaigns, I get the most sales saturday and sunday mornings. When I bumped a thread once or twice around 5pm est, my thread would get buried within about an hour from other bumped threads.


But, your experiences could be completely different.



10:15 AM EST is the best and 5PM the worst?

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