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Found 13 results

  1. Hi, I have an advanced script with multiple threads and sometimes the need to query my database is overlapping and I get this message when there are 2 simultaneous connections (at least I think it's because of that): "There is already an open DataReader associated with this connection which must be closed first." I will be very grateful for any reply, thanks!!
  2. I am in need of some help here, big-time! I am utterly lost and bewildered, and I don't have a clue as to why this is so hard for me to grasp... I am having a huge problem in trying to figure out the logic, of how I should handle the list comparing behind a seemingly simple Twitter follow and unfollow structure. Please allow me to explain, and perhaps someone with experience can enlighten me to what I am doing wrong? I want to create a bot that goes to twitter, scrapes users to follow, follows them, then checks after a day or two who followed back, and unfollow those that don't follow back
  3. Hi Ubotters, I'm trying to extract a user's browsing history and I believe it is not possible with Ubot. I thought it might be possible with javacript. I could then forward the user to a webpage with javacript and extract his browsing history. But it seems it is not possible with javacript. Does anyone know how to extract your user' browing history ? https://www.google.com.bd/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=javascript+to+extract+browsing+history Trying to create a web browser that suggests webpages to user based on their browsing history. So, if your bro
  4. Hey ya'll. I have been working on a bot... It didn't save properly, so I'm starting over. The custom commands I created were saved, and they are in the ubot database. However, I am wondering if they would work on a new bot, if I do not add the "define {custom-command-name}" script above/before the actual custom command. Does anyone know? Also, would the custom commands be saved and available for me if I were to create a whole new bot? Thanks in advance! ~Omar
  5. Dear programmer, I'm looking for a way to connect to a Oracle database. Jason advised me that this might be quickly done by creating an own plugin like explained in the ubot wiki section: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Plugin_Development Most likely someone else had faced the same problem and solved it the same way or somehow else. Maybe it can be a Java Script or a Python script can be integrated - what can be supported by Ubot.I don't know? However, at the end of the day I should be able to enter the database details like host, user id, password etc.and be able to use the known SQL
  6. I want to implement a database search that is insensitive to plural/singular, order and case of the words used in an input string. I am using MySQL database. For example if the input string is: "woman looking for a desktop, Printers and laptopS" the search must return all rows that contain any of the following words in any order and whether they contain upper or lower case letters: woman women desktop desktops printer printers laptop laptops How do I do this? MySQL fulltext search cannot handle the plural/singular and regular expressions in MySQL are sensitive to the order of the words.
  7. Hello guys.. I have always wondered if we can do a process of asking values of initial variables for on-load, or creating profiles so we can choose which variables to assign or lists to load, or files to load on start, or database/tablesThe problem with Ubot is we cannot store that kind of intelligence so each individual user to whom we transfer a license for the system, cannot configure those initial values to customize it an on starting it remembers the users database? Or is it possible with special folder and have a database csv file? On Load -> Open File -> Database.csv -> ON eac
  8. So I'm trying to create a account checker using account information from one of my MySQL databases. I use Toad for Oracle, Toad for MySQL, and SSMS on a daily basis and I'm able to query with results without any issues. Does anyone have any tutorials on using data from the database in a website form (e.g. email address, password)? plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "server=;uid=xxxx; pwd=xxxxx; database=xxxx; port=3306; pooling=false") { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "query with results", "select * from pinterest_accounts;", &pinteres
  9. Hey guys, I've been using the connect to database feature for a while now, and today I ran one of my bots, and it wasn't connecting. I opened the .ubot file, and when trying to connect, it shows this error: http://screencast.com/t/Vyx2dKOpQBXo I'll mention that until today, it worked perfect with no issues. Another thing to take in consideration is that I connect to the same database using the same login/pass/server/database with a php script, using the same computer to connect, and it works fine. I'm totally lost. any ideas? Thanks!!
  10. Closed I refuse to partner with someone like Cee's from Skype.. Wants to bash Americans whenever he gets a chance.. I wont help support anything of his.
  11. Hi! I want to store my users and their license codes in a database and then make the bot check the database to see if that user exists and save the result in a variable (or a table). I have made the bot that will let me input data in the database but I have problems making the client bot read the database to see if that record exists. If I use MySQL Workbench to send that query it works as it should so the sintax is correct , the problem is when I run it in ubot, I get an error: "Fatal error encountered during command execution" and of course the command does not return any value. here is the
  12. I spent the last couple of days figuring out how to scrape articles and drop them directly into my database and I thought that I would share what I have learned. I'm going to assume that you have an instance of mysql up and running either locally or on a server somewhere and that you can connect to it. I have a very basic setup with two tables, "articles" and "keywords" The articles table has "ID, keyword, title, article" as columns and the keywords table has "ID, keyword' I have prepopulated the keywords table with several thousand keywords to pull from First up - query the databas
  13. Since the new UBot Studio v.4.2x we've finally got support to connect to external databases, using MySQL. I am no master of this myself, but I'm sure many people with more knowhow will chime in and add their contributions. I wanted to put up a bit of code as an example usage for people new to all this. Hope it helps. Pre-requisites: _________________________________________ You will need to have a MySQL server installed, either on your machine, or remotely (as in your website hosting account for instance - all cPanel powered hosting accounts have a MySQL Management tab there, you will
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