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Everything posted by Net66

  1. I'll have a look too if you have a url. Andy
  2. $application folder is the official way to go but you need to keep in mind that if running the bot from within ubot then the application folder is actually the ubot program folder and is the same folder the bot is in only in compiled bots. Andy
  3. I've just finished work on a new protection system that does way more than my original Protect66 solution. It's called Protect Gold and you can read about it and see some video demos of it in action on the Protect Gold Web Page I have emailed those who own Protect66 and offered a special upgrade deal, if you are a Protect66 customer and have not recieved that email then contact me and I'll fill you in. Protect Gold not only protects bots but gives you a way of doing time limited trials, auto updates and more. Andy
  4. Very nice Abs. Just watched the video. Andy
  5. Thanks for this meter. Are we allowed to distribute this with our compiled bots? Andy
  6. You might as well nab it now, that way you can get all the learning curve stuff done and out the way while you wait for the new licenses :-) Andy
  7. It protects ubot bots but potentially can be adapted for other things. Email me with details of what you are wanting to do. andy (@) 66th.net
  8. I agree. I have stuck ubot on the back burner for now as far as new bot development goes until this licensing is all cleared up. As far as I can tell from the snippets I've read on here we can define the new licenses as: Pro License - All the stuff people have asked for that should've been in ubot in the first place. Dev License - Ubots way of giving users the removal of the powered by link and also a way to back pedal on the original sales pitch which clearly says ubot can be used to sell compiled bots even though it is not the primary function of ubot. Go look at the FAQ and you'll se
  9. Just a quick update to answer a question abs asked about an affiliate program. The product is being sold through Clickbank and commissions are 50%. Full details: http://www.superautoblogger.com/Affiliates.html Andy
  10. tessmac - would help if your AOL account didn't bounce my replies because they are coming from a non-white listed domain! abs - Yes as soon as final release is out which should be in next couple of weeks. Andy
  11. Put in a 'pause script' node. You can then choose the aspect and then click the play button to continue running the script. So basically the flow would be.... Fill in what you can automatically Pause Script Choose submit button click chosen Andy
  12. Can you give us a link to the site? It's easier to look at this in ubot. Andy
  13. Hi daddydanimal, I'll check the demo out today. The protect system has had a lot of updates since it came out (in fact the price rise is because I spend far more time updating the system to keep in line with changes in ubot that its not viable for me to keep the price as it was). I have not updated the demo with the latest code so I will do this today. I'll be totally honest with you about how others have got on with the system. A couple have had teething problems getting it set up, but I am sure they'd tell you that the support I gave was prompt and in all cases any issues were resolve
  14. Here is how to do it with javascript; lowercasename.ubot Andy
  15. The /auto switch is pretty useful but is there a way of specifying which tab you want to run or can it only run the first script in a bot? Andy
  16. That is nothing to do with ubot. It is to do with the site you are making ubot navigate to. I suspect that site has been blacklisted for installing a trojan or something like that. I use eset (by far the best AV and I've tried a few) and don't have problems, but I have seen these warnings. Andy
  17. Nope... the command is... MD E:\My Documents\foldername Andy
  18. Yeah I've noticed the new start page makes ubot take about three times longer to start because its waiting for that page to load. Why not just have a 'splash page' there which is something like "Click here to enter the store" with a small but pretty graphic and make sure the page loads javascript. That way Ubot still can promote its store but it needn't slow us down like it does. Andy
  19. There are some Javascript genius on this forum, if there is a way then one of them will chip in hopefully. Andy
  20. Ubot really needs a way to send special keys like tab. Something like http://www.developerfusion.com/article/57/sendkeys-command/ That would get around forms like this. Andy
  21. Awesome share! Big + point from me
  22. This happens. It has been reported as a bug numerous times but there has never been a fix. I refund around 15% of sales of my super auto blogger bot because of this. I've tried getting people to uninstall and reinstall .net, and a bunch of other things. There is no apparent rhyme or reason to this, I've even had someone who has ubot buy a compiled bot from me and it does this even though their install of ubot works fine! Search the bug reports and you'll find threads about this but sadly no sign of a solution from the dev team. Andy
  23. Good idea <evil grin>. Actually there is no ethical dilemma if you make it part of the terms of the license of your bot. I don't know that I'd join anyone to a group without their knowledge or without some kind of agreement even if it is buried in some small print. Andy
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