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Everything posted by kev123

  1. hi lilly the issue isn't with threads closing or threads at all the problem is that increments and decrements are getting missed. This seems to be because decrements are getting missed when several threads are decrementing at the same time.
  2. ubotdev the problem happens when you run threads fast in large numbers or write to variables fast not just with your plugin but under many scenarios.
  3. plugin works fine if your having problems post sample code for ubotdev so he can check it out. Otherwise its a conversation that goes nowhere and helps no one
  4. yeah that worked pretty well good plugin until you increase to high threads. the problem is there is two issues the first is more than one thread accessing the variable and the second is ubot variables don't increment quick enough so even with a thread safe container sometimes the increment gets missed. tried this plugin solves the problem works well.
  5. thebigweb example does work i'm doing something similar for my browser bots and low thread http bots. but when you come to multithreading http over a hundred it still has issues. I believe there are two issues here 1.variables not being thread safe. 2.variables not updating quick enough and counts being lost as you can see even with the thread safe container go over a certain amount of threads with a lot of cycles and ubot misses some decrements example you will need the plugin linked in previous post you can even drop the thread count down to around 100 and the issue is still there
  6. wait($rand(10, 20)) threadcode is only to simulate commands it can be removed when you put your code to multhtread in threadcode
  7. I did a table that on start up would create the number of rows in the table based on the number of threads you have set. when a thread started it would write "used" in that rows table cell it would then pass the row number to the define with your code you want to run in it. when the define had finished it would write free in that row. the thread control worked using table search for a free slot it looped until it found one it. this worked incredibly well the only issue was ubot never finished you had to use stop script command(I think this was because of the amount of writing to variables it
  8. 1. this or similar http://www.controlanything.com/Relay/Relay/Wi-Fi_Relay_Controllers 2.make small electrical box with plugs or connections "in" "out" for switching stuff. 3.make plugin for Ubot or u may be able to use pure socket commands(not http) depending on how the device receives data. 4.control from Ubot. you now can switch all your small kitchen devices or even turn on sprinklers based on current weather from websites. to control from away from home use remote desktop for the computer that the ubot bot is on or use kev method he posted on controlling ubot from website.
  9. for more ideas http://www.amazon.co.uk/LightwaveRF-Controlled-Starter-JSJS-WIFISASKIT/dp/B007XFSMEG#productDetails
  10. this is a great thread my background is in programmable logic controllers which can do what your looking at but on a larger scale(think machines in different locations all talking to each other and passing information). I would be happy to help anyone looking to get ubot to control "real world stuff".
  11. is organised and better than tables and lists.sqlite is often overkill. some example uses: saving users settingssaving socket post strings(this reduces your code greatly)
  12. I tested a trial (think its still open) runs very well.
  13. If its a recent delete and you havent done much on the laptop since (save to disk) then you can try recovery software available on the net to restore the file
  14. to jump sorry op if anyone has integrated the moz api (not just scraping opensitexplorer) I would be interested in buying the api code. Mainly just the signed authentication part http://apiwiki.moz.com/signed-authentication its not difficult just a bit of a pain to create a HMAC-SHA1 key prob need coding with a plugin or by java(the way I was going to look into when I have some spare time)
  15. I tried writing to a table with 10000 rows, 100 threads and all the tables cells where filled correctly so can confirm tables can handles multi operations. not sure about your issue looks like the normal memory leek issue.
  16. aymen explains everything pretty well in his videos, also regex knowledge is useful for scraping
  17. Had this issue since moving to sockets and faster threading. This problem is on all shared variables what are you using a mutex in your plugin?
  18. Liking it so far the ability to rename window and disable the delete column or row buttons and rename the buttons would be ace. Adding css would be good as well. Good plugin a must for anyone who hasnt bought it yet
  19. no command in there like aymens plugin. As a quick get round you can use SQLite manager plugin for firefox to create a DB(if you only plan to use a pre created DB in your software
  20. yeah the new features are pretty nice but I would also like to know what was the advantage of moving to c++ for complied bots apart from security. thanks
  21. a beta was sent out a few days ago the wait is worth it if more bugs are eliminated
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