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Everything posted by orbital

  1. I have two $http get functions: set(#data, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "http://**************/forbot/tobechecked.php", "", "", "", ""), "Global") plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "server=xx.xx.xx.xx;uid=xxxxxxxxx; pwd=xxxxxxxx; database=xxxxxxx; port=3306; pooling=false") { loop($list total(%asin)) { progress() set(#delay, $rand(2, 5), "Global") set(#current asin, $next list item(%asin), "Global") set(#amazon data, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll",
  2. any chance of adding image conversion to the plugin? so png to gif, jpg to png, etc..?
  3. I am getting this error now after the update: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/screenshots/u/I90/1371521082858-52811.png
  4. yep, I saw the same thing in the instructions so I stayed away.
  5. payment sent: 38067648GB7630925 edit* duh, wrong email. sent more money
  6. so how does the $return final url work? I put : http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CE0QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.petesmithauto.com%2F&ei=np62UejVJa_e4APolYG4Bg&usg=AFQjCNGZM6Oc1P4rS9OU5iiddZnwvpYBGQ&sig2=bLRPNnkuuaivNNW3X7FtdA in expecting to redirected to: http://www.petesmithauto.com/ I just put these in a set command but maybe that isn't the right way to do it. Thanks for the help as usual.
  7. you could also use dialogtype="save" so <input type="file" dialogtype="save" variable="#var1" fillwith="value" /> I know this is an old thread but these things like dialogtype need to be documented somewhere.
  8. yep, I already got it. I made the request here before I requested it from TJ
  9. Thanks for this. Just used it in one of my bots and it worked GREAT!!
  10. Does the icon get replaced by the icon used when compiling?
  11. Thanks for the great update, Any chance we could get a $prompt function with the ability to set the default text. Right now the current $prompt doesn't let you do that and I'm having trouble getting the simple prompt("title","default");to work right Appreciate it
  12. I tried: set(#title, "Harry Potter", "Global") define editTitle { run javascript("var title = prompt(\"Edit title\",\"{#title});") set(#title, $eval("title"), "Global") } editTitle() and I can't get a popup to come up.
  13. When I try and replace your google scrape 100 results example code with the $http get function it doesn't work. It only works when you use the page scraper command. Here is the code. set(#output, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", "https://www.google.com/setprefs?sig=0_99_9Ba26GvHykubSeuKp228oSs0%3D&hl=en&safeui=images&suggon=1&num=100&newwindow=0&q=&prev=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&submit2=Save+Preferences", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0", "", "", ""), "Global") set(#output, $plugin function("HTTP p
  14. is it possible to solve recaptcha when the site is using this library? https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha_ajax.js As far as I can tell since it is ajax it is created on the fly and thus no challenge code shows up when you scrape.
  15. I appreciate this thread as it helped me figure out where the error was. There was actually no error in the code I just forgot to add the plugin the code was using after I did a fresh install of the OS.
  16. How do you use them as a monitor as that is what i'm trying to do
  17. Have you had a chance to check this out yet?
  18. thank you Aymen, this is the best free plugin out there.
  19. is there an ETA on the list scraper fix? I'm just curious if I should go ahead and do it the long way or not.
  20. Hey Aymen - Just ran a list through your list scraper and chose emails and it truncated the emails weird and didn't return good results. http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/screenshots/u/I90/1365907857841-50373.png
  21. I have used divshot.com to design ui but it is rather buggy, but free. The support is pretty good though. I have also used coffeecup html editor and it is working rather well actually. (free trial) both under $100
  22. Hey Aymen - How would you get a captcha that is automatically generated by php. for example: http://www.ereaderiq.com/misc/contact/securimage_show.php I don't see any challenge code or anything like that in the source. Thanks
  23. I don't see this in the latest release. This is 8 months ago this was said.
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