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Everything posted by HelloInsomnia

  1. See if you can use save element image on the area tag it may be able to save them individually, otherwise you would have to slice them maybe using image magick or the crop command in the image commands in Ubot (they are in the bot bank)
  2. You can make a layout in Visual Studio, Blend, or XAML Studio and if you use Metro you don't have to mess with the theme unless you want more customization. You may have to copy a line or two from their documentation but its easy to follow you can find the controls here: https://mahapps.com/controls/ But you can also go as crazy as you want with customization I'll have some examples out one day - I've been building them out - and in there I'll probably have some example of that.
  3. Install that pixel ASAP even if you don't plan on running ads right now because Facebook will collect those users and you can target them later.
  4. Not sure but 5.9.55 is the one that is stable and I think most people are using right now. I would try that unless you need to use the external browser in 6.
  5. Actually it does work, the function resolves first and essentially becomes text and then the command runs. Just copy the html above into a file and drop a read file into the command, you will see what I mean.
  6. If you have Elite Ubot Plugin this is easy: ui html panel("some html goes here",100) wait(3) plugin command("EliteUbot.dll", "EB Change UI HTML Panel", "<h1>Updated HTML</h1>", 250)There may be another way as well if you don't but just thought I'd throw it out there in case you already had it.
  7. More Wiki pages added, let me know what you need help with or more explanation and I can continue building out the Wiki with useful information: https://github.com/nicklikescoffee/UltimateUiPlugin/wiki (Drag-and-Drop is already in the Wiki but it won't be in the plugin until version 1.4)
  8. Find all images if possible, make a script that saves all md5 hashes and then flips the image and saves all flipped md5 hashes in a different folder. Then convert all images in the captcha to md5 hashes and compare them against the flipped image folder.
  9. When I added the parameter Hide Run Bar it screwed up the other parameters. I will fix this in the next update but for now just change the parameters like so: Enable Metro Theme = True Metro Theme = (choose one) Metro Accent Color = (choose one) Once you do that it should fix that error, if it doesn't let me know!
  10. Ultimate UI now has a Wiki, I highly suggest you read it for more in depth info on how to use the plugin: https://github.com/nicklikescoffee/UltimateUiPlugin/wiki
  11. Update version 1.3 Added - Metro Controls Property Commands & Functions: Numeric Up DownProgress BarProgress RingToggle SwitchTileAdded - Hide Run Bar parameter. Set this to True if you plan on hiding the run bar and it will get rid of the top pixel line that shows above the UI. Set to False if you want to use the run bar - otherwise this will hide the run bar. Fixed - Get DataGrid Selected Rows is now in the DataGrid Commands category Fixed - Enable Full Height bug fix Fixed - Bug where Replace Browser With XAML would only work with a Load XAML UI Fixed - Bug where Replace Browser With
  12. No need to buy anything else. This plugin already supports XAML and you can use free tools I mentioned above to help you make XAML code. You do need dev edition.
  13. The only thing you might need is an Xpath parser which is free in Dans plugin and Heopas Plugin. You do not need any other plugin for this to work otherwise and in the future you won't need another plugin for xpath stuff - I just haven't prioritized adding it in over other things since there are free options available for that. Other than that you need Visual Studio (community edition is free) or you can use XAML Studio which is a really small alternative around 50mb and is free in the Microsoft Store. These are going to help you write the XAML code. Visual Studio Community Edition - https
  14. I've set it to a variable before and ran it like this: run javascript("{#callback}();")
  15. Maybe try this: define $GetRecaptchaCallback { return($eval("var cs = []; var cb; for (var id in ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients)\{ cs.push(id); \} cs.forEach(cid => \{ for (var p in ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[cid]) \{ var path = \"___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[\"+cid+\"].\"+p; var pp = eval(path); if (typeof pp === \'object\') \{ for (var s in pp) \{ var subpath = \"___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[\"+cid+\"].\"+p+\".\"+s; var sp = eval(subpath); if ( sp && typeof sp === \'object\' && sp.hasOwnPr
  16. Based on the code you gave this should work you probably don't even need the html decode but I threw it in there anyways: set(#html,"<div class=\"a-row a-spacing-mini unitLineHeight\"> <a id=\"dealTitle\" class=\"a-size-base a-link-normal dealTitleTwoLine singleCellTitle autoHeight\" href=\"https://www.amazon.com/Android-Toddler-Childrens-Parental-Control/dp/B07RV14G3R/ref=gbps_tit_s-5_b5d1_53611b29?smid=A2PZE9JX4CB8YU&pf_rd_p=473a0caf-eecb-4c73-92a7-1e27f89fb5d1&pf_rd_s=slot-5&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=gb_main&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=N37P7NE3CK9060DAK0Z8\" st
  17. When you use UI Set List then it will update the UI, here is an example: plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Load XAML", "<ListBox x:Name=\"lb1\"/>", "False", "False", "BaseLight", "Blue") clear list(%numbers) add list to list(%numbers,$list from text("1,2,3",","),"Delete","Global") plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Set List", "lb1", %numbers) add list to list(%numbers,$list from text("4,5,6",","),"Delete","Global") plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Set List", "lb1", %numbers)
  18. Generally its better to use xpath when you can and in this situation it looks like you can so why not just use that? Sometimes you can use element parent, sibling, child but typically its going to be much more productive to just use xpath whenever possible.
  19. I already have dozens of suggestions for this plugin, and I have written them all down. But feel free to keep the suggestions coming because when I see multiple people suggesting the same idea I move that idea up the list. That is why Metro was put in so soon. I was intending on doing it at some point but so many people seemed to want it that I just moved it right to the top of the list.
  20. Tutorials: Watch this one first: Other videos if needed: XAML template: https://elitebotters.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Xaml-Template.zip
  21. Wiki Ultimate UI is a comprehensive UI Plugin for Ubot Studio. You must have the developer edition to use this plugin. There are more than 1,600 properties you can set and get on the main WPF controls. You can also set events, mess with the Main Window, DataGrids, custom Alerts and more. This plugin is pretty huge - even in 1.0, I actually forgot to show off some stuff in this demo and the demo doesn't cover everything - it just shows you some things. Note: For Metro, the Controls is spelled with an uppercase "C" - sometimes in their documentation it is lowercase. You must change i
  22. With this approach you will be loading the list from a file every time. It's better to load it into a list one time and then use that list.
  23. I am here, getting back to people if I got your message I will see it in the next day or two since I get a lot of emails and sometimes they can require a lot of my time to answer.
  24. You are missing more, it appears an exception occurred somewhere in the database or os functions and the plugin stopped loading. I've done that loads in development. Maybe something was initializing and got an error - just a guess.
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