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Everything posted by HelloInsomnia

  1. Doing it that way will replace the html constantly because its looking for changes to the variable that is why when you click on it the field is only active for a brief period of time. Or at least that's my understanding of it. Probably just using some js is the way to go, here is an example: ui html panel("<html> <head> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> function showInput() \{ var category = document.getElementById(\'category\').value; if (category == \'one\') \{ document.getElementById(\'entry1\').style.display = \'block\';
  2. Try renaming the folder that you have to Ubot Studio 6 and see if it works.
  3. Here you go http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22154-read-this-before-you-update/
  4. This won't work unless the dates are in the same year and month. One way is to convert the dates to a unix timestamp, subtract and then divide the result by the number of seconds in a day (86,400) set(#startDate,$plugin function("DateTime Manipulation.dll", "$datetime manipulation", "12/01/2019", "MM/dd/yyyy", "UNIX", "en-US", "en-US"),"Global") set(#endDate,$plugin function("DateTime Manipulation.dll", "$datetime manipulation", "12/19/2019", "MM/dd/yyyy", "UNIX", "en-US", "en-US"),"Global") set(#difference,$divide($subtract(#endDate,#startDate),86400),"Global")
  5. What is confusing or difficult? What problems are you having with the plugin? Let me know here so I can make it better.
  6. You can use a wildcard like so: click(<href=w"javascript:modifyWindow('*','odby=Flag&odsc=asc , A.Wdate desc&TeacherID=3162484&field=&str=&page_size=20&start_date=2019-09-17&end_date=2019-09-17&country=&SearchTeacherID=')">,"Left Click","No") You can find more info about it here: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/The_Selectors
  7. You can read about it here: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Element_Offset
  8. It would help if you posted some code or the site and tell us where the button is, somebody may be able to get it working for you.
  9. You can probably do it using element offset: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Element_Offset
  10. With Ultimate UI you can have a similar effect like so, you will of course have to use your own image path for the image source. on load("Bot Loaded") { plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Load XAML", "<Grid> <Grid x:Name=\"splashGrid\"> <StackPanel> <Button x:Name=\"exitSplashButton\" Content=\"Exit Splash Page\"/> <Image Source=\"C:\\\\Users\\\\Nick\\\\Desktop\\\\UI Test Bots\\\\cat.jpg\"/> </StackPanel> </Grid> <Grid x:Name=\"mainGrid\" Visibility=\"Hidden\">
  11. Here is a basic example of how to get a similar effect. You need a button like I have here to switch the UI since the on load command will try to run everything before loading and so you wouldn't see the startup graphic otherwise. I'll try to post an example using Ultimate UI later, this uses the Elite Ubot Plugin. ui html panel("<img width=\"400\" height=\"400\" src=\"
  12. You can use the change dropdown command: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Change_Dropdown load html("<label class=\"json-form-item select auto_fuel_type req variant-select\"> <div class=\"label-wrapper\"> <span class=\"label\">fuel</span> </div> <select tabindex=\"1\" name=\"auto_fuel_type\" class=\"json-form-input no-js auto_fuel_type\"> <option value=\"\">-</option> <option value=\"1\">gas</option> <option value=\"2\">diesel</option> <option value=\"3\">hybrid</option> <
  13. Update version 1.4 Added - Wiki with lots of information can now be found here: https://github.com/nicklikescoffee/UltimateUiPlugin/wiki Added - Get DataGrid Cell Value - gets the value of the cell (as a string, not serialized xml) Added - drop event to UI Add Event - you can use this to drop text or files on a control. The value of the thing dropped will be sent to the first parameter of the command. See Wiki page: https://github.com/nicklikescoffee/UltimateUiPlugin/wiki/Drag-and-Drop Fixed - bug with Metro Demo Project - there was a parameter added to UI Load XAML which caused the other pa
  14. I think you need a space in USA- Teacher try this: navigate("http://www.plcenter.co.kr/AdminClassPL/","Wait") change dropdown(<name="logintype">,"USA- Teacher") type text(<name="id">,3162484,"Standard") type text(<password field>,"aaaa0000","Standard") click($element offset(<login link>,1),"Left Click","No") As for the popup I don't know what it's asking for since it appears to be Korean? Anyways, here is how to type into them: type text(<name="secuNum2">,1,"Standard") type text(<name="secuNum4">,2,"Standard")
  15. If you save the exact same image and use the MD5 plugin and use the function $MD5 from file then you should end up with the same hash to compare. example: navigate("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza","Wait") save element image(<alt="Eq it-na pizza-margherita sep2005 sml.jpg">,"{$special folder("Desktop")}\\pizza1.jpg") wait(1) navigate("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza","Wait") save element image(<alt="Eq it-na pizza-margherita sep2005 sml.jpg">,"{$special folder("Desktop")}\\pizza2.jpg") set(#file1,$plugin function("MD5.dll", "$MD5 from file", "{$special folder("Desktop")}
  16. I think it would take longer to figure out the details on pricing then it would to make something like this so try giving this a shot: ui button("Choose Folder") { set(#folder,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$folder browser dialog"),"Global") } ui text box("Number of Copies",#numberOfCopies) if($comparison(#folder,"=",$nothing)) { then { alert("Choose a folder first") stop script } else { } } if($comparison(#numberOfCopies,"=",$nothing)) { then { alert("Specify a number of copies first") stop script } else { } } clea
  17. SEO Plugin has ability to check Moz metrics http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/21643-sell-seo-plugin-social-backlinks-domains-and-more/
  18. Can you show an example of what you're looking for?
  19. Here's how you can have a checkbox that can be checked from UI or set from a variable ui html panel("Married? <input type=\"checkbox\" variable=\"#isMarried\" fillwith=\"checked\">",100) comment("read file") set(#isMarried,"true","Global")
  20. Ask support for the download link http://support.ubotstudio.com/
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