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Everything posted by marketermac

  1. choosing the button by innetertext 'REGISTER' exact match gets the button on the first page. Sorry only played with the second page for a minute and couldn't get something working, but at least there's half your problem solved.
  2. It is possible, but you'll have to scrape the whole page first, then run a loop using the $next list item command 5 times on each of the pieces you scraped and adding that to a new list. Clear out the original list and run it on the next search to get the next top five results.
  3. The video goes on to solve that problem by combining them all into a single list... So you have your variables: #keyword #globalANDlocalSearchVolume and when you make your final list you have it loop foreach #keyword, and spit out: #keyword,#globalANDlocalSearchVolume,#globalANDlocalSearchVolume that way you get three columns, and they all match (because the first bit you scrape is global for the keyword, then local for the keyword, then global for the next keyword, then local for the next keyword, so on and so forth). Really, it's in the video, just watch the end again
  4. Ok, so I've recently been thinking about this and have a (good?) idea. Instead of building a user interface, the first thing the bot does can be to navigate to a form on my website to be filled in. The form can be protected by HTaccess or any of the other billions of login scripts out there to handle this, along w/ IP checking to make sure there aren't duplicate uses of the same login everywhere. After the form is filled in, it can post back all the variables completed, ubot can scrape them, and then whatever the bot does can continue. If they cannot access the form, they cannot fill it in
  5. Theres no fool-proof way outside of cookies and IP, but something to consider - Youtube in paticular has a lot of user data. If you are upping your views via a bot, all of the stats on that video (browser, resolution, etc.) will be exactly the same, and I imagine that would toss up a flag at Youtube automatically. I haven't worked out how it would work with uBot (you'd need shell and some outside script I imagine), but some food for thought: http://www.ieaddons.com/en/details/other/UAPick_UserAgent_Switcher/ and I imagine the same for the resolution (can't be that hard to change automatica
  6. just leave your ELSE statement blank, does the same thing.
  7. you could just scrape the information from a page you setup... I assume by 'protect' you mean you don't want people you give the bot to having the complete list of URLs? If this was the case, and it was me, I would make a page with white text and a white background, then scrape the URLs from that page into a list. People will navigate to your page, see nothing and assume the bot is doing whatever, and never be the wiser about what your URL list is short of writing it down as your bot goes. no idea if that's what your after??
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