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Everything posted by blumi40

  1. i recommend both buddy is for the solid fundamentals and Hell{oInsomnia} got fire
  2. is this only for one-trillion $ ppl which needs another mio ? or may i read it too? are there pictures inside? maybe chicks?
  3. i thing it has to do with the mysql query parameters.dfy_id,parameters.date_due,parameters.date_created will be faster if u index those columns in your mysql table and on your UPDATE sql u dont need "user_projects.client_name" if your dfy_id is a key-id
  4. best for solution is show the page which is not working and run javascript("document.form[0].submit();") should work
  5. i offer my help and have to debate why i need the website who made this problem? sorry but i dont wanna waste my time! if u wanna know.... rtfm! or write a ticket to support. hnl blumi
  6. As I said before, without more info it is near impossible to help u
  7. type text(<id="search">, "{#sku} \{ENTER\}", "Standard") should work
  8. type text(<id="search">, #sku {ENTER}, "Standard")
  9. Found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11521063/how-to-populate-tinymce-with-some-content-on-trigger-of-javascript-event Maybe it helps ...You can call any of following on some event trigger: tinyMCE.get('your_editor').setContent("MyNewContent"); //OR tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent('MyNewContent');...
  10. Then it will be difficult to help u.... and by the way... no one here wanna steal your ideas... we try to help...thats all ! sharing is caring
  11. sorry.... but some more infos needet which side? what code?
  12. define Clear ALL Cookies { shell("C:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351") shell("cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q \"%APPDATA%\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\\"") shell("C:\\Program Files\\CCleaner\\ccleaner.exe /AUTO") }
  13. Hi Folks. We all know the pain if we work with big Scripts Ubot slows down. It is realy doesnt matter how much Ram u got in your Maschine, nothing is fast enougth for work with big script in Ubot So i found out a way to do "find Neddles" and "debug Websites" much easyer then with the given Web-Inspector Ubot got inside. Here we go.... It is possible to use your Web-Ispector remotly with your favorite Browser like Chrome or Firefox How to do this. 1. Go inside Ubot choose View->Web-Ispector to start the Web-Inspector. one time per session to start the Debug server. 2. Clos
  14. Humanize your Visits maybe should help
  15. Thread safe Container is made for GLOBAL Lists, Tables and other global Stuff as example.... in your threads u will run your local lists and if the thread has made his job u can use Thread safe Container to save your things from local stuff to global stuff if your Global List,Table or what else is in this Container no other thread can use it as long the used thread are finnished his job is like LOCK and UNLOCK tables in MySQL
  16. if v3 works that would solve my problems too lemmy know pls if so
  17. the biggest problem an v4 was the browser engine and im sure same happend with v5 i stopped the montly subscription and i never was in touch with v5 cause i remember the pain with v4 in the begining. some of the bugs v4 v5 will never fixed because of the browserengine maybe the devteam should thing about to use a more stable browserengine instead of hope that awesonium brings stable updates. because the most issues for errors are sites with a lot of javascripts. thats what i saw
  18. same here !! also i was try to find a "about:config" for the browser to givem a default path which also not possible is download working on ub3?
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