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Everything posted by blumi40

  1. doit many times & your ISP will tell u what he thing about
  2. This one works for me with 50 Threads perfect with 100 Threads allmost perfect with 200 Threads not here is the code based on the free plugin which u can download here http://ul.to/mmba1doj and here the screencapturevideo for all thoese who dont belive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7_F26crgoQ ui drop down("COUNT", "100,1000,10000,5000", #Input Count) ui drop down("Threads", "10,20,30,40,50,100,200", #INPUT Threads) ui stat monitor("Threads (Active/Total):", "<b>{#THREADS Active}/{#THREADS Max}</b>") ui stat monitor("COUNT:", #COUNT) set(#COUNT, #Input Count, "Global") set(#
  3. Here is an example based on the THREAD PROBLEM UbotDev made a plugin for ui drop down("COUNT", "100,1000,10000,5000", #Input Count) ui drop down("Threads", "10,20,30,40,50,100,200", #INPUT Threads) ui stat monitor("Threads (Active/Total):", "<b>{#THREADS Active}/{#THREADS Max}</b>") ui stat monitor("COUNT:", #COUNT) set(#COUNT, #Input Count, "Global") set(#THREADS Max, #INPUT Threads, "Global") set(#THREADS Active, 0, "Global") set(#listcounter, 0, "Global") clear list(%mylist) loop while($comparison(#COUNT, ">", 0)) { if($comparison(#THREADS Active, "<", #THREADS Max))
  4. YES it does Thread Safe Container block write and read inside the runnnig Bot System Wide Thread safe container blocks write and read SYSTEMWIDE what means if u got 10 different bots running and all bot write and reads into/from same file all bots have to wait until the bot who activ use the file for write or read has done his job condition here are: all bots should use the same tablename
  5. if u only feel that everything is fine.....i realy know some there are :D
  6. sure it loads go inside your ubot browser and rigth mouseclick view generadet source u will see g gives answer but the styles mad something like that top:-100px and left:-1000px so thats why u see nothing why? i dont know so the ubotcode works now your css skills are needet
  7. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="g-person" data-href="https://plus.google.com/{profileId}"></div> </body> </html>
  8. the only thing i have is that u do a bot which is build u the rigth code for that.... to past this code inside your mainbot to do this on the fly is near inpossible or only faked possible because ubot itself dont offer methodes for unnamed vars
  9. by the way with the free Ubot Memory function u can do lists with 1million lines unbelivable
  10. im totaly with u belive me.... i would write a manual for, but my english is to bad for that. i always try my best to explane some of the features but at the end it isnt my plugin, i only was the guy who wrotes some examples how to use some functions of it
  11. Shame over me i was trying to help.... i know what time it need to code a plugin so u got 100% my respect for give that the the folks for free but i also knows that a plugin more needs more time to load ubot bots. so if u dont like my solution i can lif with and sorry that noone knows about the new version...i only use it im not the broadcaster for that plugin so i realy dont know which release ppl are use. and again i respect what u did i only was trying search for another solution that was my intension
  12. dont know which version u use but if u use the latest u can set a memory free function in the 0.2sec else condition. i saw a little mistake too if i use 10tsd and 50 threads but with the clear ubot memory option that will solve that too
  13. Thread safe Container blocks access to vars lists tables as long the routine inside is running! so if some another routine want have access to it have to wait untill is unlocked. Systemwide Thread safe Container does this action Systemwide means if u work same time with different bots on the same table/list and u have a save or read action the container block access to all bots untill his job is done condition is that lists and tables who needs that routin should name same... it works 100% i was use that many many times
  14. thx for this nice plugin but i thing u also could solve the problem with the TinyMCE plugin which offer the "Thread safe Container" u can use that container inside a thread everytime u do things 100% exclusiv i havend test it yet with a counter but im sure that works well too
  15. u also can use the short way set(#var, 5, "Global") if(#var = 1 OR #var = 2 OR #var = 3 OR #var = 4 OR #var = 5) { then { alert("value found") } else { } } also this is possible set(#var, 5, "Global") set(#var2, 7, "Global") if((#var = 1 AND #var2 = 7) OR (#var = 2 AND #var2 = 7))OR (#var = 3 AND #var2 = 7) OR ( #var = 4 AND #var2 = 7) OR (#var = 5 AND #var2 = 7) ) { then { alert("value found") } else { } } for me that is a much more flexible way instead use $both and $either
  16. AMD FX-8350 Black Edition !!! the hell nice 3,8GHZ defaul overclockable until 4,6GHZ
  17. nice snipped of css code thx
  18. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14413200/how-can-i-find-the-title-of-parent-window-in-javascript http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_win_name.asp you have to learn Javascript i thing
  19. no has nothing to do with the code i think have a look at your energieoption for your pc i thing thats the reason... as example my maschine go in the sleepmodus doesnt matter if a bot is running or not if i choose the economize option in the energieoption also the optimize option will do something like that check this i think u will find answer there
  20. u dont need a b**net for that there some other methode around... but is also a lot of work until u got all the things u need for that
  21. with bots it is impossible 100% but there some other ways around who shoud do that. i know some but not for free
  22. u need a list with data1 data2 data3 use $list from text inside that load your tablerow and give , as seperator
  23. POS why u dont try VirtualBOX VMWare or some other Virtualizer around. if your book got enougth power it should be not a problem to deal with that
  24. NOT POSSIBLE !!! even the india proxys 99% blacklisted because the indias got only one hobby generate plays in yt....
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