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Everything posted by jason

  1. We don't make any earnings claims, but we KNOW that our customers have sold incredibly useful products, and not just to other marketers. There is amazing opportunity for everyone to use UBot Studio for jobs big and small. JackCrow and sanjeev, There's some really helpful information on our blog about selling bots made in UBot. We base our suggestions, and our software, on actual success stories as well as our own extensive IM background and knowledge. Simply put - UBot Studio isn't successful because it advertises the dream, it's successful because it can deliver. Check out these pos
  2. Plugins should work for both versions. Any that do not - let us know with the specific issue and code you're running into a problem in v5 at the tracker. Thanks!
  3. You can use the define for this, or use additional tabs inside your script! You could potentially also just wrap a comment around anything (quick if you have Pro/Dev), I think.
  4. jason


    Did you recently update to UBot Studio 5?
  5. Sorry you're misunderstanding the instructions for using the scheduler. Go to View->Scheduler to bring up the scheduler window. Once you've scheduled your commands there, then hit OK, and after that, hit "Run Scheduled." There must be something Scheduled before you can Run Scheduled.
  6. Hey all, There are actually only a few small issues that anyone has found in UBot 5 - and you can look at them here: tracker.ubotstudio.com. I recommend following this for a few days as we'll be releasing a new update rather soon to clear out the majority of any unresolved issues that a few people are having.
  7. Sending the request to support was the right move!
  8. We've recently released an update. Can you tell if this issue is still a problem? If it is, we will try to reproduce it and get it in the tracker asap.
  9. This issue has been resolved (both the issues mentioned in this thread).
  10. You can follow the development team on this and other issues using the tracker. For this particular issue, see http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/32
  11. Dan, Can you let me know those it doesn't detect? Thanks
  12. Issue should be corrected - there was a change in the compiler.
  13. Currently, the HTTP Post is not compatible with UBot 5. We are working on a fix. You can follow this issue here: http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/36
  14. This feature works without a problem for me - if you can, please reproduce the issue and submit to support or to our tracker at tracker.ubotstudio.com. Thanks!
  15. As Lilly stated - this Issue has been reported and submitted here: http://tracker.ubots...o.com/issues/34 Feel free to update it with important details. Also, if you find any issues, feel free to let us know at support.ubotstudio.com or submit it to our tracker with instructions on how to reproduce it.
  16. Hey there, It sounds like you ran into an error with changing tab names. We've already got this issue in our tracker and are working on it. http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/37
  17. The slowness error being mentioned has been added to the tracker here: http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/32
  18. If you can narrow down the part of the code that doesn't work in the latest version of UBot Studio 5, please do so, and feel free to enter it into our tracker at tracker.ubotstudio.com as a bug report. Thanks!
  19. Nothing was disabled. Not sure what you're referring to.
  20. This freezing issue has been created in the tracker at http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/32 Please register and add screencasts and any more information you think might be relevant and we will try to get this resolved ASAP.
  21. Please see. http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/10 This is a known issue and is being resolved.
  22. Hey there, http://screencast.com/t/9AFiNKEHwe Does this show the solution to your problem re:optgroup? We have done some incredibly fundamental changes to UBot Studio in the latest release, most of which you aren't aware of. Several dev users have a feature that they specifically wanted which didn't get added, and there are thousands of you, so it does take effort to determine what will be the most effective use of our development time for the majority, but we are confident that the new additions and changes will help continue to move internet marketing automation forward. Regarding slowd
  23. That's false. We removed a thread that claimed UBot was riddled with bugs without making reference to specific problems. We also are installing a bug tracking system because the forum isn't where bugs belong, technically. In this case this thread is helpful, and I've grabbed the info from it and will see what we can do. May delete it after the problem is solved. Please open any reproducible bugs like this in a support ticket so we can get them sorted the quickest. Thanks.
  24. UBot Secure hasn't had the finishing touches put on it yet, but it will be released soon! EDIT: UBot Secure is now available for signup through your customer dashboard!
  25. Please open a support ticket and let us know your transaction IDs from your previous support payments. Thanks!
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