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About byronc

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  1. I think there's already a program. Its called Traffic Twister (on this forum). Personally I haven't used it but i took a look & looks solid
  2. https://imgur.com/r/google/4avJJ5o ^ This is what I am describing.
  3. Hi everyone! When I'm solving reCAPTCHA inside the compiled exe, its very slow and laggy. Anyway to solve this?
  4. Its still not downloading for me Also is there anyway to avoid clicking the "red download button" manually
  5. clear table(&links) create table from file("{$special folder("Application")}/YTID.csv",&links) set(#row,0,"Global") click(<id="save-dropdown">,"Left Click","No") loop($table total rows(&links)) { close page navigate("http://ytcomments.klostermann.ca/","Wait") wait for element(<url field>,"","Appear") type text(<url field>,"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={$table cell(&links,#row,0)}","Standard") wait for element(<id="scrape-btn">,"","Appear") click(<id="scrape-btn">,"Left Click","No") wait for element($element offset(<
  6. Okay i just tried it and its still not working when I set the element to the download button, the bot doesnt open a "save" window
  7. Hi everyone! I need help with downloading a file. I set the bot to click the download button but nothing comes up. Also when I interact with the window, a new window comes up asking me where I want to save the file. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you so much!
  8. What I'm trying to do is scan a number on a page and retype it somewhere else. So for example, if a page said 400 points I want to copy that 400 (without the text "points") and paste the 400 somewhere else
  9. Hi everyone! I'm having trouble removing parts of a specific part of text which I have set to a variable. Please help me
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