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Everything posted by Sanjeev

  1. You could have a list of referer sites and choose from them randomly - to navigate to While injecting link - use a unique id (maybe long?) so your xpath selection for clicking on that link becomes simple.
  2. can't be done out of the box in exbrowser - BUT - maybe this ? go to the website that should be the referrer, inject a link into the body node , via exbrowser and click this new link.the injected link will point to the URL that expects the referrer.
  3. not sure if this is what you are looking for - create table from file("C:\\Users\\ubot sample scripts\\sampletable.txt",&cityElevation) set(#list total,0,"Global") set(#max_results,3,"Global") clear list(%nearby_cities) set(#max_elevation,$add($table cell(&cityElevation,0,5),2),"Global") set(#current_row,0,"Global") loop($table total rows(&cityElevation)) { if($both($comparison(#list total,"< Less than",#max_results),$comparison($table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,5),"<= Less than or equal to",#max_elevation))) { then { add item to list(%nea
  4. I've never felt the need to 'start exbrowser again'.. sounds interesting..Please post some sample code... Depends on the browser you are using - Firefox/chrome? again, some sample code would help..
  5. What you said is Very true. But now that they do not seem to be up to it - one option which comes to my mind is a separate UI created via C# which can control ubot or talk to it via HTTP post? One of the plugin maker already has a prototype in place for such UI - I read on some thread.. I don't understand why he doesn't release it?
  6. create table from file("C:\\ubot sample scripts\\sampletable.txt",&cityElevation) clear list(%nearby_cities) set(#max_elevation,$add($table cell(&cityElevation,0,5),2),"Global") set(#current_row,0,"Global") loop($table total rows(&cityElevation)) { if($comparison($table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,5),"<= Less than or equal to",#max_elevation)) { then { add item to list(%nearby_cities,$table cell(&cityElevation,#current_row,0),"Don\'t Delete","Global") increment(#current_row) } else { } } } this was
  7. Absolutely! The concept is the same. With normal wait command - if the site takes longer to load than what you have specified - the wait will fail. say, wait 1 sec - then type - but if the element has not loaded yet ,say it will take 1.2 secs to load in this case, then Ubot studio will initiate type text after 1 second. Hence the fail. This is a good practice too - http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19018-solution-wait-for-element-if-not-showing-then-else/
  8. Sanjeev

    Sounds Good! Thanks.
  9. Sanjeev

    Thanks for this Write Up! Good to read positive things about Ubot Studio. STM is 99 dollars a month. Can you recommend any cheaper/free resource for someone who wants to get into Affiliate marketing? Somewhere one can get good practical info and not hype and incorrect info?
  10. Remember, with browser based automation - adding wait for element is essential! As you cannot predict the environment the bot is running in. Especially in the context of bots made for sale where you are not in control. There are so many variables to consider - The biggest issue will be the system resources available to the browser.. A bad anti virus program can affect browser's performance, as will the number and the kind of tasks running on the system at the same time - ( how much resources are the other processes consuming?) . wait for element is your constant companion with browser a
  11. you need to add a wait for element - for the search box to load set(#Niche,"Plumber","Global") set(#Country,"New York","Global") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Set User Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36")) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://www.bing.com/maps?FORM=Z9LH3") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "//input[@id=\"maps_sb\" and @type=\"search\"]", "Appear", 30)
  12. Yes , there are sort options available for both tables and lists in Ubot Studio - ascending/descending. http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/21461-how-to-sort-table-including-headers-by-column-a-then-column-b/ https://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/$sort_lists http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/Sort_Table
  13. if you could share your code, we could help better?
  14. I think this is what you are looking for.. check this out -
  15. We all know that black hat botting cannot be feasible for long - still works [well?], but looking into the future its clear that beating /fighting sites is not going to be an easy game - if not an outright losing proposition. I see the title of this post as a new direction we could take. one thing in our favor is that we can do windows automation too, with help of windows automation plugins [built in/free/commercial - all of these are available] or combine Ubot with stuff like Autoit. Have a look at this article here - it will provide some food for thought. I want to know what
  16. use the free xpath plugin and use the following xpath: //div[@class=pricebox]/div[2]/following-sibling::div This also works - but doesn't extract production status: //span[@data-csstooltip]//parent::div
  17. Depending on your project's budget , this may or may not be the answer your looking for. https://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/16388-sell-plugin-advanced-screen-and-windows/ - this plugin supports image recognition for mouse clicks. He also has a demo video showcasing that feature. Should do the trick.. try messaging the creator or posting in the sales thread.
  18. Ubot supports using 'OR' 'AND' as qualifiers too. You can add as many as you wish on a single if statement. check out this video - http://www.screencast.com/t/L7UR89vJQaSV
  19. I found it by trying all possible combos - was simply trying my luck , got lucky and found this shortcut!
  20. select a node then press - Control key + space bar
  21. These are my thoughts on this topic - would like to know what you guys think - Other avenues to make money from Ubot studio- 1.Help startups with automation needs? There are sites like Product Hunt/ Appsumo where you can find info on web startups - these guys appear to be pretty bootstrapped in terms of resources [ both people and money], So reaching out to them and explaining what you can provide in terms of Browser Automation -( sometimes their customers too need browser automation for things like migrating from an existing app or system to the startups)- using Ubot studio could h
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