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About sheiku

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    Windows 8
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  1. Excellent, thank you ! I never known about $ExBrowser Generic Xpath Parser and i watched a lot of tutorials.. Thank you again , it is working now !
  2. Hi, I am new to this community I usually try to solve by my self the problems but this time i give up... simple i cannot copy or scrape the generated email value from the upper field in this page: temp-mail.org/ I usualy use Exbrowser so i need the xpath expression. I also use xpath builder pro for the same provider but no luck.. Can you help me? Thank you i tried: //input[@class=mail opentip] //input[@id=mail] //input[contains(@id,'mail')] //input[contains(@type,'text')] //*[@id=mail] and many many combinations. I do not master xpath syntax , i only use what i have provided by the webdri
  3. Hi, I am new here and i have a lot of problems with the Ubot... One of them is the following: How to use the "save as project folder" or ..how to save the project in order to be able to work from 2 pcs at that project ( of course not at the same time) ?? Facts: I need to work on 2 PC ( one laptop ) and my desktop PC.( some time i need to stay in my bed because of back pain and to work on laptop, sometimes i need to continue to my desktop pc because og the larger screen) I use dropbox on both with the same path : c://dropbox//ubotprojects I saw that if i create a project with multi
  4. Hi Learjet Please tell me what tool do you use to find x y mouse position relative in browser.. Because i use a plugin in chrome to find mouse position, but when i launch the chrome it is without plugins, and i cant build easy my aplication without the x y pos. I am also new and i struggle a lot with xpath syntax. Thank you Dan
  5. I found it...finally.. connect to mail server("SMTP","info1@clubyr.ro","password","mail.clubyr.ro",587) It was wrong the PORT in the server technical sheet. I tested 587 variant and it is working so... regards
  6. Thank you Insomnia But it is not working... It is simply frustrating... The same connection data i can use with success with every email client i want.,but not in Ubot.
  7. The server conection data are ( copyed from server) : If you do not see an auto-configuration script for your client in the list above, you can manually configure your mail client using the settings below: Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)Username: info1@clubyr.ro Password: Use the email account’s password. Incoming Server: server50.romania-webhosting.comIMAP Port: 993POP3 Port: 995Outgoing Server: server50.romania-webhosting.comSMTP Port: 465IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.Non-SSL Settings (NOT Recommended) Username: info1@clubyr.ro Password: Use the email account’s password.
  8. Hi, i am exasperated for this. I try to connect to my personal email adress to SEND some emails.. Simply i have the Failed to conect to ( EMAIL) server. The connection timed up....error. I configure for about 10 years various pop imap ssl...servers with thunderbirds or other clients, but i am stuck at this point in UBOT... Any tips for that? it is so simple but ...it is not working..I tried with various PERSONAL domain email address.. I uninstalled also the firewall..no chance.. The connection for receiving email is successful but not the connection for sending emails.. Thank you..
  9. I agree that API is a very good idea, but i do not know how to use it.. Ubot was developed with the idea in mind that nonprogrammers will be able to use it... i resolved the problem using windows command in Ubot, a used shell to open firefox browser, clicked in url tab, entered the url of sheet, and after that i use extensively the keyboard event...tab, tab, Ctrl c...and store the values in clipboard, transfer them in variable ...and use them .... Not to elegant but it is working,
  10. Hi, i also try to work with google spreadsheet....but now chance.. It constantly crashes in the Ubot browser. Finaly as a compromise i try to read the file in Autoit , pass the values to ubot and so on...but is so ...nasty. I do not know how to work with api s.. Any better method?
  11. Thank you deliter I need to read again your code to understand it variable="#myVariable" attribute to the textbox to set the variable and for the button a onClick="ubot.runScript('myScriptHere')" to the button which fires the ubot script because i do not understand it...I need the simplest version, without CSS..cdn...to understand the basic command. also It was a mistake in my signature..i have PRO version , not developer,( i edited after) so i suppose the ui html panel will not work for me.
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