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Everything posted by bangali_beta

  1. Imagine this .... You have a membership site and you're giving away free bots or paid bots to each member who signs up to the free/paid section and the bots are named after the member. So, member fills in registration webform then is taken to a download page. User downloads the bot and sees it is in his/her name. User feels the membership site has personally touched their feelings and sticks to the membership site. So, how can we programmers do all this ? I don't think it's possible currently in Ubot but if Ubot starts having a SAAS type of feature then it's possible. This is where Ubot team
  2. Hi, Why doesn't Ubot sales team create 3 types of tutorials: Std Pro Dev That way, users can see how to program in the 3 versions. Ok, I know most functions in all 3 are the same but the functions that do differ from each version, how-about we get their video tutorials so we can see how good or bad or easy or hard each features are to be used in each version ? That way, people can decide which version to buy and which not. For example, right now, I have a few things in mind and I'm not sure if Ubot Dev can do them or not. Had there been tutorials on the DEV versions then just by going th
  3. Folks, Have you ever earned from Pay Per Click links (PPC) ? From experience do you know if frame banner ads or interstitial links clicks get counted if the clicks are coming from offline pages or pages saved to your hdd ? I mean, if you have ppc links on your page and an someone uses those offline page downloaders and download your pages to their hdd and then view your pages offline and click the ppc links then did the clicks get counted and did you get paid for the clicks or not ? If you don't know the answer and you're into ppc then maybe best to ask your ppc network whether they'll pay
  4. Hi, Has anyone ever pondered what the "U" in "Ubot" means ? I hope the "U" doesn't stand for "Unique". Maybe, "Universal" ?
  5. I relaunched Ubot 4 & 5 and now I see the DATABASE commands and it's recognised the CONNECT TO MYSQL command in Code View. Not getting the error anymore. Have a feeling last times the DATABASE commands didn't load-up properly when Ubot launched. Hence the error.
  6. I can't find the CONNECT TO MYSQL DATABASE command anymore. That might be the problem why Ubot CODE VIEW doesn't recognise it. I think they've removed that command from Ubot! It's a shame because a lot of my files had that command! Why did they remove it ? !!! Frustrating !!!
  7. Hello Folks, I always use the GUI part of Ubot and that means the NODE VIEW and not the CODE VIEW. I understand whatever we do in the NODE VIEW gets translated into CODE VIEW behind the scenes in Ubot.Now, I saved a file that was ok. Opened the file and then Ubot auto switched from NODE VIEW to CODE VIEW saying there is error in my code (CODE VIEW) and I have to fix it or it won't be able to show the NODE VIEW.My question is: How can there be any error on my part since I just dragged commands in NODE VIEW and it was Ubot that created the CODE VIEW behind the scenes and not me ? I never use COD
  8. It means it didn't find the DEFINE. maybe you changed the DEFINE name after referencing it but didn't delete the referencer for a new referencer.
  9. Don't scrape directly to a file. Scrape to a list, delete duplicates then save to file. End of work.
  10. Yeah. Do as he suggested. I used to do it by copying into a DEFINE/SUB and then pasting it until I upgraded to Pro. Don't know what he means by "loop 1" though. If you upgrade to Pro then you can copy and paste the whole bot. No need to add things into SUB/DEFINE. We got CODE VIEW (TEXT VIEW) and NODE VIEW (GUI VIEW). DEV version has same.
  11. Mmm. Ok. Yeah, I'm looking for Php 7 tutorials myself so most of the things that pop in my head, I can just bring them to life rather than wait for days for others to build them. Problem is, ever since January, I can't find a proper Php 7 tutorial (both free & paid) for complete beginners. I've been suggsted some in this form but all the tutorials I've come across expect you know previous versions and just mention the new things in v7. I'm not interested in learning the previous versions because a lot of things in the previous versions have been dumped and no good learning a lot of stuffs
  12. Meter, It seems you have added the Trial feature like I suggested to you nearly 2 years ago through email. How-about adding my newly recommended features now so we don't wait another 2 years as I have a feeling you will add them later so best to do it sooner? They're listed here which others are LIKING: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19576-user-id-verifierauthenticator-plugin/ My 2ND & 3RD FEATURES suggested there could easily be integrated into your existing TRIAL feature. Just imagine how this sounds: Our users can extend their trials (we programmers decide how m
  13. Thanks. But don't forget to LIKE my original post so plugin developers can see it's a LIKEABLE plugin suggestion.
  14. Correct. It's a joke having to deal with $Lists in the middle. I suggest you suggest a feature to deal with the file. Maybe the following functions would be good so suggest them to the Ubot feature suggestion section: $file $delete from file $Add To Line Number "so" In File $Delete From Line Number "so" In File $Replace From Line Number "so" To "so" In File And so on.
  15. Anyone found my script useful ? Is it working on DEV or STD ? Mmm. I guess not then.
  16. What does that bot do ? Where's your sales page ? I have created a bot that finds WP blogs that still have their commenting section open so ou can now manually leave your comments for link building purpose. Another I created auto posts comments. Updating them so comments are spunn before getting posted. Will you be able to sell these types of bots ? Maybe, we can partner ?
  17. Chainsaw, Can you not dump the file data onto a list ($list from file) and then grab the $List Item: 0 and put it into a 2nd list and then use the "Remove From List" command to remove $List Item: 0 from the 1st list and so on ?
  18. Hi, I am building a script that verifies our bot users' twitter accounts. You're welcome to use the script by adding into your own bots so that your bots can verify their users' twitter accounts to make sure unauthorized users aren't using your bots (pirate copies). Problem is, I think I got my logics correct in the script but for some reason the script doesn't work in the current update of Ubot 5 Pro and I'm guessing it's to do with the $search page and/or the "greater than or equal to" in comparison is/are malfunctioning. I need expert Ubotters to have a look and see if I'm correct in my
  19. Thanks. Cheers! I LIKED your post. Trying your suggestion now!
  20. Everytime I try uploading a [FREE] bot to this forum in the FREE section I get message this type of file isn't allowed. First tried uplaoding a zip file. Then tried uploading the .exe file but still no luck. How did other Ubotters attach their bots ? My posts get posted in my threads but the attachments go missing.
  21. Ok, Fellas! Here's one of my very first bot. I would appreciate both newbies and experienced Ubotters giving their opinions on what they think about this bot built by someone who has no experience in programming apart from Ubot. And don't forget, it is one of my first bots. Maybe my 3rd. I think it took me 6 months of brainstorming to thinkup the features. FEATURE 1: You can feed source files with spintax intact and it will spin. FEATURE 2: You can feed source files with no spintax intact but it can still spin the content aslong as you feed it a synonyms file (.csv). For a beginner (at t
  22. Mmm. You're right. Majority of the people won't know what Crypto Currencies are and forgetting Paypal could end Ubotters losing up on sales (even myself). Ok, then. I might aswell have Paypal on the side just incase customers aren't interested in BitCoin and the like. Thanks for sharing your experiences Nick and TJ. Saying all this, new Ubotters are likely to make a lot of mistakes and have a lot of bugs on their codings at the beginning and if customers go beserk and start charge backing etc. (without asking for updates) leaving the new Ubotter with a lot of penalties to pay then that will re
  23. You mean, you'd rather not have us competing with you. Lol! I've got a few secrets and I'm just gonna reveal them by making them free bots. Lookout for my free bots in this thread after a while.
  24. Why don't you make a video tutorial on how to install your bots and then forward the customers to there. Put adf.ly ads so every view earns you money (even a little). You never know the little earnings might pile-up over the months. Anyway, do you mind showing us a few video clips of how your bots play with the searchengines. How they gather data and what type of data. That sort. You might aswell put the clips up on your youtube channel and see if anyone's interested in your bots. You might make lots of sale. I, for one, would get an insight on what Ubotters do with their bots (apart from link
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