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Everything posted by Asentrix

  1. Damn beat me to it haha
  2. Here you go add item to list(%pictures, $get files("{$special folder("Desktop")}/allpics", ""), "Delete", "Global") loop($list total(%pictures)) { change file field(<type=w"file">, $next list item(%pictures)) } You can change the image directory if you need to , it currently loads pictures from desktop/allpics This is just an example , not the whole thing
  3. In regard to your other question , this is the code to scrape all pictures from an ebay shop. The pictures are saved to desktop/ebaypics/shop name clear list(%picurls) clear list(%shopname) ui text box("Shop Link", #shoplink) ui check box("Collection?", #Collection) if($folder exists("{$special folder("Desktop")}/Ebaypics/")) { then { set(#yesfoldexist, "yes", "Global") } else { create folder($special folder("Desktop"), "Ebaypics") } } if(#shoplink = "") { then { alert("Enter your shop link!") stop script } } navigate(#shoplink, "Wait")
  4. Not a problem , if you ever need help just shoot me a PM
  5. Sure , last but not least , copy the image and save it to your pc , resize it and upload it to imgur. Then change the image src in ubot to your new imgur image that's been resized so it fits
  6. Try using change attribute > select useless element on page > change innertext and make the innertext blank , hiding the element , giving you more space on the page. It may help your image fit onto the page
  7. Here's a bot I made which farms free bitcoins which you can gamble Works quite well! • To use proxies , create a txt file on your desktop called "proxies.txt" and fill it with proxies , then select "use proxie(s)" within the program • Requires DBC for full automation. http://i.imgur.com/XgSK5PM.png
  8. Here you are navigate("http://www.gramfeed.com/instagram/tags#rolex", "Wait") clear list(%usernames) wait for element(<id="main">, 20, "Appear") change attribute(<id="topbar">, "innertext", "") change attribute(<id="topAd">, "innertext", "") change attribute(<id="filter">, "innertext", "") add list to list(%usernames, $scrape attribute(<title=w"*">, "title"), "Delete", "Global") set list position(%usernames, 0) loop($list total(%usernames)) { navigate("http://www.gramfeed.com/{$next list item(%usernames)}", "Wait") } I couldn't finish it since I don't have in
  9. If your code isn't too private I suggest posting it here so I can get a better understanding and assist you further
  10. Yes. Open WinRar , find your ubot package within WinRar and click "add" When you are asked what settings to choose , pick the following http://i.imgur.com/qC6mqwM.png Make sure to set your password after that , and make note of it. When done , hit okay , and your package will be built.
  11. Here you go , this is just an example , but it navigates to an item , scrapes the picture and description comment("Navigate To Product") navigate("http://www.ebay.com/itm/Apple-iPhone-5-16GB-White-Silver-Factory-Unlocked-Smartphone-/181748519007?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a510e505f", "Wait") comment("Save Default Image") save element image(<src=w"http://i.ebayimg.com/*">, "{$special folder("Desktop")}/{$rand(1000, 9999)}.jpg") comment("Scrape Information From Description") add list to list(%iteminfo, $scrape attribute(<class=w"tab-content-m">, "innertext"), "Delete", "G
  12. Yeah thanks for that I already considered pipl , but the sponsored / fake ads kinda screw the bot up :L
  13. It works fine if you open a new calc and import it I'd suggest using Microsoft Office instead though , hope I helped
  14. Have you been doxed? Has your sensitive information been leaked?! Then look no further! This program is designed to generate fake information and mix it with your real information then post it online! Whenever someone googles for your username or dox , it will point them to bogus information. This is a great way to hide your identity or cover up information and make it impossible for your real info to be found. Because there is so much code , I have added it to a txt file on my host. The code http://anonbot.com/doxcover.txt Demo Look Download http://www.anonbot.com/p/10009 Pass
  15. Yeah sometimes playing around with it is the best thing to do I've lost count of the amount of times I've solved a problem just out of sheer luck and trying new things! Hope your issue is resolved , if not I can try to help you more.
  16. You can force the image to load by scraping the image src and changing attribute > src > data you scraped?
  17. I highly doubt it because of ubots obfuscation , any sort of compression (except rar / zip) would give detections and break the program. I suggest just highly compressing a zip / rar and adding the files to that Maybe someone might be able to clue me in , there may be some sort of compression method / plugin.
  18. I could make it for you , with a nice gui too , let me know if you're interested , wouldn't cost too much
  19. Basically this program gathers reasonably accurate information about a certain username , as well as possible IP information. It isn't the most efficient and does have a few bugs which can happen occasionally, but overall it's quite nice My partner and myself worked on this for a few days and I want to give it away for free , hopefully you might learn something from it! Note: This program was developed so you can find information on yourself , not other users. What it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/KjCyjZV.jpg The Code It isn't the fanciest code , but it works rather well and look
  20. A while back , someone made me a demo program with little to no code in it , compiled by ubot. All Was well , until I decided to check the md5 hash on virustotal. Bam , 24 detections.. How is this possible? Is ubots obfuscation messing with antivirus software / url scanners? I want to buy the developer edition of ubot tomorrow , but I'm worried about my program(s) being flagged as malicious even though they aren't. The program was created with ubot v4 about 6 months ago , so hopefully things have changed? If anyone has a recent scan link with false detections on it could they please post
  21. I personally think the developer edition would be worth it. It has a lot of extra features , like customising the look of the program etc I can personally tell you after using programs made by developers that disabling the browser can impact the quality of the bot. You would only notice a slight difference though , unless you were working on an extremely heavy project. If you have the money to spend , I suggest you pick up the dev edition , I'll be doing the same tomorrow
  22. Very easy to bypass IF the website you're trying to automate has written captchas as well. This code here will check to see if the picture challenge exists. If it does , it will hit the refresh button , and wait 5 seconds , and check again. Once the picture challenge disappears you can use the general captcha solving method. if($exists(<innertext=w"Select all *">)) { then { clear cookies loop while($exists(<innertext=w"Select all *">)) { click(<id="recaptcha-reload-button">, "Left Click", "No") wait(5) } } } Sinc
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