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Asentrix last won the day on June 2 2015

Asentrix had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

17 Good

About Asentrix

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. The youtube data api v3 quota is crazy tiny, can barely upload a few videos without exceeding the 10k What do you recommend for this conundrum? I've made a quota increase request but chances are I'll be denied since I don't run a buisness, well not a serious one I could make a bunch of projects and use multiple api's but thats just extremely inconvenient Sucks though, very disappointing as it's ruined a few good ideas I had
  2. How "Human" like is the mouse movement? Does it draw random paths with mistakes? Does the speed it moves generate randomly? I'm looking for essentially undetectable human like mouse movement Not mouse movements that move straight from A-B in a perfect line Is that possible with this plugin? Could you make me a demonstration program with the plugin for me to check out? Maybe move mouse around the screen a bit?
  3. You aren't even selling ubot software , you're just advertising your website / backlinking lol
  4. Seems pop up feature is broken , tried adding the pop up (with no values on the button) like instructed , and it tells me to add a value to it It contradicts itself? Also when attempting to 'add a value' , it results in the same error
  5. Is paypal the only payment method you accept? What about BTC (Bitcoin) ? Impossible for me to use PayPal , long story , but I really want to buy this! I own new gen builder , it constantly glitches , deletes elements , doesn't save correctly etc
  6. Nice , looks like your youtube channel got suspended, guess this doesn't work?
  7. Was the google font function removed? Can't see it , can only use default fonts? PS I just updated , so I assume I have the latest version: 4.9
  8. Hi darryl! Currently having problems loading it up , I ran it for a while but had to reset my PC due to rootkits etc After re-installing windows and trying to use it , it says maximum amount of used activations? Could I please have my computer ID reset or something??
  9. Well , lets say in the game I want the bot to click a menu icon , so it would need to check if it exists first. I would have a picture of the in-game menu icon saved to my pc All I want it to do is check the game window to see if the image exists , just like in the browser
  10. I was wondering if it were possible to check if something exists outside of the browser? I play a game on my PC and I want to check if something exists in the game window. Is this possible at all? If so , could someone please give me a rough Idea of how to do it? I've tried setting the active window and checking if it exists but it didn't seem to work. Thanks for any help!
  11. Just the website haha not the project , the CPA html theme , incase anyone was curios where you got it
  12. Just wanted to point out that the website cpa template is indeed public / free Good luck with sales nonetheless
  13. Does this use standard multithreading? Looks as though it's faster than usual? Anyways great job , I'm interested in buying it so I can learn from it
  14. Regular Expression is your friend , I know it's tedious and kinda scares people off But I highly suggest you sit down for an hour or two and take the time to understand it! Regex is needed a lot in ubot and having that knowledge at your disposal is always great
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