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Everything posted by iamddr

  1. As new update said istalled chrome is able to uses extensions and login google account, but one I restart all settings gone, so I want to launch my own chrome profile, anyone knows?
  2. hi, botguru.net ticket server is down? 

  3. Hello Pash, license server is down, please fix.

  4. I never changed any info before, just used my very first username and password, I can login dashbord with my very first username and password by now but I didnt find any link to reset ubot dev login username and password. please help.
  5. Hi, Nick Is there any trick like get cursor position in rich text box, such as insert text at cursor position in the middle of paragraph by click a button.
  6. Hi Nick, By run this code, I got five columns, how to clear columns before reinit datagrid? thanks plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Initialize DataGrid", #dataGrid1, "{$plugin function("UltimateUI.dll", "$UI Add DataGrid Text Column", "Keyword")}{$plugin function("UltimateUI.dll", "$UI Add DataGrid Text Column", "Description")}", 16, "Arial", "", "D8F7FC") plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Initialize DataGrid", #dataGrid1, "{$plugin function("UltimateUI.dll", "$UI Add DataGrid Text Column", "Keyword")}{$plugin function("UltimateUI.dll", "$UI Add DataGrid Text Column", "Description")}{$
  7. Thanks, just make it perfectly running, time to replace XAMLUI and DatagridUI
  8. I got "system.windows.staticresourceextension" errer at line 32 and position 66 when I run Metro Demo Project.ubot, I have updated to 1.3, dont know why.
  9. Do you have a clue of run locked exe on win10 without install net3.5?
  10. Hi, Dan Can I open like 3 chrome tabs and every tab nav to different url in the same time? I tried set timeout to 0.1 and open tabs in thread but got no lucky, could give me piece code of it? Thanks.
  11. I found lots of "TIP: Contains not equal" in heopas plugin anyone knows how to use this?
  12. same problem as BeerNut C:\Program Files (x86)\PROGAM NAME\C\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\Make-Ubot-Install\Resource\Program File\ pash, could you fix it?
  13. first use xpath you got url1 url2 url3 second use regex replace you got kw,url1 kw,url2 kw,url3 third use add table to table
  14. plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "clear global dictionary") thread { plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local dictionary") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "local dictionary add", "a", 1) alert("t1:{$plugin function("LocalDictionary.dll", "$local dictionary get", "a")}") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "clear local dictionary") } thread { plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local dictionary") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "local dictionary add", "a", 2) alert("t2:{$plugin function("LocalDictionary.dll", "$local dictionary get
  15. clear all data plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "clear global dictionary") thread { plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local dictionary") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "local dictionary add", "a", 1) alert($plugin function("LocalDictionary.dll", "$local dictionary get", "a")) plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "clear local dictionary") } thread { plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local dictionary") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "local dictionary add", "b", 2) alert($plugin function("LocalDictionary.dll", "$local dictionary
  16. Hi, Netflix076 Please add me too. skype:iamddr Im stuck with Recaptcha V2, thanks.
  17. seq = difflib.SequenceMatcher(lambda x:x=" ", a, ratio = seq.ratio()use python standard library - difflib
  18. Hi, Dan.Do you still have the scrape frameword for smart thread plugin? Could you update DL link or sent it to me? Thanks.
  19. It's new customers only.... any for subscriber?
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