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Everything posted by rumen

  1. Make bot read variables from txt file in appl dir.With bat file 1.write txt file to appl dir with vars needed . Next pass command line with /auto only. Good luck
  2. Hi ugakebet, You have this kind of problems long time ago. This can be solution for U. define $Substring(#Sign to search, #String to search, #After which sign is substrin to return) { set(#string, #String to search, "Local") loop(#After which sign is substrin to return) { set(#Index, $find index(#string, #Sign to search), "Local") set(#string, $substring(#string, $eval($add(#Index, 1)), $eval($subtract($text length(#string), $eval($add(#Index, 1))))), "Local") } return(#string) } set(#Substring, $Substring(",", "Random Question,jessica biel,If you have five
  3. To test any js in the page where must be declared.To test your java script You can use load html("<script type=\"text/javascript></script>") then "run java script" command. Best
  4. Thats my way. clear table(&Old table) clear table(&New table) clear list(%Temp) create table from file(".yourDataFile", &Old table) save to file(".temp", &Old table) clear table(&Old table) add list to list(%Temp, $list from file(".temp"), "Delete", "Global") save to file(".temp", %Temp) clear list(%Temp) create table from file(".temp", &New table) Have luck
  5. Thanks Kevin for good idea and Chainsaw for implement. Just small correction in the define to work : define append(#data, #filename) { save to file(".temp", "{#data}{$new line}") shell("cmd.exe /C type .temp >> \"{#filename}\"") }
  6. load html("asdkdsfsdfsdf<br> sdfslkdfjlskdfj<br> <br> http://google.com/<br> <br> asdasdasd<br> asdasdasd<br> asdasdaffdgökfdjgöfjklghfg<br> hfgöhklfölgkhölfkghfghfgh<br>") set(#Url_text, $find regular expression($document text, "[a-z][a-z0-9+\\-.]*://.*\\.[a-z][a-z0-9+\\-.]*"), "Global")
  7. rumen

    About Tables

    ui open file("Excel File To Process", #xcel) define test { create table from file(#xcel, &excel) type text(<name="q">, $table cell(&excel, 1, 1), "Standard") } if($comparison(#xcel, "=", $nothing)) { then { alert("Please choose file first") stop script } else { navigate("google.com", "Wait") test() } } ps:ui commands must be outside define.
  8. Smarter is to use "load html" command in new browser where You can format all text using html tags like <br> <strong>.... then scrape "document text" to variable and "change value" of field in main window.
  9. Smarter way is to check and see how many processes yourexename.exe*32 is running via shell with VBscript on start up.Good news is You can limit how many bots can be run.VBscript can parse a list of processes in a text file and You can count the processes.If You have other questions for this way I will response tomorrow because of 1 post per day restriction of the forum.
  10. Hi ugakabet, Sorry for my late response but in the forum has restriction for 1 post a day. Next regex will match all after second comma in the given example ' from 'Name::,cfield_6,First and/or last name.' (?<=\,.*?\,).* Hope this will help.
  11. When You have "cfield_6" You can replace it with nothing in Your text. Result will be "match everything except" that You want. Best
  12. Here is the regex for You. (?<=\,).*?(?=\,) Use find regular expression to add item or list to Your list.
  13. navigate("http://www.whynotad.com/login", "Wait") if($exists(<email field>)) { then { change attribute(<name="login">, "value", "rebekahc294") change attribute($element offset(<email field>, 0), "value", "rebekahc294@dispostable.com") change attribute(<password field>, "value", "z8tPvPCy33") click($element offset(<login link>, 2), "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "") } else { } } navigate("http://www.whynotad.com/place-free-advertising", "Wait") type text(<name="title">, "This i
  14. The good news is CS resolves more type captchas than offered. I'm using command line because of more control and with some test captchas that are unknown are resolved with very good percent.So - my advice : test it even with not offered captchas .
  15. This is my answer to Mikey/Captcha sniper developer/ how I'm using captcha sniper in my bots.This is one of the methods to use Captha sniper.If You have questions on usage PM me.
  16. About year ago I was done this by Ubot 3.5.If You have 3.5 I can pass script.My script did it when reading emails with page scrape --- left side-><H3><FONT color=#00681c><B> right side -> > </TD> then replace -></B> </FONT></H3>< with , and add to list. I think via Ubot 4 it will be peace of cake to do it.
  17. loop if evaluate list position <26 replace nothing next to remove blank mark remove dublicates
  18. Frank thanks for expression. Till now I used find regular end replace regular for this. Yours is much quick. Thanks again.
  19. after login delay 1 second and navigate to "https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=html&zy=a" basic mode chose by attribute "https://mail.google.com/mail/h/*/?v=c&s=l&l={1}&th=*" where 1 is your label add to list and all links in that label are in your list now you loop this list and scrape links needed
  20. if you run it with system authority it runs in background.
  21. To be clear my point I will use an example:In the list "Test" on position "3" I have list item=Good . How to set it = Bad. prior to loop the list.
  22. I don't want to be cheeky but if we have possibility to change 'list item' value in 'list position' our work will be not so hard.
  23. Thanks for understanding Eddie, I miss this option very match. Set variable from command line will help me same bot to run in deferent way. Also I can schedule same bot to work something else on specified time. Thanks in advance for this option.
  24. Hi LoWrIdErTJ, For sale I prepare install self extracted packed with shortcuts where argument /auto is defined. I prefer winrar for this work where I can customize almost everything .
  25. I'd like to see custom parameters that can be set outside ubot in command line arguments like "/auto" but custom defined.
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