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Everything posted by dankass

  1. rename your ubot file to a .zip extension and extract the uscript file out of there and you can view that in a text editor.
  2. no question about it... http://www.ratemypoo.com/
  3. cant get anything with sqlite plugin to work with ubot 5 to work, and I cant get the built-in sqlite to create or connect to a database file... anyone else having this issue?
  4. Thanks, but the question is how to CREATE an empty database to start with, not connect to an existing one. However, even when I put a pre-made sqlite file in there I do not get anything but an error establishing a connection. I have been using aymen's sqlite plugin previously, but I cant even make that work with ubot 5 now... kind of having a nighmare right now with several issues at the same time and not sure whats causing what. in order to even file a bug report.
  5. Yea that would not be much of a problem. I've made a couple of linkedin bots... linkedin is one of the easier sites to automate IMHO. Feel free to pm me if you have questions.
  6. Am I overlooking the existence of a command to create an empty SQLITE database file in UBS 5?
  7. Freaking awesome meter! You rock! And thanks Aymen for lending a hand on this project too! P.S. There are lots of smart peeps on this forum, but I consider both of you guys the 2 top geniuses around here...
  8. It's not just you:) And I agree... I think this ubot security 'thingy' may work for some people, but its nowhere near what meter offers in the way of automating issuing and delivering keys and integrating it with payment processors and whatnot. I don't see that happening with what this thing ... Meters product is cheap enough, so i dont see how they will do much with this thing and imho they should have included it as part of developer edition... I feel like I'm always being squeezed for more and more money every time I turn around... Its not enough that we plopped down $700 for this sucker,
  9. Yea... its all a big show now... I'd say more but don't think political stuff is all that welcome on a forum like this... but I'll just say all you have to do now is mention "government" and you should automatically know its a joke about incompetence or greed:) Oh, and P.S. Yea, got an email from ubot folks saying UB5 release is postponed for a couple days...
  10. LOL, I had not heard that part... but yea, our govt is (supposedly) "Shut Down" at the moment... They still got plenty of money for drones and waterboards tho... The joke was meant as a reference to the "Shut Down" cuz lots of other "non essential" services are shutting down here... the 'funny' was if somehow ubot was part of the govt shutdown as the reason for why it has not been released yet. Hope that helps... we Americans have an unusual sense of humor that blends humor with sarcasm and its often not understood... I for one, as an American thought the same thing when I first saw its not
  11. Wow man, you have no idea how many hoops I have had to jump through to compensate for the lack of an "exists in list" function, this is HUGE for me man! Thanks!
  12. I signed up a while ago too and never found it either? How can I get my hands on this puppy?
  13. Looks good, but does it save the keywords/tags to the CSV file? Also, if you are interested in selling the source please PM me with a price.
  14. Here is a K.I.S.S Version of using this progress bar I've been using lately... (KISS Stands for "Keep It Simple Stupid"... I think its an American thing so figured I better clarify:) Hopefully it helps some people out, I think its pretty straight forward, if not, feel free to ask questions... ui html panel("<html><body><span variable=\"#kissprogress\" fillwith=\"innerhtml\"></span></body></html>", 100) set(#kisslooptotal, 57, "Global") set(#kissloopcount, 0, "Global") loop(#kisslooptotal) { increment(#kissloopcount) wait(0.10) set(#kissprogres
  15. Not sure what "out of sync" means because it infers a relationship to some other loop being synced together WITH the wait.... But, if I am wrong, and the progress bar simply has to update according to the length of the wait, I don't see why doing a loop with a 1 second wait per loop for 12 loops would not suffice to replace a 12 second wait time unless you are trying to be incredibly accurate down to fractions of a second for some reason, in which case a progress bar is probably not a great idea anyway. I have done (I think) exactly this once to display a countdown that waits for the next proc
  16. Can you explain what the os splashscreen does? I added it, put an image (a png file) in the path... compiled a bot, and i don't see anything happening. I also added an alert dialog to it cuz I wasn't sure what could go in there... a brief explaination of what it is or does would be helpful, thanks.
  17. How will we be notified about this big update? I bought this very early on and I don't think I am on your notification list, can you please add me to your list to receive info about updates? Thanks
  18. So, was not sure how to title this post. I am 99% done with a project but am left with a nagging problem that I cannot seem to solve... its a strange one and gonna require a guru to figure this out I think, but here goes... I'm using the mobile version of FB in ubot (I tried both iphone and android with the same results). For reasons far too long to explain, I *NEED* to use the mobile version. But here's whats happening... I am wanting to hide the browser window in the bot, but when I do that it will NOT click any of the "buttons" unless not only is the browser window showing, but the specif
  19. Oops, yea, i forgot to get rid of the #looptotal variable in a spot... I updated the code... thanks.
  20. Someone asked for an example of this using an actual list that is looped through,,, so, here is an example (there are obviously other ways to do this, and this is a very basic example). Hope this helps... add list to list(%mylist, $list from text("apple,orange,pear,mango,grape,pizza,hotdog,hamburger,tomato,celery,onion,corn,beans,cheeze,milk", ","), "Delete", "Global") set(#progress, 0, "Global") ui html panel("<body> <progress variable=\"#progress\" fillwith=\"value\" max=\"100\" style=\"width:300px;\"></progress> <b><span variable=\"#progress\" fillwith=\"innerh
  21. Almost weird that there is no command for this, and nobody has added it to a plugin or anything yet.
  22. Why not... if you are that comfortable with regex I dont see why this is not a good idea... I personally use a database most of the time, but for settings files and such I often use an XML file and the xml plugin from aymen. But, I hate regex so, I avoid it like the plague:)
  23. Anyone ever figure out how the Run Encrypted Ubot Script part works? Not sure how to get it encrypted to start with in order to use with this command.
  24. Awesome... I picked this up when it first came out and its been great... Can you tell me what is the difference between this "os clear cookies" command and the regular ubot clear cookies command?
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