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Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Wiri

  1. I brought this and there is not a lot of guiding or tips to speak of very confused perhaps video's might help. Also what are msd files and how do you open them? ClickingSwiping MotionsUp and Down Swiping MotionsTypingIn the guide I take you step by step on how to get started making mobile bots, give you tips on how to make your bots more efficient, and explain solutions to common problems that you may face.
  2. I see Thanks for the great info !
  3. Thanks arunner26 the isp I am looking at joining changes your ip everytime you connect to the internet but I can see where associating a proxy may help with less red flags. I was thinking sites would realize that some isps have dynamic ips that change everytime you connect.
  4. Do you need to use proxies if you have a dynamic ip? We have isp's in New Zealand that have dynamic ip internet connections
  5. Please add me skype name wirihere
  6. Hi is anyone having issues with saving a file to the same folder as the application using the special folder function?
  7. For anyone who does not know what a google hangout is its a google platform where you can have up to 7 people on a video conference at the same time. The good thing about it is you can screenshare anything on your desktop so we can watch other peoples examples of coding in real time and it also simultaneously creates a you tube video of the entire conversation. All you need is a gmail account and then you can join g+.just search g+ then join up. Once you get an account we can talk about making a suitable time for us all to get together
  8. Hi Im a newbie who is interested in doing google hangouts with other newbies to talk about anything to do with ubot and perhaps learn together as well leave a reply if you are interested
  9. Hi newbies Im a newbie to would you guys be interested in doing a google hangout with me on a regular basis just to talk about what we are doing and maybe we can nut out problems together. Pm me if you are interested
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