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Everything posted by fastlinks

  1. regex (?<=noscript\>)(.|\n)*?(?=\<\/noscript\>)
  2. I am trying to split the defines into many .ubot files and use "include" function to load it to the main bot (to speed up ubot when coding), but i have just found that if i edit/add/update a define of the child .ubot file, and run "include", it will not update the define to the main bot unless restart ubot. It do not make sense to keep restarting ubot to get the update. Anyone have a workaround? I tried pash "Advance ubot" >> "run ubot code", but it cant read .ubot file directly, anyone know how to read .ubot file as a variable or convert it into text?
  3. if the page do not show "i am not a robot" checkbox, it might be invisible recpatcha you cant click "next/submit" button. you need to run javascript to continue.. check sample here http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22391-advanced-captcha-invisible-recaptcha/
  4. goto C:\Users\{computer_name}\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\Browser delete the version folder, then run ubot again. it should download again
  5. add me on skype: ipowerhost2 and let me know the target website, i will try
  6. you can try it using exbrowser, manually solve captcha for few times until it mark you as "trusted", then use exb save the cookie to file... in the bot when run chrome browser, load the site cookies before the automation. (but i think it will be hard for a google site)
  7. I am using ubot 5.. just sometime we will still need v4 for some work.
  8. I am not able to run ubot version 4 on my windows 10 pc, do you guys having the same issue? these .NET version is installed by default on win 10 .NET 3.5 .NET 4.7 now even ubot launcher is not working, may be it happens after ubot v6 installation. Anyone have a workaround or solution?
  9. Hi, i have problem running ubot launcher 1 on windows 10, therefore i buy version 2, but this version do not detect any plugin and ubot version. https://prnt.sc/mz0u5l do you have any solution to make it work?
  10. i have resolved it. it need to run javascript for the callback function (without click on the submit/register button) run javascript("_submitForm();") the call back value is shown in the page source data-size="invisible" data-callback="_submitForm"
  11. I am using pash Advanced Captcha plugin trying to solve invisible recaptcha with 2captcha service. it is working fine on the recaptcha demo form, but i have spent whole day try on a live website with no luck... please help if you have experience with this type of recaptcha, thanks comment("advanced captcha") navigate("https://www.domain.com/register","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#fname,"jason","Global") set(#lname,"jones","Global") type text(<full name field>,#fname,"Standard") type text(<email field>,"{#fname}{#lname}{$rand(111,99
  12. to get page source or to find text value in between x & y some other useful regex match email: to match url: to match phone
  13. clear list(%urls) add list to list(%urls,$list from text("http://www.yahoo.com http://www.bing.com",$new line),"Delete","Global") clear list(%title) set list position(%urls,0) loop($list total(%urls)) { set(#curr,$list item(%urls,$list position(%urls)),"Global") navigate(#curr,"Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded","") divider comment("scrape text in between") set(#pagehtml,$document text,"Global") set(#title,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #pagehtml, "(?<=<title>).*(?=</title>)"),"Global") set(#titl
  14. http://www.7url.com/file/img/exbrecaptcha.jpg http://www.7url.com/file/img/exbrecaptcha1.jpg plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Change Attribute", "//*[@id=\"g-recaptcha-response\"]", "style", "width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid rgb(193, 193, 193); margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none;") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text", "//*[@id=\"g-recaptcha-response\"]", #result) after the change attribute command, you will see a text box appear, get the answer from the provider and write to the text box
  15. plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Run Javascript", "var element = document.getElementsByClassName(\'slider\')[1]; element.scrollTo(5, element.scrollHeight);") Thanks for your help, but i tested with the code above and it do not move the slider. here is the web skype https://preview.web.skype.com/
  16. just a quick question is the plugin still work in 2019? can it scrape all the skype contact and post a message?
  17. hi, thanks for the answer but the code you provide is to scroll the main page. if you see the screenshot, the skype contact list is NOT on the main page, but a javascript pop up, so the above code wont work.
  18. i try to scrape the contact list from skype (web version), but i am not able to scroll to bottom to load more contact from this scroll bar. i think it need to run javascript, anyone know how to do it in exbrowser? thanks a lot. http://7url.com/ubotimg/scrolldown.jpg
  19. plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Change Attribute", "x://*[@id=\"g-recaptcha-response\"]", "style", "width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none;") this code will remove the display:none from the style attribute
  20. Hi, i am working on a page where it require to click a button and handle an open file windows, it is working fine in exbrowser. but when i am doing mutithread, i cant let it pop up the windows from multiple instances. is there a way to upload image in silent mode? this is the page elemant and code, it didnt look like it is able to use "change file field" http://prntscr.com/mp2kpc http://prntscr.com/mp2nok <div class="col-md-9" xpath="1"> <div class="upload-photo gallery" id="gallery">
  21. Example 1 allow popups("In New Window") navigate("http://www.javascript-coder.com/files/window-popup/javascript-window-open-example1.html", "Wait") click(<href="javascript: openwindow()">, "Left Click", "No") wait(4) in popup { set(#header, $scrape attribute(<title="Permanent link to jQuery Popups">, "innertext"), "Global") close page } both debug and compile bot not working
  22. you are right, may be X will need another 2 years to able to use.
  23. I tried the allow pop up - in new browser example on ubot wiki, but it never pop up anything either in ubot and compile bot. is it just me? https://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/In_Popup
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