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Everything posted by IRobot

  1. The problem is with the code; if there's nothing in the list, the first item cannot be accessed. Stat Monitors should only be used to display variables, not for example; $list items. To fix your problem: Set a variable to $list item > Position 0. Then use a Stat Monitor to display the variable's value after the list has been populated (i.e. after the $add to list).
  2. I sent this guy a message 5 days ago, and still no reply. Not genuine? You decide...
  3. I'd also add to PsychoDad's useful list; at regular intervals clean temporary files, e.g. browser cookies.
  4. Agree with the PHP/MySQL approach. Here's a good tutorial to get you started: http://www.webmonkey.com/2010/02/php_and_mysql_tutorial_-_lesson_1/
  5. You can import your own list of websites for each platform, i.e. you can choose if you wish to post to the same sites or different ones.
  6. Is this the Custom Splash Page, as in the Developer Edition: http://ubotstudio.com/Versions.aspx ? If so, can't this be changed or do you want the option to remove it completely?
  7. See the link in post #2. Yes; you could also use the include command in an existing bot.
  8. The HTML UI allows you to add check boxes and text boxes. You could implement a javascript function to do what's required.
  9. That would depend on whether all of the directories were built using a common platform; if they were it's likely they would have common attributes, which Ubot could easily select; if not, you would have to go through each one to check if they had anything in common which Ubot could select.
  10. If I understand correctly, the user clicks on a check box and the relevant ui text box is filled in? If so, this functionality is not available in Ubot standard, but could be implemented in Ubot Pro/Dev, using the HTML UI.
  11. This would be possible with the new HTML UI.
  12. Try looking at the javascript on the page; this can be triggered using Ubot's 'run javascript' command.
  13. You may mean the 'include' command. For usage and an example, see here: http://www.ubotblog.com/ubot-studio-using-ubot-files-from-a-url-location/
  14. Do you mean each script? What do you mean by "chain one event to the next"? Do you mean you are using the include command? If so, you can only include .ubot files, not compiled .exe's.
  15. Read each line into a list. Then use $list from text to separate each line into another list of delimited values.
  16. Yes, mate. Yes. The attached example shows how to scrape the image URL's to a .txt file. You will need to create another list for the descriptions, and save to a CSV. For further info., please see the tutorials on scraping and CSV files here: http://ubotstudio.com/tutorials.aspx scraper.ubot
  17. Then have the sub return a status value or a 'FAIL' to the parent script.
  18. As it's a simple bot, why not upload the .ubot file for others to compile? This may help to determine whether Ubot is at fault, the computer system or something else.
  19. I don't think so. Try it. It's best to code round potential errors, by using if.. then.. statements, for example: if item chosen then do stuff with item
  20. Uncheck the option in: Ubot Studio > File > Preferences.
  21. As long as the items/options could be selected in a web browser, then they could be automated using Ubot.
  22. Use choose by attribute to select the field. Then change chosen attribute, using the #variable for the required field.
  23. Hey dude, Please see your previous post here: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5380-using-delimiter-and-few-variables-in-line/page__gopid__24217entry24217
  24. Use: add to list Content: $list from text Then set the required value as the 3rd $list item.
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