New Sample Scripts

For new Sample scripts have been added to the knowledgebase.
They demonstrate the following things:

-How to find and save information on Google maps
-How to create conditionals with the UI Checkbox
-How to set variables
-How to use search page
-How to stop a script
and many more!

Just visit
Got to the knowledge-base and the new sample scripts will be under the downloads category!

Happy Botting!

Sample Scripts and Codes

Ever wanted to find some sample scripts to help point you in the right direction in terms of scripting?

Now you can now get sample scripts and codes on the knowledge-base here for UBot 3 and UBot 4!

Just click on the titles to download the scripts! It’s a wonderful way to expand your knowledge and move you along faster in terms of learning UBot Studio.

Happy Holidays from everyone at the UBot Studio Team!

New Video and Article on Regular Expression

There have been two pieces added to the UBot Studio resource library. There is a video tutorial on the Find Regular Expression constant in the Developer and Professional versions of UBot Studio.

We have added a new article in the knowledge base for those who want to use Regular Expression to enhance their scraping abilities.  It focuses specifically on the Choose by Attribute command and how to use it to find and grab items you need. All three versions have the ability to choose an attribute by Regular Expression.

You can find the written tutorial at the UBot Support Knowledge-base.

The tutorial is on the find regular expression constant, for those trying to organize information with Regular Expression. You can find the video tutorial on the UBot Studio Tutorials Page under the Tutorials For the Pro and Developer Versions.

Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen and SEO Interviews!

I have recently been in Europe for some business and have been traveling to Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Cologne. It has been a crazy ride till now – working, partying and loads of beer.

Beyond all the fun and work, I was approached by a German Super-SEO during one of the events and he wanted to interview me regarding UBot Studio.

Loving Germany and everything about it (including its SEOs), I could not help but oblige. The interview is going to be translated into German and posted on one of the top-german SEO blog.

Obviously I can’t sneak-out everything I wrote there but you can take a peek-a-boo into the juicy bits. Read on!

Read More

UBot Studio 3.3….. Stable!?!?

After weeks of development, hundreds of bugs, hundreds of fixes, the pain and the joy of the debugging process, customers hesitant to change, customers overjoyed with raw power and speed of the new system, and a few thousand lines of code, I think we’re just about ready to unleash 3.3 stable on an eager public. To those who are using the betas, please keep a hawk-eye out for bugs from here until the stable version is released, and report any glitches that will hold back the stable status.

If you’re used to the 3.1 system and the 3.3 system seems different and like it may take some getting used to, keep an eye out, as we will release a few videos to show the major changes and assist in making sure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

I want to let you all know that we truly appreciate all the feedback that we’ve gotten during the creation of UBot Studio 3.3. Your feedback has allowed us to create a powerful and structurally sound piece of software that’s built around your needs. Keep letting us know how we can improve UBot Studio and we will keep revolutionizing the field of internet marketing.