Seeing the Future vs Foreseeing It

This is cool.

VentureBeat alerted me to the death of the creator of the mouse, Doug Engelbart, which is a shame (although he was 88). What I didn’t know about was his famous 1968 demo/presentation, which is one of the founding bases for all GUI’s that came since. It basically revolutionized what people imagined a computer could be capable of:

At the time of his demo in December, 1968 — since referred to as the Mother of All Demos because of its scope and influence — computers were used primarily for computing and tabulating mostly numeric data.

Like Steve Jobs and Apple after him, Engelbart had the vision to not only describe what computers might be capable of, like a science fiction writer would, but to actually show it off in this “Mother of All Demo’s.” To put it another way, he didn’t just help people foresee the future, he helped them actually see it.

Skip to 54:00 and check it out for a few minutes. Along with a mouse, they basically demonstrate hyperlinks, which seems pretty blase now, but if you can imagine what computers were like in 1968 – “impersonal boxes that read punched cards, whir[red] awhile, then spit out reams of teletype paper,” according to Wired, this demonstration must have been absolutely otherworldly. He also shows off things like windows and version control and text and graphics on the same screen. This is mind-altering stuff. It just wasn’t what people thought of.

There’s a great breakdown of all the individual sections of the demo here:, that’s at least worth scrolling through to get a sense of how amazing this video really was, and how impactful.

Early hip hop lyrics?

Engelbart was working to improve the interaction of people and computers–basically, trying to make people work better and smarter through technology.

While most computer scientists concentrated on making computers smart (artificial intelligence), Engelbart was interested in how computers could make humans smarter, or what he called augmented intelligence.

Our company has a much, much smaller goal, but one that I think Engelbart would appreciate. If a computer can do the hard work for you, why not make programming easier? Why not allow anyone to create their own applications? Why not show people that they can do more with computers by showing them the future instead of just telling them about it.

Apparently Arthur C. Clarke, the famous sci-fi writer of 2001: A Space Odyssey, came by the lab where this demo and computer tech was being created, and after they showed him what it did, he said, “I write all kinds of things about the science fiction future, but I never thought of anything like this!”

I like to think that it’s our job here at Seth Turin Media, Inc, to present ideas that no one has thought of yet. Our goal isn’t financial success, but changing the world.


– Seth

It’s Time to Start Making Money

When I started doing business online, the “internet” was already pretty big. Most people used it.  But even in those short few years since my first sale, the growth potential for online businesses has just kept increasing. Internet sales are skyrocketing, tools to do business online are getting better, cheaper, and more accessible, and software like UBot Studio lets you create a product out of thin air that people will pay hundreds of dollars for, again and again. We are at an amazing time–one when those of us who make money online are in the minority, but the number of people buying online is increasing to a huge majority.

There’s never been a better time to start working from home, to train yourself on a few simple skills (like marketing), and to try your hand at living the dream. I foresee many years of significant growth for entrepreneurs online, and I can’t imagine any better business to be in. While I was doing some research about the growth of internet business, I found some stats that just begged to be shared:



UBot Studio Online Entrepreneurship and E-Preneur Online Business Infographic

Online Entrepreneurship – E-Preneurs – are finding it easier than ever to do business online


See? There’s just no way to look at all that data and think “No, I should keep going to my 9-5 job,” or “nah, I’ll wait til next year to try and make a buck online.” This is your time. 


– Seth Turin

The Many Places to Find Help With UBot Studio

One of the most frequent comments we get about UBot Studio is how great the community is.

We’re lucky and happy to have such wonderful gurus, fans, and friends helping one another in a variety of different ways, and I wanted to make sure everyone knew how to reach out to all the different support networks that these wonderful people can be found in.

Of course the first place to look for support is our forum – The UBot Underground. There are over 10,000 topics and even more answers to be found there. You’ll find first-time users and advanced scripting geniuses helping one another with questions, giving ideas, offering free and paid scripts for your perusal, and more. Make sure you register and check it out if you have any interesting or just want to get lost in ideas about automation and bot-building for a while.

There are also several Skype groups available specifically for UBot Studio users! If you’re interested in a lively discussion about scripting, automation, and how to get the most out of UBot, be sure to join by asking for an invite. Just add “emw-DGN” as a Skype contact (our good friend TJ) and he’ll get you set up.

There is a great opportunity for you to work with and help one another through these great communities, and we appreciate all of the users who make them great, productive places.

Of course, we get a wide variety of questions at and are happy to help you there as well! We’ve got a professional support staff answering questions every day and they are a wonderful resource for those of you with active Support and Update subscriptions.

All of us at UBot hope you’re having a great time working with UBot Studio and don’t forget: If you’re stuck, there’s help available!

– Lilly

Awesome Discount for Teams Now Available

Does more than one person in your business need UBot Studio? Maybe you’ve got a developer or an outsourcer that you frequently have work with you on UBot projects? If so, we’ve got some great news.

UBot Multi User Discount

We’re now offering an incredible discount on additional licenses for your team. If you’re just now purchasing UBot Studio, simply select a Multi-User License at the checkout page. If you already have a single user license but need to expand and get an additional license for your partner or programmer, you can now upgrade at a phenomenal price.

To upgrade to a Small Team license, valid for up to 3 users, simply open a ticket at and request an invoice via Paypal (this is the only option available right now). For our records, we need you to include the email addresses of the new user(s) and the position they hold in your business.

Here’s the great part. For a Small Team (2-3 user) license, you will only be required to pay for one additional license. That’s two licenses for the price of one! Plus, the new license will be discounted 10% off as well!

Additional Developer License(s) will be $895, Pro licenses will be $535, and Standard licenses will be $265.

All you need to do is open a ticket under the “Billing & Finance” section in support, and let us know that you need an additional license.

(Note – All team members will use the same UBot Studio login/password to access their accounts. Currently, we can’t make an exception to this policy. We may end this discount at any time, so get on it now! We do reserve the right to not offer this discount to all users.)


How Much is Your Company Worth?

Ever since Yahoo announced that they were buying tumblr for 1.1 billion dollars, I’ve been thinking about value. There are a lot of complicated equations that Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer, pored over to determine that this was a viable transaction. Is tumblr worth that much money? Traditional techniques for valuation involve adding up a year’s profits and multiplying them by some amount. Another technique would be to add up the value of the company’s assets.

tumblr doesn’t really have  a profit, not yet anyway. And for traditional asset valuations, the truth is that it barely has any actual saleable assets. But tumblr has a giant list of entranced, targeted users. This purchase shows what all internet marketers know: people = profits. (If you are an internet marketer, this should be your mantra.)

And, a surprising amount of those users have a fair amount of money. So while right now when I use tumblr I see ads for cartoons and movies, I imagine a large shift within a year or so to targeted ads for home automation devices, robotics, computing, etc–and not just cheap stuff, either.

My own tumblr, Seth Turin and the Automata, is heavily focused on my own little hobby–futurism, automation, and really cool tech stuff that’s coming out which will reshape our world. (Check it out.) I use tumblr because it’s a great way to find out offbeat news and to spread that information to you. It’s a window into a whole world, and the window is quick and fun to look through.

A few ads in the way won’t bother me at all.

But the real question is: Will those ads make back a billion dollars?

In your own internet marketing ventures, that’s the real question you need to ask yourself about you spend time/money on. Is what I’m doing right now contributing to my success monetarily? Yahoo expects to make 100m-ish in the next year from tumblr, and sure, over the next 3-5 years, they may make back that billion. But most internet marketers don’t have 5 years to wait to make back their time and money investment.

What you are doing today, what you are doing as soon as you finish reading this, is what determines your success. What your company is truly worth is the value you put into it today. Forecasts and predictions are great, but you can only put off value for so long.

I’m not saying it’s all about money – tumblr probably didn’t have any profit for a while. But they did grab onto 75,000 users in their first few weeks. That initial success at developing a userbase is what drives profits down the road. If what you’re doing today isn’t gaining you profit or new users, you need to rethink your strategy.

I’ve got lots of friends who’ve tried to create a startup and who gave up early on because they had nothing to show for their ideas and work except some cool website or software. What they needed was to start getting profit, or users, early.

So whatever you do today, make sure it’s offering real value to your users. That will get you more users and push you toward profit, which is the only way to have real success, the kind of success that an investor could put a value on.

Anyone can do it. To be successful in the future, you just have to put your energy into present.


(If you’re interested in following me on tumblr, click any of the images below–)

[alpine-phototile-for-tumblr src=”user” uid=”” imgl=”tumblr” style=”vertical” size=”500″ num=”4″ align=”center” max=”100″ nocredit=”1″]


– Seth