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Can anyone fill this SOB of a field without turning off javascript?

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I cannot right click on the password field on this this site . I can if javascript is off and then I can fill field, choose by attribute etc. The problem is if I turn javascript off then I can't find a way to fill the captcha input field. I already put way too much time into something 1 of you guys will probably be able to figure out in five minutes. So someone help please.


The bot is attached and here is the source code as well:


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                <h3>Before selecting your number, we need a few details from you:</h3>

               <div class="wrapper_signup_body">
                       <input name="do" type="hidden" value="verify" />
                       <input name="availableid" type="hidden" value="" />
                       <input id="checkingtext" name="checkingtext" type="hidden" value="Checking" />
                       <input id="emailresenterrortext" name="emailresenterrortext" type="hidden" value="We have a problem sending the email. Please try it again" />
                       <input id="accounterrortext" name="accounterrortext" type="hidden" value="We have a problem creating your account. Please try it again" />
                       <input id="usernameerrortext" name="usernameerrortext" type="hidden" value="Please enter a valid username" />
                       <input id="passworderrortext" name="passworderrortext" type="hidden" value="Your username and password cannot be the same" />

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                       <input id="updateemailerrortext" name="updateemailerrortext" type="hidden" value="Cannot update your email address. Please try again" />
                       <input id="requesterrortext" name="requesterrortext" type="hidden" value="Cannot process your request. Please try again" />
                       <div class="error_input" id="generalerror" style="display:none; clear:both; float:none; height:50px; width:100%; text-align:left; margin-left:0px;"><img id="generalErrorExclamation" src="/signupvoxox/assets/exclamation.gif" style="float:left;margin-top:5px;margin-left:30px;" alt="General Error." /><span style="float:left;width:80%;margin-left:5px;"></span></div>
                       <fieldset class="verify1">                     
                           <label for="email">EMAIL ADDRESS:</label>
                           <img id="emailExclamation" src="/signupvoxox/assets/exclamation.gif" alt="The email is not valid." />
                           <img id="emailCheck" src="/signupvoxox/assets/check.gif" alt="The email is valid." />
                           <input name="email" id="email" type="text" title="example@example.com" maxlength="150" value="" error="Please enter a valid email address." />

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                       	<div class="error_input" id="emailerror" style=""><span></span></div> 
                           <div id="availableemailaddress"  class="error_input"></div>
                       <fieldset class="verify1">
                           <label for="username">USERNAME:</label>

                           <img id="usernameExclamation" src="/signupvoxox/assets/exclamation.gif" alt="The username is not valid." />
                           <img id="usernameCheck" src="/signupvoxox/assets/check.gif" alt="The username is valid." />
                           <input name="username" id="username" title="Voxox_Fan89" value="" type="text" maxlength="50" error="Usernames must be at least 5 characters long." />
                           <div id="status_username" style="display: none;float:left;"></div>	
                           <div class="signup_comment" ><span> Your username must contain at least four characters, consisting of only alphanumeric, numeric and underscores.</span></div>                        						
                           <div class="error_input" id="usernameerror" style=""><span></span></div>
                           <div id="availableid" class="error_input"></div>
                            <div id="availableid_success"  class="error_input" style="color:green;"></div>
                           <input name="checkid" id="checkid" type="button" value="Check Availability" style="color:#000;margin-left:112px;display:none;" />

                           <input name="changeid" id="changeid" type="button" value="Change" style="color:#000;display:none;" />
                           <div id="suggestedNamesContainer" style="display:none;">
                           	<div><span style="display:block; margin-left:10px;width:100%;color:rgb(230,0,35);">Please try another username, or select from these suggested options:</span></div>
                           	<div id="suggestedNames" style="margin-left:15px;display:block;">
                       <fieldset class="verify1">
                           <label for="password">PASSWORD:</label>

                           <img id="passwordExclamation" src="/signupvoxox/assets/exclamation.gif" alt="The password is not valid." />
                           <img id="passwordCheck" src="/signupvoxox/assets/check.gif" alt="The password is valid." />
                           <input id="password-clear" class="example" type="text" value="Enter a Password" autocomplete="off"   />
                           <input name="password" id="password" type="password" maxlength="50" value="" error="Passwords must be at least 5 characters long." />    
                           <img id="confirmPasswordExclamation" src="/signupvoxox/assets/exclamation.gif" alt="The password is not valid." />
                           <img id="confirmPasswordCheck" src="/signupvoxox/assets/check.gif" alt="The password is valid." />
                           <input id="confirmpassword-clear" class="example" type="text" value="Confirm Password" autocomplete="off" />
                           <input name="confirmpassword" id="confirmpassword" type="password" value="" error="Passwords do not match. Please re-confirm your Password."  />
                       	<div class="signup_comment" ><span> Your password must contain at least five characters, consisting of only alphanumeric, numeric, and special characters .</span></div>

                       	<div class="error_input" id="passworderror"><span></span></div>    
                       <fieldset id="recaptcha">
                           	<dt id="captcha-label"> </dt>
<script type="text/javascript">
   var RecaptchaOptions = {"theme":"white","lang":{}};
</script><script type="text/javascript"
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      height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br>
  <textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40">
  <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field"
</noscript></dd>                            </div>
                           <div class="error_input" id="captchaError"><span></span></div>

                       <fieldset class="verify1">
                           <input name="bttn_accept" id="bttn_accept" src="/signupvoxox/assets/button-signup.gif" type="image" value="SignUp Free" />
                           <div class="signup_submit_warning">
                           	<span>By clicking "Sign Up Free" you are agreeing to the Telcentris Inc.  <a href='http://www.voxox.com/terms.php' target='_blank'>Terms of Use</a> and <a href='http://www.voxox.com/privacy.php' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy</a>.</span>

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voxox sign up.ubot

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Well, I tried and tried in v3. It maybe possible and I did not try the Parent/Child/Sibling nodes which might get you there. Of course using Sendkeys might get you there as well just Tabbing to that spot.


I will tell you this.


In v4 this is quite easy. I used two nodes and I did not jump through any hoops to get it to work.

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Well, I tried and tried in v3. It maybe possible and I did not try the Parent/Child/Sibling nodes which might get you there. Of course using Sendkeys might get you there as well just Tabbing to that spot.


I will tell you this.


In v4 this is quite easy. I used two nodes and I did not jump through any hoops to get it to work.



OOooo ooo oooo I am on a new machine windows 7 64 bit. v4 client if I have any idea what I am actually talking about. Tell me tell me tell me!! And thanks for working on it man from my searches you always seem to be ready to lend a hand.

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One trick you can use on sites like this that block the context menu with jQuery is using the javascript:





That will let you right click on anything again. Here's a video showing that in action:




Also as BotBuddy said, this will be a little easier in UBot 4, as the site won't be able to block our context menus anymore, as shown in this video:




Hope that helps :)

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You men are all the salt of the earth. everyone gets a plus 1 for helping me out. Of course I figured out how to do it, while I was waiting, by simply entering in the id manually from the code. Nevertheless Eddies java tip worked like a charm.


But of course now there is another problem... After all fields are filled clicking the submit button makes the email and username disappear. This of course means the page returns with an error.


So with a combination of crazyfix's field activator, zap's recommendation to send keys $new line on the last sign up field, aaron's suggestion of putting in delays between fields to allow the site to check availability of username and email address, franks tip on decoding captcha then closing dialog and decoding again, using send keys on every field and some spit and bailing wire I got it to sign up.


Now there are only 2 small problems...


The first is that crazyfix's field activator isn't sending to the password field even though its chosen. It's sending to username. Here's a Screenshot of how it ends up




The second is despite signing up the account it doesn't take me to a page that shows it was successful. I guess I can live with both unless someone has an idea just off the top of their head.[/size]


So any word on a release date of v4? Oh and anyone got a recommendation for a good starting point for learning javascript? a javascript for dummies maybe?


Ok before this post turns into a manifesto I am signing off.

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