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Everything posted by solidrockguy

  1. I am trying to use xpath to click on the second element in this code with the type "submit" <form action="somewebsite.com" method="POST" class="manage "> <input name="action" value="renew" type="hidden"> <input name="crypt" value="U2FsdGVkX180NDM4NDQzONe9PvWMxP9Xj6XCcek741gG7yEIlidzCg" type="hidden"> <input name="go" value="renew" class="managebtn" type="submit"> </form> I tried this x://input[@value=renew]//@t
  2. I think I have turned off webrtc - here is my browserleaks report now: I had made adjustments using Pash's windows automation plugin to add "human" mouse movements and clicks to specific locations instead of using xpath. I would prefer to use xpath but is it a giveaway to sites like google or craigslist whose sole purpose seems to be defeating bots?
  3. first nav wait(#UI_TB_first_nav_wait_MIN, #UI_TB_first_nav_wait_MAX) stop script alert($Human Delay(5, 10)) define first nav wait(#MIN, #MAX) { wait($Human Delay(#MIN, #MAX)) } define $Human Delay(#MIN, #MAX) { return("{$rand(#MIN, #MAX)}.{$rand(001, 999)}") } I found this to add the human delay - from you of course Thanks. Any help on the webrtc stuff is appreciated.
  4. Yes I am using random but not milliseconds. How do you do this? Yes and always uploaded from c: not some subfolder I am not sure if they pass or not - here is what the site shows when I go there from within the FF browser opened from launching the incognito exbrowser FF with webrtc disabled. Does this pass? If I have a leak from what shows on the screenshot above what do I need to block? I was originally using chrome but based on talk about webrtc and ip leaks in chrome I switched to FF Any help is really appreciated. If you have scripts that are already doin
  5. I am trying to automate some posting on Craigslist using exbrowser and running into issues with my ads getting ghosted and/or flagged. Is there anything I can do using exbrowser to make my bot look more "normal" so it will pass their sniff test? I am opening a new incognito chrome browser so it is clean when I start it up and only using good clean private proxies. I am looking for ideas on how to simulate a real human interaction and am familiar with adding random delays. Is there a way to make the actual mouse move randomly or to click in random locations or something else that might help?
  6. That will be helpful but how did you get it to click on the "View image" button? When I use the contains text in the xpath it doesn't work consistently. Any help is really appreciated
  7. I am trying to put in a search term in google images like "mouse" for example https://www.google.com/search?q=mouse&num=100&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiigqjyh4XYAhWBfCYKHQauDwQQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=803 and then have a bot that will download all of the FULL SIZE Images that are available only when you click on the View Image button from within the image once it is clicked on. I am doing this in exbrowser and have tried a variety of xpath expressions but nothing seems to catch the url or open the url. I am okay with either clicking on the l
  8. Hi Pash, Does this have the ability to position the caption on the image (like top, left half, right half, bottom, center, for example)? Also, can the text color, text size and font of the caption be changed? Also, is it possible to add multiple different captions to the same image - even if it means looping through the images twice or more times?
  9. I have searched everywhere on the forum but can't seem to find an answer. I am trying to scrape just the paid ad results for a search like "Car Dealer in Chicago". I have found regex for scraping the organic results but can't find anything for gathering just the paid results. I would like to gather the headline, the ad content and the display URL for each advertiser in the order they appear for each keyword including the ads at the top of the organic results as well as the ones on the side but I am unable to figure out the simplest way to find the common thread of each advertiser. Any help
  10. Thanks a lot for your help - That one does not seem to gather anything on that page.
  11. Thanks Kreatus. That works to capture the first one but there are some other ones on the page that it catches as well. Here is the URL I'm trying to gather the list from: http://www.rvwholesalers.com/design/rvsearch.php?SEARCHRVTYPE=&Sleeps=0|50&Fiberglass=Z&pricerange=0|500000&exteriorkitchen=Z&Bunks=Z&searchrvlengthrange=0|600&manufacturer=Z&exteriordoors=Z&searchrvweight=0|50000&brand=Z&Slides=Z The extra ones it captures are the similar ones that have <img src... after the opening h1 tag.
  12. Is there anyone who can help me with this bit of regex? I am using Aymen's http post command to pull all of the text and then I want to gather all of the innertext from links like this one: <h1 style="margin: 2px 0 0 0;"><b></b> <a href="http://www.rvwholesalers.com/design/AmeriLite/AmeriLite.php?floorplan=21MB">AmeriLite - 21MB</a></h1> It needs to distinguish by using the h1 tags since there are other similar links on the same page. I just want to gather all of the innertext from these results - in this case it would be AmeriLite - 21MB. There are typi
  13. That worked famously. Thanks so much for the tip UBotDev.com !!
  14. I want to use ubot to scrape results from an interior page of a secure site that requires login (so I can't share the URL). I login then click on an access button that in a normal browser opens a new tab and opens the page. Is there a way to do that in ubot? I've tried the "in new browser" command to no avail. When I click on the access button in the ubot browser nothing happens. Anyone have ideas on a work around or method?
  15. Hi I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this one. Here's the problem, I have a large csv table file with about 1700 rows and maybe 50 columns and with a single row of labels as the column header at the top(row 0) that I want to convert to individual csv files (in this case it's about 34 files) with 50 rows of the content and the label on the first row. Once I make each file I will want to save it but I think I can figure that part out. Is there a way to do this in ubot? It seems like it should be able to but I'm not able to figure it out yet.
  16. Hi, I like the looks of your software but I'm only a Standard License holder. I have tried typing out the sample script and then copying and pasting it directly into Ubot Studio but it doesn't seem to work. There are several places where you say your software works with Standard license as well - is that still the case? And if so how do I copy and paste the code into Ubot? Hopefully you understand my hesitation considering if I have to upgrade to the Pro edition it adds quite a chunk ;-) Thanks for the help.
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