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Everything posted by zenos

  1. Hello pash, sorry but it does not resolve my issue. I just open my bot, I don't do anything but open a checkbox dialog, and all the actions and defines just after clicking OK on the checkbox dialog, does not go on. It is like it is on pause, nothing happen. I have net framework 4.6 installed on windows 7, i7 3.4Ghz, 16G ram... I use ubot 4 Here is the configuration of one checkbox dialog : http://prntscr.com/93pmgg Thank you again
  2. Thank you pash, I'm going to test it and I will let you know if it is good
  3. Me, again... It seems to be a problem when I use multiple checkbox dialog on the same bot, on different define. Some times, I don't know why, the actions just after closing the checkbox dialog don't continue. It is ok until the dialog close, just after it close, no actions, it is like it is on pause... Do you know this problem ? Thank you pash
  4. Realllllly good ! Thank you again, I love your plugins, and the support and updates are the best I have never seen.
  5. Last request pash, could it be possible to hide one or more column in the open table on the checkbox dialog, just hide not delete them (and keep it in the Table in and out) ?
  6. Hello pash, I'm having little trouble using "checkbox dialog". When make a change on the table, and when I click on "cancel" button, it save to the original table (Table In). Could it be possible just to save it when I click "OK" button and not when I click "cancel" ? And, can I change myself these words (ok/cancel) on the buttons anywhere, I'm french and my customers too Thank you again, and really good job for all of your plugins, I love them
  7. I'm waiting for it, doesn't received yet Thanks again
  8. Hello pash, I've just made update of your plugins but it require licences keys that I do not have... http://i.imgur.com/jsJnSVY.png CAn you send it to me by mail or MP ? transactions id: Advanced Dialog : 91Y498287H250021E Advanced Ubot : 2PD94702PE8669626 Thank you
  9. Or in "shared browser" if you need to keep the cookie from the main browser
  10. Thanks for the advice, I'm french and we use to tell "Go", this is just the same thing than "GB"
  11. http://birdybooster.com/images/pdv.jpg Features: Add unlimited accountsFollow targeted UsersFollow Active people (exclusive tool)Retweet targeted tweetsFavorite targeted tweetsCreate lists and add users to listsMulti Follow with 5 accounts at the same time, followers from users.Multi Unfollow with 5 accounts at the same time, only people who doesn't follow you back, or everyone.Multi Retweet a tweet with all your accountsDM poster to all your followers, with spin, with 1 picture (shuffel from folder you choose), with links, and with the name of your follower inside the DMSchedule hundred
  12. use "comparison" if($comparison(#tcode, "=", $nothing)) { then { } else { change attribute(<name="trackingCode">, "value", #tcode) } }
  13. OK, just understood that the list name have to be written without %, but I still don't know how to check if element exists in local list... Thank you for your answers
  14. Just discoverd this plugin today, I have a question How can I check if an element "exists in local list" ? I tried to make it work like that but without any success: plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "clear global dictionary") thread { plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local dictionary") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local list") plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "local list from file", %listes, "{$special folder("My Documents")}\\ABONNEMENTS_1.txt") fast() } thread { plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "init local dictionary")
  15. Just bought it paypal id: 4X119526ER016892H EDIT: just send my HW id
  16. I'm gonna take it in a few days but before that, i have questions... Is it easy to implement this plugin if my bot is already done (I'm not using HTTP plugin), I have a big bot for Twitter (soon available for US) and I have to be sure it will not be a huge work to use your plugin on it. Is the PhatomJS browser have to be installed on my customer's computer or not ? It's not a big deal if it is) Is the "crash browser" resolved if I use FF, Chrome or phantomJS with your amazing plugin ?Thank you all for your answers
  17. Dont use a name's folder with special char, just tell him to put your bot on the desktop
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