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Everything posted by ChrisDH

  1. Yeah this is working great to scrape all of the urls from the page but it is picking up the paid ads as well. You got any ideas on how to scrape only the organic results. It seems they were really spoiling us all that time when they used the class I..... EDIT : I managed to do this with Regex to get only the organic results.
  2. Had problems. Upgraded to ie 10 and re-installed .net. It now runs better than I have ever seen it run.
  3. Again, awesome work Darryl. This seriously has come a long way sines the first build and even that was sweet....
  4. Hi Jack, I don't mean to sound funny but if you are that hard off you should concentrate on finding a new job. When starting out we all have to have money coming in from somewhere to pay the bills while we build our own business weather it be full time bot building or more on the marketing side ect. Going in with the mindset of having to have made it big by next week is not going to work out well and you have more chance going out and buying a scratchy. Now if you are focusing on your current bot...... Is it unique? Does it do things other Twitter bots don't do or does it do something bett
  5. If it is that small and will only take 30 mins you might as well just post a question in the forum about the part you are stuck on and get your help there.
  6. You've been around for so long yet you expect someone who will do a good job to do it for you for $30 and give u the code. Lol good one...
  7. Yeah Darryls DD UI Builder is awesome and getting better all of the time. Its an extra $20, worth every penny and still under what you said you would pay in the first post.
  8. TJ wrote a plugin to work with HMA here http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13445-sell-plugin-hma-commands/
  9. UBot is something that is meant to be learnt just like any other language. It is however a very simple 1 but giving it 2 weeks and then giving up and thinking of returning it is not going to work out well... Do you have the dev edition? Your profile says standard... Here is a simple loop with a html button and a loop counter so you can see how it works. You have to put your code you want to run inside a define then assign your define in the D and D UI Builder. loop counter.ubot
  10. Yeah, it is amazing that none of the dev team have been able to replicate this issue. Even if it was a Ram issue (which I do not believe it is) then it is still a UBot problem as the UI's that I am seeing freezing on must be using less ram than Pac Man.
  11. I have also sent in a ubot file with it happening and got the reply that it works fine!
  12. Picked this up earlier and loving it, really has some awesome features to make your bots more professional when delivering them to clients...
  13. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="a2mateit" data-cid="72626" data-time="1362090258"><p> Don't worry there will be plenty more times that Ubot makes your heart pump and your blood race. (you'll see)<br /> <br /> </p></blockquote> Lol yeah but it is not always from pleasure...
  14. I was also sceptical about the look and feel of finished bots before I bought Dev and like said above there are not a lot of freely shared UI's that look up to much. I decided to jump in and see what it is like. Its awesome, You can make your bots look sweet and professional.
  15. This thing just keeps on getting better and better. Suggested something a few days ago, now it is on its way. Great work.....
  16. O'k well I am unsure what is in the standard but looking at your code below you are typing text and then waiting but you have not clicked search in google. navigate("google.com", "Wait") type text(<name="q">, "test", "Standard") In here add a click search button. and here add wait for browser event (Everything Loaded) wait for element(<innertext="Next">, "", "Appear") add list to list($scrape attribute(<class="l">, "href"), %url, "Delete", "Global") load html(%url)
  17. Try this.... clear list(%url) navigate("google.com", "Wait") type text(<name="q">, "test", "Standard") click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") add list to list(%url, $scrape attribute(<class="l">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global") load html(%url)
  18. Just want to come here and say thank you to Darly for making this. It is an AWESOME tool that has got some of my bots to a level that would have no way been possible without outsourcing the work or spending a shit tonne of time learning html, which I will do one day but there are better places for my time to be spent right now like trying to get my head around Regex and other Ubot functions.... When additional styling options are added it will be on a whole new level of good. Great work
  19. Yeah was thinking something similar. X, Y co ordinates or guide lines you can place over and slide around to act as a ruler.
  20. Nice, I had been trying to figure out how to add a HTML UI to my bots, this has helped no end. Thank you.
  21. Pleade add me - seo.giant thanks
  22. Aight guys, I signed up yesterday after A LOT of thinking about trying it. Fricking LOVE it. For sure one of the best investments I have made since I started doing IM. One of the first SEO tools I bought was a blog commenting tool to find .edu and .gov blogs to manually post comments on. I think I paid about $10 for it or sumit small like that. After a few hours of clicking around the place I have the exact same bot built and fully functional. Looking forward to getting further into this.
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