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luis carlos

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by luis carlos

  1. http://ubotplugin.com/product/create-table-from-excel-lite/
  2. Hope it helps. http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/18082-lost-source-code-found-ubot-version-5/
  3. Hi. Have you tried steemit using the latest ubot version? Thanks.
  4. Please, stop promoting your services everywhere in the forum (there is already a section for businesses), and check the dates of the threads. Im sure OP already got what he was looking for. Regards.
  5. You are right, and he is one of the best ubot developers, besides of that his support for all products is awesome.
  6. Contact to Dan (exbrowser plugin dev), that guy is one of the best.
  7. I am interested in this too. I have been waiting for a long time for starting with the new version 5 (still working with 4.20), but it seems is not ready yet. Shame! Luis Carlos
  8. Usa list from text, y como separador ","
  9. Could you check the os clear commands? I tried to log out from hotmail using all the os clear, but does not work. http://www.screencast.com/t/h8Pe0yx8X4 Thanks
  10. Please open a different thread with your question, and give more details about what you want.
  11. you are right. But the idea is to show that ubot is still working on twitter, at least in the loggin in task. Saludos Luis Carlos
  12. it works fine here https://vid.me/Lh6C clear cookies set user agent("Chrome") navigate("https://twitter.com/login", "Wait") wait for element(<class="t1-label remember">, "", "Appear") type text($element offset(<email field>, 1), "blahblah", "Standard") type text($element offset(<password field>, 1), "blahblah", "Standard") click($element offset(<login button>, 1), "Left Click", "No")
  13. Post your code first, and then ask about the problems you have.
  14. Yes, they did. But is it working now for you? Are you still using ubot browser?
  15. ui text box("login twitter", #login) ui text box("pass twitter", #pass) navigate("https://twitter.com/login?lang=en", "Wait") wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "") type text($element offset(<email field>, 1), #login, "Standard") type text($element offset(<password field>, 1), #pass, "Standard") click($element offset(<login button>, 1), "Left Click", "No") wait(1) wait for browser event("DOM Ready", "") Login with no problem, just changed navigate("https://twitter.com/login?lang=en", "Wait")
  16. @arunner26 Thank you Thank you Thank you. You saved my day, my live and my business! Suddenly 2 ubot files were "not valid ubot file" and almost crying found this thread! Both were in my temp folder! Thanks again. Luis Carlos
  17. I still use it for clearing memory, and other commands. Works PERFECT! TJ are you planning any updates? Luis C
  18. Use this http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/16308-free-plugin-large-data/
  19. http://imautobots.com/downloads/regex-builder/
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