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Everything posted by steven.cross

  1. Carl, your domain where u put the locker expired and now we can not use your sw. Check it please! Thanks
  2. Is there any way to center the UI to the middle of the bot when maximized? http://goo.gl/3Oa33a Thank you
  3. Thank you for the code Dan, but - nope, still the same crash... I'll just have to wait for diskwizz to come along to see what's the problem. To bad I wanted to play with it today Steven
  4. Well I don't know what version he gave me...I can't even paste your code Dan. http://content.screencast.com/users/serbyy/folders/Jing/media/f12f1468-08a4-485b-a681-216ca51ac421/2015-02-07_2157.png
  5. Hi, I can't get this plugin to work with the code provided. I get a crash every time - http://screencast.com/t/mO4FUHc4xYY . I tried it with other plugins and without, in vers 4 and vers 5, compiled and in studio, with chrome and with firefox, on my pc and on vps. Same thing every time: loads the browser than crashes. Thank you
  6. Pash can you please fix this error to not show when cleaning the temp folder? - Also on Clear by Me command http://content.screencast.com/users/serbyy/folders/Jing/media/647ad0f9-d077-4a45-b756-1f89fd06f5a5/2015-01-30_1331.png Thank you.
  7. Awesome thank you very much for the fast fix Pash!
  8. Just tested again with the new version and still the same bug. The date is still 2001/01/01 Published
  9. Hi Pash I'm trying to post to my wp blogs but I see a bug on the Post Publish Date. I tried with $date function in the field or lots of other formats like mm/dd/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy...and so on. All my posts are in this date: http://content.screencast.com/users/serbyy/folders/Jing/media/1df97090-9dca-4539-aaaf-1d6f9233ba1b/2015-01-27_2251.png Can look over it and tell me the correct format - I just want to post the current date. Thx
  10. Carl could you make the scroll box like the dynamic dropdown so we can load the variables dynamically from lists, tables, etc? Or something like the UI list box in ubot. That would be awesome! Thank you for the update btw.
  11. Bug1: Textarea element does not expend anymore! Bug2: Button position are messed up - different position in ubot and ssub: http://screencast.com/t/KldQPq0p3ma
  12. Sorry sir but I do not know who Dans is. I made the this code library long time ago and I still use it to extract .ubot files to text and save the codes created. I taught other's will find it useful if I release it for sale. Plus buyers get the source code of the library to change it how they please. Moreover there are 2 versions of the bot itself. - one is made using aymen's sql lite plugin - the other is made using .csv commands for those that don't have aymen's sql lite plugin Here is a video demo showing it works: http://screencast.com/t/HLZcePGM Thank you, Steven
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