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Everything posted by TheBigWeb

  1. Not sure if this works? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3276794/jquery-or-pure-js-simulate-enter-key-pressed-for-testing
  2. Yeah it's pretty annoying. I had a customer send me that exact error
  3. Hi guys, Anyone have problems running compiled bots on Windows XP? I have the latest version of UBot and trying to run a compiled bot on XP and I can see the process loaded but nothing appears. Strange days
  4. Hi there, I am getting an error today saying 'License not active for current plugin'. I have deleted and re-added.
  5. It won't work if you just check for the process because as soon as the bot is loaded it shows in the task manager so it detects itself and then won't run. You have to check for a second instance.
  6. In fact, I will share it with everyone: - http://cdn.301nuke.com/docs/best-practice-guide.pdf
  7. I will PM you the best practice guide so you can have a read through and you can decide yo buy after that. Give me a few minutes...
  8. Here's a nice little function for you all: - define $isInstanceLoaded(#pProcessName) { comment("PURPOSE: Returns true if there is already and instance loaded ********") divider set(#_processCount,0,"Local") set(#_isLoaded,$false,"Local") add list to list(%_processes,$list from text($plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "cmd.exe /c tasklist"),$new line),"Don\'t Delete","Local") loop($list total(%_processes)) { if($comparison($find regular expression($next list item(%_processes),#pProcessName),"= Equals",#pProcessName)) { then
  9. OK here is some rough and ready code which works on load("Bot Loaded") { clear list(%test) add list to list(%test,$list from text($plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "cmd.exe /c tasklist"),$new line),"Don\'t Delete","Global") set(#count,0,"Global") loop($list total(%test)) { if($comparison($find regular expression($next list item(%test),"Test.exe"),"= Equals","Test.exe")) { then { increment(#count) } } } if($comparison(#count,"> Greater than",1)) { then { alert("Al
  10. Awesome both of you. Although it detects the 1st instance. I will have to perform a check that detects if there are two or more
  11. Hi there, Still working for me but I will let my customers chime in so you don't think I am biased You will get a Best Practice Guide when you purchase
  12. Many thanks for this although I can't seem to get it working? Here is the code below: - on load("Bot Loaded") { if($plugin function("Open.Framework.dll", "$is already running", "Test")) { then { alert("Already running") } else { } } }
  13. Figured it out: - clear list(%_snOutput) add list to list(%_snOutput,$list from text($plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "cmd.exe /c \"wmic bios get serialnumber\""),$new line),"Delete","Local") set(#_output,$pop(%_snOutput),"Local") Thanks for your reply guys
  14. Hey guys, Anyone know of an easy way to retrieve the system serial number or mac address? I know I can use dos commands WMIC BIOS GET SERIALNUMBER and IPCONFIG but just wondering if there is a plugin? Thanks.
  15. Thanks for the reply. I have the plugin you mentioned but can't find a command that does this?
  16. Hey guys, Anyone know if there is a way to only allow a single instance of a compiled bot? i.e. prevent multiple instances from being loaded? Thanks
  17. I get this too and it takes 5+ times before it logs in. Didn't have this issue before the upgrade. I've done the %appdata% fix a few times but the problem reoccurs.
  18. Well, i've not used Pascal and Delphi for MANY years and I don't think it's used much nowadays. Best stick to something like C++ or one of the other languages mentioned. The reason I used to love Pascal was it was well structured and such a great flexible language. Another great language which I've dabbled with recently is LUA / Corona SDK for writing games / apps.
  19. Call me old fashioned but I love Pascal / Delphi
  20. Hi Jason, How do we get hold of the BETA? Thanks.
  21. Hey guys, This is just a random post but I just wanted to say to everyone who sometimes gets frustrated with UBot with it's little glitches. IF YOU THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN'T DO IN UBOT! Obviously, we are not talking about writing games here. UBot has allowed me to create a successful product which has made some great money. I am also just about to release my second product which I know will be huge. UBot allowed me to do this in a much quicker time frame than had I coded this in C or some other programming language. Seth and team, thanks for making UBot awesome
  22. No available at the official UBot Store - http://network.ubotstudio.com/store/product/301-nuke-v1-4-full-source-code-commercial-product-mid-5-figure-revenue/
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