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About memyselfmike

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    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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    Developer Edition

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  1. Just out of interest has anyone figured out how to potentially use the communication feature with a remote web server?
  2. I've got it working and am using commercially with great success - kudos to Dan it saved me a days development work!
  3. Hey Pash - sorry to hear your bad news so no rush to answer this. I've had to update all the plugins I own of yours and since I have I am now getting this alert in my compiled bots.. any ideas (tested on a number of systems with different versions of windows etc) screenshot: http://prntscr.com/9mfmjl Thanks Mike
  4. Got a reply from support thanking me for the suggestions and saying they will think about it. Jason - specifically which files / folders need to be included so I can package them up in my installers it may at least in the first instance allow the first run to go smoother. At the moment I notice on some systems the first time it runs and downloads all the ubot stuff it basically looks like nothing is happening for ages as there is no user feedback unless they open task manager (which is something else which could obviously be improved a great deal) I also really love ubot - its allowed me
  5. I just wondered if anyone else had encountered this in their commercial bots and where just as annoyed as me? In one of my compiled bots on first run my customer got an alert as per the image attached to this post. First up I don't really want my customers to know I'm using ubot - we all know its not that hard to pull a bot apart and get the code - and secondly is ubots support really going to help my customers out? Obviously there is also the folders it puts into appdata and the browser crash reference too. As a dev license holder and subscriber to updates I'm not really sure it's right
  6. 2 Things.... on the requirement to run the update in admin I set my app up to run a batch file at the end of the install to add a registry item to make sure windows runs as admin: reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "%YOURAPPLOCATION\Updater.exe" /t REG_SZ /d RUNASADMIN The plugin works a treat tested across around 100 users and all updating fine on many different flavours of windows :-) The other thing is a question for you Dan - do you have any tips for how to have the app periodically check for any updates and then run the command if req
  7. No worries thanks again Dan - I actually think ubot is just getting confused somehow which is half the problem
  8. Another update - the phantom tabs problem came back and is really strange how it happens. It turns out the plugin this conflicts with is Pash's "Advanced uBot" - is anyone else able to recreate this or Dan any further ideas what it might be? Cheers Mike
  9. Ok Ignore me - I rebuilt the file pasting the code in and recompiled and its now working right - no weird tabs in ubot on reload either Have to chalk it up to some microsoft vs ubot weirdness I guess! Once again thanks for the plugin Dan and thanks for responding too :-)
  10. Yes I'm on 5.85 - stranger still if I save and reopen again I get another set of phantom tabs on top of the others. I'll try working through the other plugins I have installed and see if I can isolate how it's occurring
  11. Did you have any thoughts on this Dan? Be happy to pay to get this working as will have to crack on and code it myself if not...
  12. Hey Dan - quick update... I've tried implementing this but its causing some weird behaviour in my bots When I enable the plugin all is fine until I either compile or save and relaunch ubot. At the at point 3 weird empty tabs appear next to the 3 that should be in the project. When I click on the I get an error alert about a script with this name already existing. If I then disable to plugin and reload ubot the phantom tabs are gone. Any ideas - I have various other plugins installed I wondered if could be a conflict??
  13. Nice one Dan - I literally just sat down to code exactly this when I saw this thread... perfect timing :-)
  14. No Not yet :-( Closest I've got is usings aymens http plugin to connect via the api whereby you would be able to upload the image after base64 encoding it Only problem is I can't get the api to work through Oauth2 Frustrating indeed!
  15. Hey guys Just to pick up on this and clarify before I grab this Can it handle stuff like colours / font sizes and weights etc and is there anyway to include images within the pdf outputs in the current verison of this plugin?
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