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Everything posted by ILoveUBot

  1. Hi, I'm running an exbrowser bot on a server with portable firefox. Running one bot is fine. When I run a second instance of the bot, sometimes Firefox will freeze. There is 8GB of RAM, I run ccleaner before and after the bot runs and I've set Firefox to clear cache on exit. Is there a way to clear the firefox cache whilst it is running? I use the cleanup light command so that it doesn't close other instances of FF but I wasn't sure that was enough so that's why I was using ccleaner too. The bot itself is not freezing, only firefox, so I think that's because the cache has reached a p
  2. I'm trying to subtract 2 hours from time/date formatted like: Oct 9, 2017 12:00 AM Sep 20, 2017 7:25 AM I can't get it to work correctly for times between midnight and 2am. I've worked it out thanks to some other helpful tips in the forum: set(#dateTime,"Oct 9, 2017 12:00 AM","Global") set(#subtractHours,$subtractHours(),"Global") alert(#subtractHours) define $subtractHours { comment("Convert to Unix time so we can easily subtract a couple of hours (in seconds).") set(#unixTimeConversion,$plugin function("DateTime Manipulation.dll", "$datetime manipulation", #dateTime, "MMM d
  3. I don't know why it's happening but I've been able to solve it by creating a batch file containing the command: TASKKILL /F /IM firefox.exe /T and then running it from the bot using shell.
  4. Thanks. That's a great video, it explains everything very well. I got the browser launching and logging in without problems, but the browsers will not close. Any idea why that would be? I am running the bot on a server using Firefox Portable version 52.0 32 bit. I've run ccleaner and I've tried both: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Close") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp") and I've tried in both UBot Studio and the compiled bot. The bot runs perfectly and exits, but the browsers remain open.
  5. I'm using the exbrowser plugin with Firefox Portable version. When I login to the site I get a captcha and two-factor authentication. I've authenticated it manually and ticked the box 'Don't ask for codes on this device' but each time it launches a new instance of the browser I have the same problem. Is there a workaround for this? Can I save credentials into Portable Firefox somewhere or something? I can't get my head round how to solve this and I'm hoping it's a simple fix.
  6. If someone else is experiencing this error (when using Ubot + Exbrowser + Chrome and trying to add list to list): Unable to cast object of type 'System.String[]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1[System.String]'. I found updating Google Chrome to the latest version solved it. (In Chrome, Click Settings > About - it will then automatically update and you then need to relaunch the browser)
  7. Thanks, but I don't think this will work. The script imports tweepy and reads from a text file so I don't think I can simply copy it into UBot. At the moment the script works when I double click it or if I run it manually from the cmd line but I want to run it automatically and I thought I could use the Advanced Shell plugin to execute it, but I'm not sure how to write the instructions in the Advanced Shell plugin to make it work successfully. --- Windows Task Scheduler: If I run the script manually from the command line, it works fine, but when I tried to set it up in Windows Task Schedu
  8. I have a python script that I would like to run from UBot. What should I put in the Advanced Shell plugin to make this work? I've tried: set(#path, "\\path to file\", "Global") plugin command("Advanced Shell.dll", "shell batch hidden", "c: cd \"{#path}\" python \"myScript.py\"", "Yes") but this doesn't work.
  9. Thank you Dan, This site https://www.hurl.it/was useful for testing my post request so I was able to check that my parameters were correct. One thing that was wrong was the oauth_nonce. When I used $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http text encoder", "base64 encode", #substring) the base64 encoding does not match the results I get at https://conv.darkbyte.ru/ but when I used $plugin function("StringManagementPlugin.dll", "$SMP EncodeBase64", #substring) it produced the correct base64 encoding that matched the results I get from https://conv.darkbyte.ru/ I also had a couple of errors gene
  10. Hi, I'm trying to connect to the Twitter API using Aymen's HTTP Post plugin. I've created a Developer account and created a new app at https://apps.twitter.com/, which gave me the: Consumer Key Consumer Secret Access Token Access Token Secret define set credentials { set(#postURL, "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/friendships/create.json", "Global") set(#Twit_UN, "username", "Global") set(#Twit_Pass, "password", "Global") set(#secret, "Consumer Secret", "Global") set(#oauth_consumer_key, "Consumer Key", "Global") set(#oauth_signature_method, "HMAC-SHA1", "Global")
  11. This is a really useful tutorial Code Docta. I've been using define commands for a long time, but I've never created define functions. Here is an example of when I use defines and then a lot of set commands within a define. Is there a way to turn these set commands into functions that would be cleaner and more efficient? I'm struggling to get my head round it. setup() personOne() divider define personOne { set(#row,0,"Global") credentials() } define personTwo { set(#row,1,"Global") credentials() } define personThree { set(#row,2,"Global")
  12. 1. Maybe your account creator for Outlook needs some delays put in to slow it down so it doesn't skip any fields. (eg. wait(1)) 2. This is personal and will depend on what you are aiming for. You will also get better at designing your bots with each one you make. If you make lots of similar bots you can work from a template, which will speed up the process. 3. You can buy proxy scraper source code here.
  13. I also had this problem and solved it by reinstalling Xpath Builder pro into a new folder. +1 for a default home page. Xpath Builder Pro is an excellent piece of software, I am relying on it more and more. Thanks!
  14. Is anyone else having a problem with the DeathbyCaptcha API? For a couple of days now I've had: "API connection lost or timed out" and I am unable to check the balance within UBot. I'm using Ubot Studio 5 version 17. I've contacted DBC but not heard anything back so far. I've also checked in other software and it is working perfectly and I can check my balance. Update: I've now tried on a different laptop and everything is working, so it appears to be a problem caused by this particular laptop. Any idea's what it could be that's stopping the connection to the API? Both laptop
  15. If you are looking at it as a long term investment then I'd say go for it, bot building is very addictive and really enjoyable, but there are a number of hurdles to cross and if you've no internet marketing experience and no previous coding experience, then it's going to take you quite a while to get to the point of building and selling bots. If you already have coding experience then you'll pick it up a lot more quickly. I've been using it for years. I love UBot and I create bots daily, but they've mostly been for myself and I haven't ventured into selling software online. I may do one day,
  16. Ahh Thanks Dan! I get it now. It's a few months since I watched the videos. I'll need to watch them again sorry!!!
  17. Thanks Oricoun, I zoned further into the classes and began to make progress... I've now got 'Like Post' working: define Like Post { loop(1) { plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Move Mouse", "x://a[@class=\"UFILikeLink _4x9- _4x9_ _48-k\"]") wait(1) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://div[@class=\"_4sm1\"]") } wait(3) } I've revised the 'FB Comment' code and now it sometimes works but still occasionally throws up the error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. define FB Comment { loop(1) { plugin co
  18. Hi, I'm attempting to select multiple radio buttons (with the same text), using xpath. The html is like this: <input type="radio" class="site-form-field" name="850_4750" id="850_4750_216808" value="#216808"> <label for="850_4750_216808" class="site-form-label inline">Not applicable</label> This command selects the 1st instance of 'Not applicable' but does not select the rest: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://label[contains(text(),\"Not applicable\")]") How should I construct the xpath so that it selects ALL radio buttons marked 'Not applicable'
  19. Hi, I'm using the Exbrowser plugin (latest version Update V1.1.7.7) on UBot 5 v17. I'm botting Facebook in Firefox. Like Page() Like Post() Share with Group() FB Comment()I've managed to automate 'Like Page' and 'Share with Group' but 'Like Post' gets skipped completely (works when I manually run the nodes) and 'FB Comment' throws up an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - Could it be that I've not chosen the right attribute for xpath? (this code also works sometimes when I manually run the nodes) Here's my code that only works when manually running the nodes: d
  20. I haven't found a way to use Image Recognition within the Exbrowser plugin either, but 'click mouse' works because you can specify the browser window name in the wizard. I was trying to automate a game that would only load in exbrowser and I thought the other commands wouldn't work so I was pleasantly surprised when it did. plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "click mouse", "Games Console - Google Chrome", "Chrome_WidgetWin_1", 737, 333, "Left Click")
  21. Hi, Is there a way to use wildcards within xpath? In UBot I would usually choose an element like this: <id=w"input_*_{#pos}"> #pos would always be 0,1 or 2 but with the exbrowser plugin I can't work out how to do it: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://input[contains(@id,\"input_*_{#pos}\")]")
  22. I've just noticed your replies. Thanks a lot. I'll give this a go soon.
  23. Thanks for the detailed captcha tutorial, it's really helpful and I agree your tutorials are the best I've seen.
  24. Is there a way to check if an RSS feed has a new entry and if it does then trigger a bot to run?
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