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About GoWarriorsGo

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    In A Place Beyond Your Imagination

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  1. When I use the screenshot for the click command, I put in an image that can be seen around 6 - 8 times in that particular page. I think the bot automatically chooses the first one it finds (one closest to the top). However, what I want to happen is for it to randomly pick one out of all the present a single one. Can this be done?
  2. Are you guys familiar with article spinning? I'd like to do that with commands. It goes like this: {word1|word2|word3} When the bot sees that, it randomly chooses any of the 3 words. Each word has a 33.3% chance of getting picked. Can this be done for uBot? {command1|command2|command3} If yes, how? Thanks!
  3. Okay, will contact support. Thank you: Steve (mostly for you since you're most active) k1lv9 webpro =)
  4. I don't see any of it in the TOOLS, FEATURES or even in the sidebar. See: http://prntscr.com/247dwm
  5. I don't see the click mouse command on my uBot studio 4. What's the name of it here?
  6. 1. Can I make ubot click on a certain coordinate? SIDE QUESTION: how do determine a site's coordinate based on the window frame of ubot? 2. Can I put several commands in a single spintax so it acts randomly on choosing a command and then moves on to another spintax or another chain of commands?
  7. Tried to experiment with things and got it to work using the SCREENSHOT. This is now the last issue: When it clicks on that image, a listing of different pages will appear. Since the page change up every minute, I can't use the screenshot nor the element in the "click" action command. I am left with these two options: 1. Is there a way for uBOT to click on a particular coordinate (x,y) since the location of where the listing can be found does not move around? 2. The uBOT will scrape for links and if it finds a link appropriate for that section (the only footprint I can find is all the
  8. Thank you for the replies so far... to make it even clearer, it would be like something to this effect: http://prntscr.com/23lt4z That's on the left side of Facebook. The bot would randomly click on any of the options there (if there will be times wherein one option is chosen twice in a row then it's okay). Upon clicking, the bot would now click on any of the results (assuming the results are different pages). This means that depending on the IP/PROXY, the results would be different. There are also live links there which are the profiles of the page creators and the "see more" but I don'
  9. I'm trying to make a bot wherein it can login to an account and make some random activity but on a certain section of the site only (i don't want it clicking on the report, abuse or any other non-beneficial section of the site). I've got the login and proxy change and stuff nailed down. I'm simply not sure what to do in terms of making it randomly click on ANY link on a certain section ONLY. How can I do this? Thank you!
  10. No refund policy? No terms that includes a guarantee that it will work on each business site (Yelp, YP etc)? Promise of support (Skype, email only, etc)?
  11. Any free trial? I've bought 2 software like this before and both died down a few weeks after launching due to no updates and stuff. Plus, they lack many important integrations like proxies, auto checking of proxies etc.
  12. I don't mind going up to Dev as I plan to go up there. Standard is just a way for me to test waters and test if my IQ is up to par with the software haha. What I am trying to do is a software that: 1. Allows me to import sites and then the software will look for a footprint in order to identify if the site is eligible or not. If not, it discards it while only accepting those "postable" sites to the database. 2. The tool now lets me put in content to post on these sites. 3. The tool lets me extract the exact URLs of where the posts are found. 4. The tool will now comment or reply to t
  13. Yes correct. But what do you do to compile them into ONE complete software that can do all these tasks? BTW: nice to see you on here. I remember you in BHW
  14. I know uBot can automate stuff but usually it's a list of commands that can do a certain task repetitively. So how do people create a bot/software that has multiple tasks? WARNING: Sorry for the noobish question. Is it a list of commands/codes being put in EVERY feature? Like the site finder has a different code, submitter has a different one as well. So with uBot, you create a chain of commands for EACH feature, design the bot well then compile everything so you have a working, easy-to-use bot. Correct?
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