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Everything posted by scrapelicious

  1. Thanks for the replies, @bestmacros can you paste it in here and share the url? https://justpaste.it/ I cannot recreate it, at least it does not scrape something.. What does it do, what is the goal of your code? To create a list and use the up vote from it?
  2. Many thanks for your reply, but my question is not yet answered. Can you give me an example with some uBot code? Also, I cannot find an up vote link when doing upvotes, I don't see that on Reddit or PH, it seems like it always is a piece Java Code.
  3. Hi Guys, I created a small Upvote bot but It's not fully automated yet and I need some help. It is for an adult project of mine on Pornhub. I want the bot to search for a username below a video and upvote its comment. I noticed that when I select the upvote button of a comment from a specific person it gives it an ID and it works to actually upvote via ubot. But, how can I scrape the web page for a specific username and upvote its comment automatically? I don't know if it's a problem to link to NSFW content so I'd rather not do it. We also must be able to use Reddit as an example: https:/
  4. I have the same issue.. What is the solution? I'm trying to scrape content from a page, this worked for 47 pages long, then on page 48 it gave sudden problems.. Really hope someone knows how to solve this!
  5. Update Yes, yes, yesssssss I finally resolved it, thanks for this great plugin pash! Issue was that the BOT did not click on submit, the code must be changed to this: click(<name="SUBMIT">,"Left Click","No")
  6. Hi There, I'm using V3.2.6.6 (BETA) now, but still, nothing happens.. Using the top row of code for solving recaptcha.. On Debugger I just see %_rawcaptcha with on 0 & 1 line numbers and a bigg line of numbers and letters.. Hope you can help me out here, you'll be the best Am I using the wrong code maybe for this? I want to solve the Google Recaptcha's where you need to click until no images are left or clicking on a couple of squares to create a sign of some sort. When I'm opening "Sample reCAPTCHA" I get a "UnknownCommand" at these lines plugin command("Advanced Image.dll",
  7. Hi @Pash, can you help me out? I want to solve the Google Recaptcha's where you need to click until no images are left or clicking on a couple of squares to create a sign of some sort. Which captcha do I need for this? Added to that question, is there also an "if then" statement for activating the resolvement of the recaptcha? Because I don't get the recaptcha on all pages. I'm using this now but it does not work, nothing happens: set(#_apiKey,"APIKEYNAME","Global") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#GoogleKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-
  8. That's a great answer, many thanks! Will look into this today
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm still a big noob with Ubot but I'm trying to make it work the best as I can. I took most uBot tutorials but was not able to find how to resolve the next, can someone help me or guide me to a video/guide that shows me how I can do it? Case: I want the bot to check the number of views a channel admin has, then if the number of views, for instance, are below 100.000 I want to send them a message. If the number is above 100k it needs to go to the next list item. The message part I figured out, but not how to create a way to see the views properly and do a sort
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