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Everything posted by Ataya

  1. +1! this is very cool, waiting to check this out
  2. I was just looking for this. You can easily make money out of your free contributions on this forum TJ, so thank you for sharing this for free.
  3. Sorry about that TJ we got carried away, but we didn't mean to be negative. Many of us don't like PayPal which is understandable but everybody is happy that it is not going to be the only gateway which makes the security software more flexible and adds to its awesomeness. I think everybody who participated here is eager to get the security software
  4. You could have said that my statement is wrong or inaccurate instead of "rubbish", that would have not been offensive. If you did not mean to offend me then there is no harm done Back to the topic of this thread, I think it would be great to have paypal as a gateway in this software, and any other future gateways would even be better.
  5. I understand where are you coming from Anonym, I have had my paypal account frozen quite a few times actually, one time they limited my account for BUYING too much, and one time they limited it for receiving more money than usual, and there are a few times where they limited my account for no reason that I could understand, however everytime my paypal account got limited they gave me steps that I need to follow to get my paypal account back to normal. My statement is not rubbish, it is based on my personal opinion and experience with paypal. Projecting your anger at paypal on me is not goin
  6. Paypal is the most commonly used gateway so it's logical to implement it first. Paypal isn't that bad when you follow their rules however they can be a major pain in the ass if they want to, but anyway I'd be happy to have paypal implemented first.
  7. Did you check protect66? It's a licensing system for ubot that is pretty good at doing the job, here's a link to it on the forum: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3872-protect-your-compiled-bots-with-protect66/ Also TJ is doing a protection system that should be cheaper than protect66 but it's not released yet, here's the link: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6690-securing-your-compiled-bots-need-everyones-feedback/ If money is not a big issue I think it will be easier if you buy a licensing system instead of making one yourself because it will probably be more s
  8. This is looking great! It's different from the firt preview video which seemed like it was going to be a web-based application but this seems better anyway It seems like it's well worth the wait.
  9. Thanks for the great share. I haven't used v3.5 in a while but this will help me create something similar in v4.
  10. John's support is faster than my internet connection! I've just spoken to john on skype and problem is solved within a few seconds great product + great support = I'm buying every single thing John and TJ release lol
  11. Downlaoding and installing skype again, I never used it much I will add you in a few minutes
  12. I have just updated the Code Generator but I can't find an email with my license key. I have the receit of purchase and the paypal transaction ID to verify my purchase in case it is needed because I know many people would just leech this app if they can. Can you please help me out TJ/John? I really love this software, it is truly something every ubotter should have!
  13. Thanks beatngu. I never used spinnerchief before but I knew about it long ago. This is a good chance for me to test it
  14. I'm glad you like the bot bedguy. You are right it only scrapes amazon.com not amazon.co.uk, I am planning to add amazon.co.uk but I am not sure when I will be able to do this as I am working on several projects at the same time and I want to add a few more features before I start to add localalized search engines. Please subscribe to the mailing list for this software so that when I update this bot you will receive the update for free. meanwhile if you have any further suggestions please don't hesitate to share them, I want to make this tool as productive as possible so I'd love to hear
  15. Here's how to use proxies: 1- Tick the Use Proxies checkbox 2- Browse to the .txt file that includes your proxy or proxy list How to make your proxy list: 1- open notepad 2- Type your proxies. One proxy on each line using this format --> ip:port 3- save file
  16. I just update the bot to include proxy support. Future updates: -Scrape suggestions for ebay.com -Multiple keyword research instead of 1 keyword at a time
  17. Oh I've already put your hotmail creator script to good use lol. I'll also take a look at how you implemented proxies and work something similar for my bot. Thanks a lot for the help.
  18. Thanks a2mateit, I'll try to have the proxy support done by next week. I haven't faced a temporary ban on any search engine yet because the bot doesn't access the search engine directly, but having proxies would be safer. I will also add multiple keywords in future updates. Thanks for your suggestions, let me know how it goes when you get a chance to test my bot
  19. If you are using Keyword + ABC or ABC + Keyword you should give the bot about 4 minutes to finish scraping depending on your internet speed. once the bot is finishes scraping the output file will be generated. make sure you specify where you want the output file to be saved, I actually forget this last step sometimes and end up with no output file. Let me know if that works. Lol yes I put the progress circle to make it look more pro and hide how the process actually works. I want to switch it to a progress bar so that users can know how long it will take for the bot to finish scraping.
  20. You're right, however taking things 1 step at a time instead of trying to think of everything all at once can make things simpler. Did you get a chance of trying my bot Anonym, I would very much like to hear what you have o say about it.
  21. I can't give the ubot code because I am planning to sell this as a part of a project that I am working on. However it is really a simple bot. I suggest you start coding something and when you get stuck ask for help on this forum and you will get a solution almost instantly (trust me I have been stuck a lt before and I got help really fast). If you are planning to code a similar bot I will gladly help you get started I would also really appreciate your opinion about this bot and any suggestions to improve it.
  22. Keyword Suggestion Scraper V1.1 <-- UPDATED! http://seo-packages.info/images/screenshot.JPG Description: Keyword Suggestion Scraper will get you the most common keywords that are relevant to your niche from multiple search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon and Youtube. This tool is very useful to: Get good relevant keywords from top search engines (Google.com, Bing.com & Yahoo.com) Get relevant keywords to sell affiliate products from Amazon.com Get good keywords from Youtube.com that you can use in video marketing What does this bot do exactly? This bot will scrape the
  23. thanks for the great share. this should come in handy
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