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Everything posted by uboter2

  1. Does this plug-in connect to a random IP, or you can chose the IP from HMA list of available IPs?
  2. Hello - "Send email" command doesn't work for me: set(#server, "smtp.gmail.com", "Global") set(#port, 465, "Global") ... ui button("connect and send") { connect to mail server("SMTP With SSL", #email_from, #psw, #server, #port) { wait(5) send email(#email_to, "test01", "Plain Text", "test01", "", #email_from, "") } } Any ideas what the problem could be please? BTW, I was able to connect to the mail server and to get e-mails into a table: set(#server, "pop.gmail.com", "Global") set(#port, 995, "Global") connect to mail server("POP3 With SSL", #email_from, #psw
  3. Hi everybody - is there any way to deal with "API connection failed error"? I am getting this pop up when script is waiting for captcha being resolved. Q1 - how (if possible)can you click on "continue" of this pop up? Q2 - can we check if API connection is up, so I will loop until the connection is restored without getting this pop up alert in question? Thanks in advance to all who responded http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/4e213de76ee8ec89bd565d50927cde29a78bb4af364152ddac6bac39f71c66ed6g.jpg
  4. Is there any way to find a file on computer searching by name, size, creation date, or content? Thanks.
  5. LoWrIdErTJ and JohnB - It works fine now. The thing is, that a variable can be used in the "element to click" area only within angle brackets to keep the pattern: <Attribute="{#MyVariable}">. Attribute could be value, name, innertext etc. Thank you for your help.
  6. I drug a variable. What I see is everything except patern <=""> will be denied.
  7. Is it possible to use a variable as "an element to click" in click command? I am getting "Invalid parameter" message - pls see attached ==================================== sorry, for some reason, I can't post now, so I'm editing my original post: My question is, when I choose a node "click" on radio button, I drag a variable to the "element to click" text box. When I click OK, I am getting this msg: "Invalid parameter". So, the error occurs on compilation level, not on execution. Bug? I attached more simple print screen without "set" command.
  8. Hi - Are we talking about executable or the script (code) delivered to the buyer? Thanks
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