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About Ubotx

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    Not Telling

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    Windows 7
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    < 1Gb
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    Standard Edition

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  1. Hello, I have a problem using the Ubot studio 5.x Thread spawn feature. I have a txt file with different accounts eg: account1@account.com:hiiiiiiiiiiii account2@account.com:123456 So the problem i'm having is that i want the program to use different accounts in a new browser. unfortunately ubot is using the same account each time Here is my code: I want to use the next account on ubot studio. Each account have to be different in new browser. for example: Browser 1: account1@account.com:hiiiiiiiiiiii Browser 2: account2@account.com:123456 ui open file("Accounts",#accoun
  2. Hi, i fixed the issue by using the newest version
  3. Hi, i tried adding wait time but i still got the same error: http://image.prntscr.com/image/82b90878e16c4596bdc90d8ba4276a57.png
  4. Hi guys, I have a problem when using the set user agent function in a loop. Every time i try to use a random user agent from a list it crashes the browser. Is there anyways to fix it? add list to list(%useragent, $list from file("C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\useragents.txt"), "Delete", "Global") loop(10) { set user agent($random list item(%useragent)) in new browser { navigate("http://www.whatsmyua.com/", "Wait") } }
  5. Hi, do you have an example for integrating your licensing tool to a program created using visual basic? Thanks.
  6. Hi, i want to load multiple accounts from the text file. not just one :/ The user need to have a button where they can load accounts from a text file and test those accounts.
  7. Hello guys, I have a text file with list of email:password eg: admin1@admin.com:password1 admin2@admin.com:password2 admin3@admin.com:password3 admin4@admin.com:password4 I was just wondering how do i load this file to the ubot and test each account on a website.? EG: I want to go to this website " https://ubotstudio.com/site/playground-simple-form/ " and then enter EMAIL to the "username field" and the password to the " password field " and click submit for each email:password from the text file. if the login is incorrect try the next login info. Thanks!
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