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Everything posted by veeco

  1. if one already installed on 2 computer, how to move the license into new computer ? Thanks
  2. Let me know if there's any... i'm in
  3. hello all, i'm want to build url scrapper for specific purpose. Can ubot hide the footprint i use to query in google ? Thanks
  4. Hello, i'm trying to scrape data that comes from a site: hxxp://www.idx.co.id on the right sidebar, i could click on stock, and choose the dropdown ("Top Gainer, Top Loser, Most Active, ETC"). The problem is the data rendered with AJAX (it triggered with onChange). so i could change the dropdown in ubot with "Change chosen attribute", but that doesn't triggered the AJAX.. any idea on how to solve this problem ?
  5. have you seen the keyword bot : http://www.ubotstudio.com/download-bot.aspx?download=keyword+bot&a=729 if you run it.. the process can't be seen... how he did that ?
  6. Yes that the possible things to do... is there any alternatives ? because by "choose by attribute", the source is display in very small window.. its bit unconvinience
  7. Hello Guys, i realized that ubot handle the source code different than the browser.. i see it stripped out double quotes... turns <br/> to <BR>..etc so i wonder if i could see the source of a page in ubot perspective, so i could scrape the page with regex efficiently
  8. Sometimes it just like puzzle... i found out "find regular expression" command is a killer feature to scrape.. too bad it's a Pro Version... hopefully UBOT team include this command in Standard Version as its really a core requirement to scrape
  9. Hello Guys, is it possible to set a variable from a javascript command.. for example i would like to query in google list of godaddy's coupon within this month... so i prefer to search: "godaddy coupon may 2011".. if i could set "May" and "2011" from javascript it would be better.. so far my solution is to upload botparam.php in my server which is consist the variable/constant that needed by my bot. Thanks.. PS: These two days has been a great days with ubot.. i learn a lot, i promise will give something back to the community..
  10. Hello, i would like to know if "Contains" Qualifier can be set for multiple keywords ? for example: if List %url on Position 0 contains "youtube","google","yahoo"... then... else... can i use regex or spin syntax format ? because so far i'm using multiple "IF" Command which is too timeconsuming
  11. @zap.. i got your ideas... nice.. but there's little problem that some IP has unknown country so the page scrape for country will have less list..
  12. Hello, i want to know if i could hide the running process in background, or at least display an image to cover the running process.. so the REAL Process would be invisible in user perspective.. is it possible ?
  13. Does your computer based on ie8 or ie9? Probably due ie incompatibility? Wish ubot can scrape with other user agent..
  14. @Eddie Waller , i try to find your constant "Find Regular Expression" is it available in Standard Edition ? if not, can i accomplish the same thing with standard version ?
  15. forgot to attach the bot IP_Regex.ubot
  16. Here's the sample ubot i made... i might missing something
  17. @BotBuddy, Thanks for your suggestion... but i think having regex skill will complement the way we made robot.. unfortunately, there are no regex standard.. for example: i build a page to check ip , let say it return: (no html, just a plain text) then i choose the atributte->outertext->SearchString: ([0-9]{2,3}\.){2} i was hope to get: 118.138. (i test the pattern in regexbuddy) but unfortunately it return i test with the pattern that you suggest from previous bot: ^\b(??:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){2}\b it did work in regexbuddy.. b
  18. Yes i have done it... but any idea to load the loaded value to UI Elements ?
  19. Hello Guys I got a quick question... i'm building a web start up bot (install WP, email, setting WP, etc)... since i use a lot of UI Elements, i wonder if i can save and load the setting(and fill the ui element). Currently i use "add to list" and "save to file", and then load file and set to variable when an "ui open file" filled... but i can't find the way to fill ui element with default value.. any idea ?
  20. What do you mean about "favourite" ? i create about that had more than 100 nodes.. time to drag 'n drop it one by one then... hopefully there's alternative solution in UBOT 4
  21. Hello, i'm working on bot that had lots of nodes, now i'm trying to optimize the nodes and make a lot of sub. Now managing nodes is bit difficult since it use drag 'n drop... may i know if there's method to copy multiple nodes and paste it on the sub ? Thanks.
  22. Another same scenario i face... this is the url of page to scrape: http://www.ip-adress.com/proxy_list/?k=time&d=desc If i scrape with pattern "Elite" , the IP from the link (which is also selected. if i use the pattern [^:]Elite, i get the the list of keywords i targeted but only it consist of ">Elite" Basically i would like to scrape the proxy's IP, type, and country... I hope there's solution for Standard Edition, i saw the tutorial when it use the Professional use choose ancestor from a cell... someday i might get the Pro Edition.. but now i must limit
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