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Everything posted by skanck

  1. i uninstalled 4 & 5, re-installed both, updated java, net 4.5: still not working.. weird to test it yourself copy pasta the above eval code into a bot, works great, yes add some other code like open a file as a table (I use the large data plugin-which is excellent btw thank you), set a variable from this large table and use this variable in the eval and see if it does not work for you too TL;DR: it's fixed: using a navigate FIRST before the eval calculation is done, but does it qualify as a bug? anyway, please close this thread thanks
  2. this is from the ubot_log 2016-08-09 11:21:58: Executing javascript failed: try { if(typeof uscript !== 'undefined') { ubot.storeResult(uscript.stringify(eval("var worknum = 8367/120;\nworknumrnd = Math.ceil(worknum);\nworknumrnd"))); } else { ubot.storeResult("uscript_error"); } } catch(e) { ubot.log('UBot Error: ' + e.message + '(' + e.lineNumber + ')'); ubot.storeResult("uscript_error"); } and brower_log 2016-08-09 03:36:32 (13672): Browser Core Started 2016-08-09 03:36:32 (13672): Starting up... 2016-08-09 03:36:32 (13672): Configuring WebCore 2016-08-09 03:36:32 (13672): Initializing WebC
  3. this works if it is the only code in the bot set(#num1, 50, "Global") set(#perpage, 20, "Global") set(#loopit, $eval("var worknum = {#num1}/{#perpage}; worknumrnd = Math.floor(worknum); worknumrnd"), "Global") but if it is not the only code in the bot and when run it opens the about:blank page in the bot window but does not change the variable. anyone know what's happening? thanks
  4. The given key was not present in the dictionary was working great one minute an hour later get this error only thing that changed in this time was java updated? using u4.2.20 ideas would be cool, thanks oh and thank you for this plugin it has made ubot worth using .......edit fixed oopsy it was the nut on the mouse that messed it up :| rowCount was not incremented and hence could not load the row from the largeTable .......
  5. Hey John i have a csv file with 15 scraped urls in it all the urls are mostly the same except a folder on the domain for example: http://ubotstudio.com/tutorials/blahblah.html,http://ubotstudio.com/tutorials/adifferentblah.html,http://ubotstudio.com/tutorials/otherblah.html,and so on I want to search through it and find a specific url and determine its position in the file (ie column number) then return the column number as a variable to use elsewhere in the bot i have tried $contains to search the variable (the url is set as a variable) and cannot get it to work :| probably easy pe
  6. Hey beepbeep, great nick btw absolutely buy it. when i started with ubot i was seriously less than clueless, now 4 months on, i will never buy another piece of seo/web automation software again, i make them myself with ubot, simple as that. however, be prepared for 2 months of grief getting your head around the way ubot works don't use v3 first jump straight into the deepend with v4 buy the pro version and you can copy and paste code, priceless. and get a good notepad software like notepad++ (free) good luck
  7. haha utter bollocks it's not complicated just i am useless at explaining stuff and yea coming back and re-reading this i also dont understand what i mean i want to have html stored in a csv file in the csv file store the variable names {#name},{#posts}, {#location} within html like for example the html stored in the csv file would be: {#name} from <a title="{#name} made {#posts}" href="http://mysite.com/{#location}/{#name}/">{#location}</a> made {#posts} in {#month} but when i call that $table cell into the script only #name #location #posts appears like this: #name
  8. any help appreciated, thanks I want to store a variable name to use in a script [(#name) for example] in a csv file and pass a script generated value to it, like so csv file has: row0:John,<br />"is related to {#name}",{#posts},{#location} row1:Jane,<br />"is following {#name}",{#posts},{#location} etc... in the script: set(#name, "Jimmy", "Global") then use the &table cell as a variable in the script, does this make sense? however, when I call it in the script they just show as #name, #posts and #location and don't inherit the values in
  9. the node turning to red at the problem point, when there is an error/problem within the code, great!
  10. spin text loop(5) { set(#googsearch, $spin("\{Make money|Create income|Become rich|3 dogs and a fish|a bowl of porridge oats|wet Wednesday|Millionaires online\}"), "Global") navigate("google.com", "Wait") type text(<name="q">, #googsearch, "Standard") wait(3) }
  11. please keep reporting bugs, until then it won't improve get bug reporting (Bob, Praney, Kreatus, UBotBuddy, team74, lowno, zap,Eddie, Seth & Lily T.....) there's only 30 days before me freebie updates run out the end of the earth loop while { (#stamping feet, "!=", "off") i want i want i want } ubot bug-free and at full tilt botownagedom
  12. try this loop($table total rows(&yourtable)) { navigate("$table cell(&yourtable, #rownumbervariable, 0)", "Wait") increment(#rownumbervariable) }
  13. loop through a table, at column position #0, for the total number of rows in the table and increment 1 row at a time loop($table total rows(&yourtable)) { navigate("$table cell(&yourtable, #rownumbervariable, 0)", "Wait") increment(#rownumbervariable) } ui checkbox ui check box("go to google", #go to google) if(#go to google) { then { navigate("google.com", "Wait") } else { navigate("yahoo.com", "Wait") } }
  14. page scrape specified content separated with pipe dl navigate("http://theurlyouwant.com/page.html", "Wait") wait for element(<id="something">, "", "Appear") save to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}/pagescraped.txt", "{$url}|{$meta description}|{$title}")
  15. thread command thread { in new browser { navigate("http://google.com", "Wait") wait(10) } } thread { in new browser { navigate("http://bing.com", "Wait") wait(10) } } thread { in new browser { navigate("http://yahoo.com", "Wait") wait(10) } }
  16. click(<value=w"{#variable}">, "Left Click", "No") --- wildcard if exists if $exists(<innertext=w"Article">) ----- download files Start the download, and then use the "$get files" function to check whether the file exists in your download directory --- multiple threads: ui drop down("Threads", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", #threads) loop(#threads) { thread { in new browser { navigate("http://www.bing.com", "Wait") } } wait(2) } ---
  17. if($both($not($contains(#variable, "some text"), ($both($not($contains(#variable, "some other text"))))) } then { do something ---- if($comparison(#variable, "!=", $nothing)) { then { do something ---- loop while($not($search page("whatever"))) { wait(1) } ---
  18. bump looking for the same answer here, I think i have loop($table total rows(&thetable)) { navigate("{$table cell(&thetable, #rowcounter, 0)}.html", "Wait") wait(2) increment(#rowcounter) but loops on past the $table total rows number
  19. wow fast reply, faster than shit off a shovel thanks TJ
  20. answer:by TJ navigate("{$table cell(&urls, 0, 0)}/addtext.php", "Wait") original question: Hi saw a video Eddie did where he added a line of text after a URL loaded from a file/table like so navigate($table cell(&urls, 0, 0), "Wait") and he added some code after like NODE VIEW ,"/index.php" for example <-- sth like this but can't find the video any ideas what I am on about?
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