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Everything posted by Emanu2000

  1. Hi Dan, everything is confusing, I need to update clients urgently, but I have the following problem ... I was forced to upgrade EXB 1.3.8 to 1.4 today the 28th, I received my license key by email, I used the command " Set License as you instructed, however when loading the portable chrome, it opens and closes the browser twice, and keeps the chromedriver245.exe processes open .... in the email you say to use chrome 71.x but here in the forum I saw you saying to use 79.x ... when in doubt I tried with both, but the behavior is the same above please help me, i'm with customers pressing for upda
  2. Sorry Carl, but not work for me.....I solved the bug by creating all the modals again, copying the same component IDs from them so as not to break my code in ustrap, so they got back on top of the other components, but it gave me a lot of unnecessary work
  3. I'm having a serious problem with modals, I do not know why sometimes my modals start to appear behind the elements of the component view, even though I put them "bring foward" they are not left behind. Anyone have any clues to fix this? I have noticed this since ustrap version 2.2.4
  4. Wonderful Carl! thanks for running the idea of the component datepicker! ... I also really enjoyed the tour function ... ustrap getting better every day!
  5. Hi Carl, is there any way to adapt this: ( https://codepen.io/Yuping/pen/xqrjE), using custom html, js and css in ustrap ??? ... I really need a datepicker component, I think many need it actually
  6. Hello Carl, is it possible to embed a js datepicker using the custom html component? ... is the tip for you to incorporate this component, it is very useful for various situations
  7. Hello Carl, I made the last update 2.1.6 (although it was not announced) ... let's go to the results The "display component" command returned to normal operation Memory leak due to "Dynamic select" still persists A new problem appeared, I believe that because you are repairing the select component, it is now no longer dynamically updating the values of the variable list, besides the pre-select is also not working ... see the video below:
  8. This happens because since version 2.0.9 you can trigger a define when loading the UI html made in ustrap "" UI Loaded Define "option to Import / Export settings, here you can set a run to when the UI has finished loading." probably your UI is calling a define that does not exist in your .ubot code you just leave the field "UI loaded Event Define ():" blank this error will not appear
  9. Hi Carl, I'm sorry I only bring problems ... but I'm at full steam on a project and I can not stop now, what I found today is that the "display component" command of the Ustrap plugin stopped working after the last Ustrap update (2.1.5) ... without it my project is stopped. If you have how to send me the 2.1.0 and 2.1.3 versions in the meantime, I will thank you very much!
  10. Also I am using a plugin that does the purge in memory every 10 seconds, it seems to me to work better with bots that have memory leak by scraping, with many sequential loops. In this case, bot leaks the memory simply stopped, just containing the ustrap interface in the Ui html panel, and containing the select component with the active dynamic attribute, and the more components there are, the faster the leak.
  11. Hi Carl, can you tell me how you did the tests, was it just in Ubot X or in 5.9 or both? ... because here for me is still occurring memory leak in the same way, at the same speed .... I use ubot 5.9.55 Tell me how you did your test? How long did it leave open? because in the beginning it tries to stabilize, it makes some returns in RAM, but then it starts to jump
  12. Carl, you're a genius! thanks! ... is a tip for those who do not want to use an external URL, you can convert your image to base64 and insert directly into the variable as Carl suggested, it works perfectly!
  13. Hi Carl, would it be possible in ustrap to load an image dynamically? the SRC attribute can receive a variable of some form ?, with that we could change the image at execution time in the bot ... that would be fantastic!
  14. The export of the Ustrap files really got much faster, great work ... just not loading my theme, I pointed to my .bot file as usual, but it seems to load the default theme when I import the UI code html panel .... something changed about it Carl?
  15. Hi fellows, is there a way to dynamically load images inside the UI html panel via a variable? example static = <img src = "john_profile.png" alt = "my image"> dynamic = <img src = "#profile_variable" alt = "my image">
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